blob: ddc10a5789078e89b1e67a9230875c5f7fed8f66 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file IxEthDB_p.h
* @brief Private MAC learning API
* @par
* IXP400 SW Release version 2.0
* -- Copyright Notice --
* @par
* Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* @par
* -- End of Copyright Notice --
#ifndef IxEthDB_p_H
#define IxEthDB_p_H
#include <IxTypes.h>
#include <IxOsal.h>
#include <IxEthDB.h>
#include <IxNpeMh.h>
#include <IxEthDBPortDefs.h>
#include "IxEthDBMessages_p.h"
#include "IxEthDBLog_p.h"
/* when running unit tests intLock() won't protect the event queue so we lock it manually */
#define TEST_FIXTURE_LOCK_EVENT_QUEUE { ixOsalMutexLock(&eventQueueLock, IX_OSAL_WAIT_FOREVER); }
#define TEST_FIXTURE_UNLOCK_EVENT_QUEUE { ixOsalMutexUnlock(&eventQueueLock); }
#define TEST_FIXTURE_LOCK_EVENT_QUEUE /* nothing */
#endif /* #if(CPU==SIMSPARCSOLARIS) */
#ifndef IX_UNIT_TEST
extern int dbAccessCounter;
extern int overflowEvent;
#define TEST_FIXTURE_MARK_OVERFLOW_EVENT { overflowEvent = 1; }
/* code readability markers */
#define __mempool__ /* memory pool marker */
#define __lock__ /* hash write locking marker */
#define __smartpointer__ /* smart pointer marker - warning: use only clone() when duplicating! */
#define __alignment__ /* marker for data used only as alignment zones */
/* constants */
#define IX_ETH_DB_NPE_TIMEOUT (100) /* NPE response timeout, in ms */
* number of hash table buckets
* it should be at least 8x the predicted number of entries for performance
* each bucket needs 8 bytes
#define NUM_BUCKETS (8192)
* number of hash table buckets to preload when incrementing bucket iterator
* = two cache lines
#define IX_ETHDB_BUCKET_INDEX_MASK (((IX_OSAL_CACHE_LINE_SIZE)/sizeof(void *)) - 1)
/* locks */
#define MAX_LOCKS (20) /**< maximum number of locks used simultaneously, do not tamper with */
/* learning tree constants */
#define INITIAL_ELT_SIZE (8) /**< initial byte size of tree (empty unused root size) */
#define MAX_ELT_SIZE (512) /**< maximum number of entries (includes unused root) */
#define MAX_GW_SIZE (32) /**< maximum number of gateway entries (including unused root) */
#define MAX_FW_SIZE (32) /**< maximum number of firewall entries (including unused root) */
#define ELT_ENTRY_SIZE (8) /**< entry size, in bytes */
#define ELT_ROOT_OFFSET (ELT_ENTRY_SIZE) /**< tree root offset, in bytes - node preceeding root is unused */
#define FULL_ELT_BYTE_SIZE (MAX_ELT_SIZE * ELT_ENTRY_SIZE) /**< full size of tree, in bytes, including unused root */
#define FULL_GW_BYTE_SIZE (MAX_GW_SIZE * ELT_ENTRY_SIZE) /**< full size of gateway list, in bytes, including unused root */
#define FULL_FW_BYTE_SIZE (MAX_FW_SIZE * ELT_ENTRY_SIZE) /**< full size of firewall table, in bytes, including unused root */
/* maximum size of the VLAN table:
* 4096 bits (one per VLAN)
* 8 bits in one byte
* interleaved VLAN membership and VLAN TTI (*2) */
#define FULL_VLAN_BYTE_SIZE (4096 / 8 * 2)
/* upper 9 bits used as set index, lower 3 bits as byte index */
#define VLAN_SET_OFFSET(vlanID) ((vlanID) >> 3)
#define VLAN_SET_MASK(vlanID) (0x7 - ((vlanID) & 0x7))
/* Update zone definitions */
#define NPE_TREE_MEM_SIZE (4096) /* ((511 entries + 1 unused root) * 8 bytes/entry) */
/* check the above value, we rely on 4k */
#if NPE_TREE_MEM_SIZE != 4096
#error NPE_TREE_MEM_SIZE is not defined to 4096 bytes!
/* Size Filtering limits (Jumbo frame filtering) */
#define IX_ETHDB_MAX_FRAME_SIZE 65535 /* other ports than NPE ports */
#define IX_ETHDB_MIN_FRAME_SIZE 1 /* other ports than NPE ports */
#define IX_ETHDB_MAX_NPE_FRAME_SIZE 16320 /* NPE ports firmware limit */
#define IX_ETHDB_MIN_NPE_FRAME_SIZE 1 /* NPE ports firmware limit */
/* memory management pool sizes */
* Note:
* NODE_POOL_SIZE controls the maximum number of elements in the database at any one time.
* It should be large enough to cover all the search trees of all the ports simultaneously.
* MAC_POOL_SIZE should be higher than NODE_POOL_SIZE by at least the total number of MAC addresses
* possible to be held at any time in all the ports.
* TREE_POOL_SIZE should follow the same guideline as for MAC_POOL_SIZE.
* The database structure described here (2000/4000/4000) is enough for two NPEs holding at most 511
* entries each plus one PCI NIC holding at most 900 entries.
#define NODE_POOL_SIZE (2000) /**< number of HashNode objects - also master number of elements in the database; each entry has 16 bytes */
#define MAC_POOL_SIZE (4000) /**< number of MacDescriptor objects; each entry has 28 bytes */
#define TREE_POOL_SIZE (4000) /**< number of MacTreeNode objects; each entry has 16 bytes */
/* retry policies */
#define BUSY_RETRY_ENABLED (true) /**< if set to true the API will retry automatically calls returning BUSY */
#define FOREVER_RETRY (true) /**< if set to true the API will retry forever BUSY calls */
#define MAX_RETRIES (400) /**< upper retry limit - used only when FOREVER_RETRY is false */
#define BUSY_RETRY_YIELD (5) /**< ticks to yield for every failed retry */
/* event management */
#define EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE (500) /**< size of the sink collecting events from the Message Handler FIFO */
#define EVENT_PROCESSING_LIMIT (100) /**< batch processing control size (how many events are extracted from the queue at once) */
/* MAC descriptors */
#define STATIC_ENTRY (true)
#define DYNAMIC_ENTRY (false)
/* age reset on next maintenance - incrementing by 1 will reset to 0 */
/* dependency maps */
/* trees */
#define RIGHT (1)
#define LEFT (-1)
/* macros */
{ \
if ((portID) >= IX_ETH_DB_NUMBER_OF_PORTS) \
{ \
} \
{ \
if ((portID) >= IX_ETH_DB_NUMBER_OF_PORTS) \
{ \
} \
else \
{ \
if (!ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].initialized) \
{ \
} \
} \
/* single NPE check */
if (ixEthDBSingleEthNpeCheck(portID) != IX_ETH_DB_SUCCESS) \
{ \
WARNING_LOG("EthDB: port ID %d is unavailable\n",(UINT32) portID); \
/* feature check */
#define IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_FEATURE(portID, feature) \
if ((ixEthDBPortInfo[portID].featureStatus & feature) == 0) \
{ \
/* busy retrying */
#define BUSY_RETRY(functionCall) \
{ \
UINT32 retries = 0; \
IxEthDBStatus br_result; \
while ((br_result = functionCall) == IX_ETH_DB_BUSY \
if ((!FOREVER_RETRY && retries == MAX_RETRIES) || (br_result == IX_ETH_DB_FAIL)) \
ERROR_LOG("Ethernet Learning Database Error: BUSY_RETRY failed at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
#define BUSY_RETRY_WITH_RESULT(functionCall, brwr_result) \
{ \
UINT32 retries = 0; \
while ((brwr_result = functionCall) == IX_ETH_DB_BUSY \
if ((!FOREVER_RETRY && retries == MAX_RETRIES) || (brwr_result == IX_ETH_DB_FAIL)) \
ERROR_LOG("Ethernet Learning Database Error: BUSY_RETRY_WITH_RESULT failed at %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
/* iterators */
#define IS_ITERATOR_VALID(iteratorPtr) ((iteratorPtr)->node != NULL)
/* dependency port maps */
/* Warning: if port indexing starts from 1 replace (portID) with (portID - 1) in DEPENDENCY_MAP (and make sure IX_ETH_DB_NUMBER_OF_PORTS is big enough) */
/* gives an empty dependency map */
#define SET_EMPTY_DEPENDENCY_MAP(map) { int i = 0; for (; i < 32 ; i++) map[i] = 0; }
#define IS_EMPTY_DEPENDENCY_MAP(result, map) { int i = 0 ; result = true; for (; i < 32 ; i++) if (map[i] != 0) { result = false; break; }}
* gives a map consisting only of 'portID'
#define SET_DEPENDENCY_MAP(map, portID) {SET_EMPTY_DEPENDENCY_MAP(map); map[portID >> 3] = 1 << (portID & 0x7);}
* gives a map resulting from joining map1 and map2
#define JOIN_MAPS(map, map1, map2) { int i = 0; for (; i < 32 ; i++) map[i] = map1[i] | map2[i]; }
* gives the map resulting from joining portID and map
#define JOIN_PORT_TO_MAP(map, portID) { map[portID >> 3] |= 1 << (portID & 0x7); }
* gives the map resulting from excluding portID from map
#define EXCLUDE_PORT_FROM_MAP(map, portID) { map[portID >> 3] &= ~(1 << (portID & 0x7); }
* returns true if map1 is a subset of map2 and false otherwise
#define IS_MAP_SUBSET(result, map1, map2) { int i = 0; result = true; for (; i < 32 ; i++) if ((map1[i] | map2[i]) != map2[i]) result = false; }
* returns true is portID is part of map and false otherwise
#define IS_PORT_INCLUDED(portID, map) ((map[portID >> 3] & (1 << (portID & 0x7))) != 0)
* returns the difference between map1 and map2 (ports included in map1 and not included in map2)
#define DIFF_MAPS(map, map1, map2) { int i = 0; for (; i < 32 ; i++) map[i] = map1[i] ^ (map1[i] & map2[i]); }
* returns true if the maps collide (have at least one port in common) and false otherwise
#define MAPS_COLLIDE(result, map1, map2) { int i = 0; result = false; for (; i < 32 ; i++) if ((map1[i] & map2[i]) != 0) result = true; }
/* size (number of ports) of a dependency map */
#define GET_MAP_SIZE(map, size) { int i = 0, b = 0; size = 0; for (; i < 32 ; i++) { char y = map[i]; for (; b < 8 && (y >>= 1); b++) size += (y & 1); }}
/* copy map2 into map1 */
#define COPY_DEPENDENCY_MAP(map1, map2) { memcpy (map1, map2, sizeof (map1)); }
/* definition of a port map size/port number which cannot be reached (we support at most 32 ports) */
#define MAX_PORT_SIZE (0xFF)
#define MAX_PORT_NUMBER (0xFF)
#define IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_REFERENCE(ptr) { if ((ptr) == NULL) { return IX_ETH_DB_INVALID_ARG; } }
#define IX_ETH_DB_CHECK_MAP(portID, map) { if (!IS_PORT_INCLUDED(portID, map)) { return IX_ETH_DB_INVALID_ARG; } }
/* event queue macros */
#define EVENT_QUEUE_WRAP(offset) ((offset) >= EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE ? (offset) - EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE : (offset))
#define CAN_ENQUEUE(eventQueuePtr) ((eventQueuePtr)->length < EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE)
#define QUEUE_HEAD(eventQueuePtr) (&(eventQueuePtr)->queue[EVENT_QUEUE_WRAP((eventQueuePtr)->base + (eventQueuePtr)->length)])
#define QUEUE_TAIL(eventQueuePtr) (&(eventQueuePtr)->queue[(eventQueuePtr)->base])
#define PUSH_UPDATE_QUEUE(eventQueuePtr) { (eventQueuePtr)->length++; }
#define SHIFT_UPDATE_QUEUE(eventQueuePtr) \
{ \
(eventQueuePtr)->base = EVENT_QUEUE_WRAP((eventQueuePtr)->base + 1); \
(eventQueuePtr)->length--; \
#define RESET_QUEUE(eventQueuePtr) \
{ \
(eventQueuePtr)->base = 0; \
(eventQueuePtr)->length = 0; \
/* node stack macros - used to browse a tree without using a recursive function */
#define NODE_STACK_INIT(stack) { (stack)->nodeCount = 0; }
#define NODE_STACK_PUSH(stack, node, offset) { (stack)->nodes[(stack)->nodeCount] = (node); (stack)->offsets[(stack)->nodeCount++] = (offset); }
#define NODE_STACK_POP(stack, node, offset) { (node) = (stack)->nodes[--(stack)->nodeCount]; offset = (stack)->offsets[(stack)->nodeCount]; }
#define NODE_STACK_NONEMPTY(stack) ((stack)->nodeCount != 0)
#ifndef IX_NDEBUG
#define LOG_NPE_MSG(msg) \
do { \
UINT32 npeMsgHistoryIndex = (npeMsgHistoryLen++) % IX_ETH_DB_NPE_MSG_HISTORY_DEPTH; \
npeMsgHistory[npeMsgHistoryIndex][0] =[0]; \
npeMsgHistory[npeMsgHistoryIndex][1] =[1]; \
} while (0);
#define LOG_NPE_MSG() /* nothing */
/* ----------- Data -------------- */
/* typedefs */
typedef UINT32 (*HashFunction)(void *entity);
typedef BOOL (*MatchFunction)(void *reference, void *entry);
typedef void (*FreeFunction)(void *entry);
* basic component of a hash table
typedef struct HashNode_t
void *data; /**< specific data */
struct HashNode_t *next; /**< used for bucket chaining */
__mempool__ struct HashNode_t *nextFree; /**< memory pool management */
__lock__ IxOsalFastMutex lock; /**< node lock */
} HashNode;
* @brief hash table iterator definition
* an iterator is an object which can be used
* to browse a hash table
typedef struct
UINT32 bucketIndex; /**< index of the currently iterated bucket */
HashNode *previousNode; /**< reference to the previously iterated node within the current bucket */
HashNode *node; /**< reference to the currently iterated node */
} HashIterator;
* definition of a MAC descriptor (a database record)
typedef enum
} IxEthDBWiFiRecordType;
typedef union
UINT32 age;
BOOL staticEntry; /**< true if this address is static (doesn't age) */
} filteringData;
UINT32 age;
BOOL staticEntry;
UINT32 ieee802_1qTag;
} filteringVlanData;
IxEthDBWiFiRecordType type; /**< AP_TO_AP (0x1) or AP_TO_STA (0x0) */
UINT32 gwAddressIndex; /**< used only when linearizing the entries for NPE usage */
__alignment__ UINT8 reserved2[2];
} wifiData;
} IxEthDBRecordData;
typedef struct MacDescriptor_t
__alignment__ UINT8 reserved1[2];
UINT32 portID;
IxEthDBRecordType type;
IxEthDBRecordData recordData;
/* used for internal operations, such as NPE linearization */
void *internal;
/* custom user data */
void *user;
__mempool__ struct MacDescriptor_t *nextFree; /**< memory pool management */
__smartpointer__ UINT32 refCount; /**< smart pointer reference counter */
} MacDescriptor;
* hash table definition
typedef struct
HashNode *hashBuckets[NUM_BUCKETS];
UINT32 numBuckets;
__lock__ IxOsalFastMutex bucketLocks[NUM_BUCKETS];
HashFunction entryHashFunction;
MatchFunction *matchFunctions;
FreeFunction freeFunction;
} HashTable;
typedef enum
} IxEthDBSearchKeyType;
typedef struct MacTreeNode_t
__smartpointer__ MacDescriptor *descriptor;
struct MacTreeNode_t *left, *right;
__mempool__ struct MacTreeNode_t *nextFree;
} MacTreeNode;
typedef IxEthDBStatus (*IxEthDBPortUpdateHandler)(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBRecordType type);
typedef void (*IxEthDBNoteWriteFn)(void *address, MacTreeNode *node);
typedef struct
BOOL updateEnabled; /**< true if updates are enabled for port */
BOOL userControlled; /**< true if the user has manually used ixEthDBPortUpdateEnableSet */
BOOL treeInitialized; /**< true if the NPE has received an initial tree */
IxEthDBPortUpdateHandler updateHandler; /**< port update handler routine */
void *npeUpdateZone; /**< port update memory zone */
void *npeGwUpdateZone; /**< port update memory zone for gateways */
void *vlanUpdateZone; /**< port update memory zone for VLAN tables */
MacTreeNode *searchTree; /**< internal search tree, in MacTreeNode representation */
BOOL searchTreePendingWrite; /**< true if searchTree holds a tree pending write to the port */
} PortUpdateMethod;
typedef struct
IxEthDBPortId portID; /**< port ID */
BOOL enabled; /**< true if the port is enabled */
BOOL agingEnabled; /**< true if aging on this port is enabled */
BOOL initialized;
IxEthDBPortMap dependencyPortMap; /**< dependency port map for this port */
PortUpdateMethod updateMethod; /**< update method structure */
BOOL macAddressUploaded; /**< true if the MAC address was uploaded into the port */
UINT32 maxRxFrameSize; /**< maximum Rx frame size for this port */
UINT32 maxTxFrameSize; /**< maximum Rx frame size for this port */
UINT8 bbsid[6];
__alignment__ UINT8 reserved[2];
UINT32 frameControlDurationID; /**< Frame Control - Duration/ID WiFi control */
IxEthDBVlanTag vlanTag; /**< default VLAN tag for port */
IxEthDBPriorityTable priorityTable; /**< QoS <=> internal priority mapping */
IxEthDBVlanSet vlanMembership;
IxEthDBVlanSet transmitTaggingInfo;
IxEthDBFrameFilter frameFilter;
IxEthDBTaggingAction taggingAction;
UINT32 npeFrameFilter;
UINT32 npeTaggingAction;
IxEthDBFirewallMode firewallMode;
BOOL srcAddressFilterEnabled;
BOOL stpBlocked;
IxEthDBFeature featureCapability;
IxEthDBFeature featureStatus;
UINT32 ixEthDBTrafficClassAQMAssignments[IX_IEEE802_1Q_QOS_PRIORITY_COUNT];
UINT32 ixEthDBTrafficClassCount;
UINT32 ixEthDBTrafficClassAvailable;
__lock__ IxOsalMutex npeAckLock;
} PortInfo;
/* list of port information structures indexed on port Ids */
typedef enum
} PortEventType;
typedef struct
UINT32 eventType;
IxEthDBPortId portID;
IxEthDBMacAddr macAddr;
BOOL staticEntry;
} PortEvent;
typedef struct
PortEvent queue[EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE];
UINT32 base;
UINT32 length;
} PortEventQueue;
typedef struct
IxEthDBPortId portID; /**< originating port */
MacDescriptor *macDescriptors[MAX_ELT_SIZE]; /**< addresses to be synced into db */
UINT32 addressCount; /**< number of addresses */
} TreeSyncInfo;
typedef struct
MacTreeNode *nodes[MAX_ELT_SIZE];
UINT32 offsets[MAX_ELT_SIZE];
UINT32 nodeCount;
} MacTreeNodeStack;
/* Prototypes */
/* ----------- Memory management -------------- */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBInitMemoryPools(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC HashNode* ixEthDBAllocHashNode(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBFreeHashNode(HashNode *);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC __smartpointer__ MacDescriptor* ixEthDBAllocMacDescriptor(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC __smartpointer__ MacDescriptor* ixEthDBCloneMacDescriptor(MacDescriptor *macDescriptor);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC __smartpointer__ void ixEthDBFreeMacDescriptor(MacDescriptor *);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC __smartpointer__ MacTreeNode* ixEthDBAllocMacTreeNode(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC __smartpointer__ MacTreeNode* ixEthDBCloneMacTreeNode(MacTreeNode *);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC __smartpointer__ void ixEthDBFreeMacTreeNode(MacTreeNode *);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBPoolFreeMacTreeNode(MacTreeNode *);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBSearchTreeUsageGet(MacTreeNode *tree);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC int ixEthDBShowMemoryStatus(void);
/* Hash Table */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBInitHash(HashTable *hashTable, UINT32 numBuckets, HashFunction entryHashFunction, MatchFunction *matchFunctions, FreeFunction freeFunction);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBAddHashEntry(HashTable *hashTable, void *entry);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBRemoveHashEntry(HashTable *hashTable, int keyType, void *reference);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBSearchHashEntry(HashTable *hashTable, int keyType, void *reference, HashNode **searchResult);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPeekHashEntry(HashTable *hashTable, int keyType, void *reference);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBReleaseHashNode(HashNode *node);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBInitHashIterator(HashTable *hashTable, HashIterator *iterator);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBIncrementHashIterator(HashTable *hashTable, HashIterator *iterator);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBRemoveEntryAtHashIterator(HashTable *hashTable, HashIterator *iterator);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBReleaseHashIterator(HashIterator *iterator);
/* API Support */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPortAddressSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBMaximumFrameSizeAckCallback(IxNpeMhNpeId npeID, IxNpeMhMessage msg);
/* DB Core functions */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBInit(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBAdd(MacDescriptor *newRecordTemplate, IxEthDBPortMap updateTrigger);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBRemove(MacDescriptor *templateRecord, IxEthDBPortMap updateTrigger);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC HashNode* ixEthDBSearch(IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddress, IxEthDBRecordType typeFilter);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPeek(IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddress, IxEthDBRecordType typeFilter);
/* Learning support */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBAddressCompare(UINT8 *mac1, UINT8 *mac2);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC BOOL ixEthDBAddressMatch(void *reference, void *entry);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBEntryXORHash(void *macDescriptor);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBKeyXORHash(void *macAddress);
/* Port updates */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBNPEUpdateHandler(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBRecordType type);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBUpdatePortLearningTrees(IxEthDBPortMap triggerPorts);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBNPEAccessRequest(IxEthDBPortId portID);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBUpdateLock(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBUpdateUnlock(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC MacTreeNode* ixEthDBQuery(MacTreeNode *searchTree, IxEthDBPortMap query, IxEthDBRecordType recordFilter, UINT32 maximumEntries);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBFirewallUpdate(IxEthDBPortId portID, void *address, UINT32 epDelta);
/* Init/unload */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBPortSetAckCallback(IxNpeMhNpeId npeID, IxNpeMhMessage msg);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBEventProcessorInit(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBPortInit(IxEthDBPortId portID);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPortEnable(IxEthDBPortId portID);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPortDisable(IxEthDBPortId portID);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBNPEUpdateAreasInit(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBMatchMethodsRegister(MatchFunction *matchFunctions);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBRecordSerializeMethodsRegister(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBUpdateTypeRegister(BOOL *typeArray);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBNPEUpdateAreasUnload(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBFeatureCapabilityScan(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC UINT32 ixEthDBKeyTypeRegister(UINT32 *keyType);
/* Event processing */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBDefaultEventCallbackEnable(IxEthDBPortId portID, BOOL enable);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBTriggerAddPortUpdate(IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr, IxEthDBPortId portID, BOOL staticEntry);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBTriggerRemovePortUpdate(IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddr, IxEthDBPortId portID);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBNPEEventCallback(IxNpeMhNpeId npeID, IxNpeMhMessage msg);
/* NPE adaptor */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBGetMacDatabaseCbk(IxNpeMhNpeId npeID, IxNpeMhMessage msg);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBNpeMsgAck(IxNpeMhNpeId npeID, IxNpeMhMessage msg);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBNPESyncScan(IxEthDBPortId portID, void *eltBaseAddress, UINT32 eltSize);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBNPETreeWrite(IxEthDBRecordType type, UINT32 totalSize, void *baseAddress, MacTreeNode *tree, UINT32 *blocks, UINT32 *startIndex);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void ixEthDBNPEGatewayNodeWrite(void *address, MacTreeNode *node);
/* Other public API functions */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBStartLearningFunction(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBStopLearningFunction(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPortUpdateEnableSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, BOOL enableUpdate);
/* Maximum Tx/Rx public functions */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBFilteringPortMaximumRxFrameSizeSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, UINT32 maximumRxFrameSize);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBFilteringPortMaximumTxFrameSizeSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, UINT32 maximumTxFrameSize);
/* VLAN-related */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBPortVlanTableSet(IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBVlanSet portVlanTable, IxEthDBVlanSet vlanSet);
/* Record search */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC BOOL ixEthDBAddressRecordMatch(void *untypedReference, void *untypedEntry);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC BOOL ixEthDBVlanRecordMatch(void *untypedReference, void *untypedEntry);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC BOOL ixEthDBPortRecordMatch(void *untypedReference, void *untypedEntry);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC BOOL ixEthDBNullMatch(void *reference, void *entry);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC HashNode* ixEthDBPortSearch(IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddress, IxEthDBPortId portID, IxEthDBRecordType typeFilter);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC HashNode* ixEthDBVlanSearch(IxEthDBMacAddr *macAddress, IxEthDBVlanId vlanID, IxEthDBRecordType typeFilter);
/* Utilities */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC const char* mac2string(const unsigned char *mac);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void showHashInfo(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC int ixEthDBAnalyzeHash(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC const char* errorString(IxEthDBStatus error);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC int numHashElements(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC void zapHashtable(void);
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC BOOL ixEthDBCheckSingleBitValue(UINT32 value);
/* Single Eth NPE Check */
IX_ETH_DB_PUBLIC IxEthDBStatus ixEthDBSingleEthNpeCheck(IxEthDBPortId portId);
#endif /* IxEthDB_p_H */