blob: d3fb16da9c4f68e56f064c1021b1bd2265881014 [file] [log] [blame]
Turbo Hipster
Turbo Hipster is a gearman worker designed to run tests using zuul
as the gearman client. It is primarily aimed at running openstack
continuous integration tests against pre-existing datasets but can
be used to automate any tests with zuul.
The zuul server receives jobs from a trigger requesting particular
jobs/tests to be ran. Turbo Hipster is able to provide a worker for
each of those jobs or a subset and report the success/failure back to
zuul. zuul will then collate responses from multiple workers and
build a report.
Typical workflow diagram
**clearly this needs a lot of work, however I believe the structure
is mostly there... If you know graphviz please help!**
.. graphviz::
digraph overview {
subgraph cluster_1 {
label = "Gerrit"
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
node [style=filled,color=white];
g000 [shape=Mdiamond label="start"];
g001 [shape=box, label="receive event"];
g002 [shape=box, label="notify listeners"];
g000 -> g001;
g001 -> g002;
g002 -> g001;
subgraph cluster_2 {
label = "Zuul pipeline";
color = blue
node [style=filled];
z000 [shape=Mdiamond label="start"];
z001 [shape=box, label="register gearman server"];
z002 [shape=box, label="register launchers"];
z003 [shape=box, label="listen for events"];
z004 [shape=box, label="receive event"];
z005 [shape=box, label="request jobs"];
z006 [shape=box, label="receive response"];
z007 [shape=box, label="send report"];
z000 -> z001 -> z002;
z003 -> z004 -> z005;
z005 -> z006 [dir=none, style=dotted];
z006 -> z007;
subgraph cluster_3 {
label = "Gearman";
style = filled;
color = lightgrey;
node [style=filled,color=white];
gm001 [shape=box, label="receive job method"];
gm002 [shape=box, label="request worker do method"];
gm003 [shape=box, label="receive results"];
gm004 [shape=box, label="return results"];
gms000 [label="register client"];
gms001 [label="register worker"];
gms002 [label="register method"];
gm001 -> gm002;
gm002 -> gm003 [dir=none, style=dotted];
gm003 -> gm004;
subgraph cluster_4 {
label = "Turbo Hipster";
color = blue
node [style=filled];
th000 [shape=Mdiamond label="start"];
th001 [shape=box, label="register as worker"];
th002 [shape=box, label="find available tasks"];
th003 [shape=box, label="register available job methods"];
ths001 [shape=box, label="receive method request"];
ths002 [shape=box, label="run task"];
ths003 [shape=box, label="send results"];
th000 -> th001 -> th002 -> th003;
ths001 -> ths002 -> ths003;
z001 -> gms000;
z005 -> gm001;
gm004 -> z006;
z003 -> g002 [dir=both, style=dotted];
th001 -> gms001;
th003 -> gms002;
gm002 -> ths001;
ths003 -> gm003;
zuul integration
Explain how zuul triggers builds and gates etc and how turbo-hipster
responds to them. Most of this is in the zuul documentation so don't