Reorganize docs into user/admin guide

Refresh the user and admin guide for v3 changes, and reorganize into
a narrative structure which makes more sense for v3.

Change-Id: I4ac3b18d5ed33b0fea4e2ef0318b19bfc3447ccc
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/quick-start.rst b/doc/source/admin/quick-start.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..780496b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/admin/quick-start.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Quick Start Guide
+This provides a very simple overview of Zuul.  It is recommended to
+read the following sections for more details.
+Install Zuul
+You can get zuul from pypi via::
+    pip install zuul
+Zuul Components
+Zuul provides the following components:
+    - **zuul-scheduler**: The main Zuul process. Handles receiving
+      events, executing jobs, collecting results and posting reports.
+      Coordinates the work of the other components.
+    - **zuul-merger**: Scale-out component that performs git merge
+      operations.  Zuul performs a large number of git operations in
+      the course of its work.  Adding merger processes can help speed
+      Zuul's processing.  This component is optional (zero or more of
+      these can be run).
+    - **zuul-executor**: Scale-out component for executing jobs.  At
+      least one of these is required.  Depending on system
+      configuration, you can expect a single executor to handle up to
+      about 100 simultaneous jobs.  Can handle the functions of a
+      merger if dedicated mergers are not provided.  One or more of
+      these must be run.
+    - **gearman**: optional builtin gearman daemon provided by zuul-scheduler
+External components:
+    - **gearman**: A gearman daemon if the built-in daemon is not used.
+    - **zookeeper**: A zookeeper cluster (or single host) for
+      communicating with Nodepool.
+    - **nodepool**: Provides nodes for Zuul to use when executing jobs.
+Zuul Setup
+At minimum you need to provide **zuul.conf** and **main.yaml** placed
+in **/etc/zuul/**.  The following example uses the builtin gearman
+service in Zuul, and a connection to Gerrit.
+    [zuul]
+    tenant_config=/etc/zuul/main.yaml
+    [gearman_server]
+    start=true
+    [gearman]
+    server=
+    [connection gerrit]
+    driver=gerrit
+    port=29418
+    baseurl=
+    user=zuul
+    sshkey=/home/zuul/.ssh/id_rsa
+See :ref:`components` and :ref:`connections` for more details.
+The following tells Zuul to read its configuration from and operate on
+the *example-project* project:
+    - tenant:
+        name: example-tenant
+        source:
+          gerrit:
+            untrusted-projects:
+              - example-project
+Starting Zuul
+You can run any zuul process with the **-d** option to make it not
+daemonize. It's a good idea at first to confirm there's no issues with
+your configuration.
+To start, simply run::
+    zuul-scheduler
+Once run you should have two zuul-scheduler processes (if using the
+built-in gearman server, or one process otherwise).
+Before Zuul can run any jobs, it needs to load its configuration, most
+of which is in the git repositories that Zuul operates on.  Start an
+executor to allow zuul to do that::
+    zuul-executor
+Zuul should now be able to read its configuration from the configured
+repo and process any jobs defined therein.
+You can use telnet to connect to gearman to check which Zuul
+components are online::
+    telnet <gearman_ip> 4730
+Useful commands are **workers** and **status** which you can run by just
+typing those commands once connected to gearman.