blob: a8b2324f0d84f86b5d6a625079df5a269a02ca9b [file] [log] [blame]
:title: Monitoring
Statsd reporting
Zuul comes with support for the statsd protocol, when enabled and configured
(see below), the Zuul scheduler will emit raw metrics to a statsd receiver
which let you in turn generate nice graphics.
Statsd support uses the statsd python module. Note that Zuul will start without
the statsd python module, so an existing Zuul installation may be missing it.
The configuration is done via environment variables STATSD_HOST and
STATSD_PORT. They are interpreted by the statsd module directly and there is no
such parameter in zuul.conf yet. Your init script will have to initialize both
of them before executing Zuul.
Your init script most probably loads a configuration file named
``/etc/default/zuul`` which would contain the environment variables::
$ cat /etc/default/zuul
These metrics are emitted by the Zuul :ref:`scheduler`:
.. stat:: zuul.event.<driver>.event.<type>
:type: counter
Zuul will report counters for each type of event it receives from
each of its configured drivers.
.. stat:: zuul.<tenant>.pipeline
Holds metrics specific to jobs. This hierarchy includes:
.. stat:: <pipeline name>
A set of metrics for each pipeline named as defined in the Zuul
.. stat:: all_jobs
:type: counter
Number of jobs triggered by the pipeline.
.. stat:: current_changes
:type: gauge
The number of items currently being processed by this
.. stat:: project
This hierarchy holds more specific metrics for each project
participating in the pipeline.
.. stat:: <canonical_hostname>
The canonical hostname for the triggering project.
Embedded ``.`` characters will be translated to ``_``.
.. stat:: <project>
The name of the triggering project. Embedded ``/`` or
``.`` characters will be translated to ``_``.
.. stat:: <branch>
The name of the triggering branch. Embedded ``/`` or
``.`` characters will be translated to ``_``.
.. stat:: job
Subtree detailing per-project job statistics:
.. stat:: <jobname>
The triggered job name.
.. stat:: <result>
:type: counter, timer
A counter for each type of result (e.g., ``SUCCESS`` or
``FAILURE``, ``ERROR``, etc.) for the job. If the
result is ``SUCCESS`` or ``FAILURE``, Zuul will
additionally report the duration of the build as a
.. stat:: current_changes
:type: gauge
The number of items of this project currently being
processed by this pipeline.
.. stat:: resident_time
:type: timer
A timer metric reporting how long each item for this
project has been in the pipeline.
.. stat:: total_changes
:type: counter
The number of changes for this project processed by the
pipeline since Zuul started.
.. stat:: resident_time
:type: timer
A timer metric reporting how long each item has been in the
.. stat:: total_changes
:type: counter
The number of changes processed by the pipeline since Zuul
.. stat:: wait_time
:type: timer
How long each item spent in the pipeline before its first job
As an example, given a job named `myjob` in `mytenant` triggered by a
change to `myproject` on the `master` branch in the `gate` pipeline
which took 40 seconds to build, the Zuul scheduler will emit the
following statsd events:
* ``zuul.tenant.mytenant.pipeline.gate.project.example_com.myproject.master.job.myjob.SUCCESS`` +1
* ``zuul.tenant.mytenant.pipeline.gate.project.example_com.myproject.master.job.myjob.SUCCESS`` 40 seconds
* ``zuul.tenant.mytenant.pipeline.gate.all_jobs`` +1