blob: 7aa1a844fe0ec4ccbb3957f81dec38ea21108a45 [file] [log] [blame]
:title: Project Configuration
.. _project-config:
Project Configuration
The following sections describe the main part of Zuul's configuration.
All of what follows is found within files inside of the repositories
that Zuul manages.
Security Contexts
When a system administrator configures Zuul to operate on a project,
they specify one of two security contexts for that project. A
*config-project* is one which is primarily tasked with holding
configuration information and job content for Zuul. Jobs which are
defined in a *config-project* are run with elevated privileges, and
all Zuul configuration items are available for use. It is expected
that changes to *config-projects* will undergo careful scrutiny before
being merged.
An *untrusted-project* is a project whose primary focus is not to
operate Zuul, but rather it is one of the projects being tested or
deployed. The Zuul configuration language available to these projects
is somewhat restricted (as detailed in individual section below), and
jobs defined in these projects run in a restricted execution
environment since they may be operating on changes which have not yet
undergone review.
Configuration Loading
When Zuul starts, it examines all of the git repositories which are
specified by the system administrator in :ref:`tenant-config` and searches
for files in the root of each repository. Zuul looks first for a file named
`zuul.yaml` or a directory named `zuul.d`, and if they are not found,
`.zuul.yaml` or `.zuul.d` (with a leading dot). In the case of an
*untrusted-project*, the configuration from every branch is included,
however, in the case of a *config-project*, only the `master` branch is
When a change is proposed to one of these files in an
*untrusted-project*, the configuration proposed in the change is
merged into the running configuration so that any changes to Zuul's
configuration are self-testing as part of that change. If there is a
configuration error, no jobs will be run and the error will be
reported by any applicable pipelines. In the case of a change to a
*config-project*, the new configuration is parsed and examined for
errors, but the new configuration is not used in testing the change.
This is because configuration in *config-projects* is able to access
elevated privileges and should always be reviewed before being merged.
As soon as a change containing a Zuul configuration change merges to
any Zuul-managed repository, the new configuration takes effect
Configuration Items
The `zuul.yaml` and `.zuul.yaml` configuration files are
YAML-formatted and are structured as a series of items, each of which
is described below.
In the case of a `zuul.d` directory, Zuul recurses the directory and extends
the configuration using all the .yaml files in the sorted path order.
For example, to keep job's variants in a separate file, it needs to be loaded
after the main entries, for example using number prefixes in file's names::
* zuul.d/pipelines.yaml
* zuul.d/projects.yaml
* zuul.d/01_jobs.yaml
* zuul.d/02_jobs-variants.yaml
.. _pipeline:
A pipeline describes a workflow operation in Zuul. It associates jobs
for a given project with triggering and reporting events.
Its flexible configuration allows for characterizing any number of
workflows, and by specifying each as a named configuration, makes it
easy to apply similar workflow operations to projects or groups of
By way of example, one of the primary uses of Zuul is to perform
project gating. To do so, one can create a *gate* pipeline which
tells Zuul that when a certain event (such as approval by a code
reviewer) occurs, the corresponding change or pull request should be
enqueued into the pipeline. When that happens, the jobs which have
been configured to run for that project in the *gate* pipeline are
run, and when they complete, the pipeline reports the results to the
Pipeline configuration items may only appear in *config-projects*.
Generally, a Zuul administrator would define a small number of
pipelines which represent the workflow processes used in their
environment. Each project can then be added to the available
pipelines as appropriate.
Here is an example *check* pipeline, which runs whenever a new
patchset is created in Gerrit. If the associated jobs all report
success, the pipeline reports back to Gerrit with a *Verified* vote of
+1, or if at least one of them fails, a -1::
- pipeline:
name: check
manager: independent
- event: patchset-created
Verified: 1
Verified: -1
.. TODO: See TODO for more annotated examples of common pipeline configurations.
.. attr:: pipeline
The attributes available on a pipeline are as follows (all are
optional unless otherwise specified):
.. attr:: name
This is used later in the project definition to indicate what jobs
should be run for events in the pipeline.
.. attr:: manager
There are currently two schemes for managing pipelines:
.. _independent_pipeline_manager:
.. zuul:value:: independent
Every event in this pipeline should be treated as independent
of other events in the pipeline. This is appropriate when
the order of events in the pipeline doesn't matter because
the results of the actions this pipeline performs can not
affect other events in the pipeline. For example, when a
change is first uploaded for review, you may want to run
tests on that change to provide early feedback to reviewers.
At the end of the tests, the change is not going to be
merged, so it is safe to run these tests in parallel without
regard to any other changes in the pipeline. They are
Another type of pipeline that is independent is a post-merge
pipeline. In that case, the changes have already merged, so
the results can not affect any other events in the pipeline.
.. _dependent_pipeline_manager:
.. zuul:value:: dependent
The dependent pipeline manager is designed for gating. It
ensures that every change is tested exactly as it is going to
be merged into the repository. An ideal gating system would
test one change at a time, applied to the tip of the
repository, and only if that change passed tests would it be
merged. Then the next change in line would be tested the
same way. In order to achieve parallel testing of changes,
the dependent pipeline manager performs speculative execution
on changes. It orders changes based on their entry into the
pipeline. It begins testing all changes in parallel,
assuming that each change ahead in the pipeline will pass its
tests. If they all succeed, all the changes can be tested
and merged in parallel. If a change near the front of the
pipeline fails its tests, each change behind it ignores
whatever tests have been completed and are tested again
without the change in front. This way gate tests may run in
parallel but still be tested correctly, exactly as they will
appear in the repository when merged.
For more detail on the theory and operation of Zuul's
dependent pipeline manager, see: :doc:`gating`.
.. attr:: allow-secrets
This is a boolean which can be used to prevent jobs which
require secrets from running in this pipeline. Some pipelines
run on proposed changes and therefore execute code which has not
yet been reviewed. In such a case, allowing a job to use a
secret could result in that secret being exposed. The default
is False, meaning that in order to run jobs with secrets, this
must be explicitly enabled on each Pipeline where that is safe.
For more information, see :ref:`secret`.
.. attr:: description
This field may be used to provide a textual description of the
pipeline. It may appear in the status page or in documentation.
.. attr:: success-message
The introductory text in reports when all the voting jobs are
successful. Defaults to "Build successful."
.. attr:: failure-message
The introductory text in reports when at least one voting job
fails. Defaults to "Build failed."
.. attr:: merge-failure-message
The introductory text in the message reported when a change
fails to merge with the current state of the repository.
Defaults to "Merge failed."
.. attr:: footer-message
Supplies additional information after test results. Useful for
adding information about the CI system such as debugging and
contact details.
.. attr:: trigger
At least one trigger source must be supplied for each pipeline.
Triggers are not exclusive -- matching events may be placed in
multiple pipelines, and they will behave independently in each
of the pipelines they match.
Triggers are loaded from their connection name. The driver type
of the connection will dictate which options are available. See
.. _pipeline-require:
.. attr:: require
If this section is present, it establishes pre-requisites for
any kind of item entering the Pipeline. Regardless of how the
item is to be enqueued (via any trigger or automatic dependency
resolution), the conditions specified here must be met or the
item will not be enqueued. These requirements may vary
depending on the source of the item being enqueued.
Requirements are loaded from their connection name. The driver
type of the connection will dictate which options are available.
See :ref:`drivers`.
.. _pipeline-reject:
.. attr:: reject
If this section is present, it establishes pre-requisites that
can block an item from being enqueued. It can be considered a
negative version of **require**.
Requirements are loaded from their connection name. The driver
type of the connection will dictate which options are available.
See :ref:`drivers`.
.. attr:: dequeue-on-new-patchset
Normally, if a new patchset is uploaded to a change that is in a
pipeline, the existing entry in the pipeline will be removed
(with jobs canceled and any dependent changes that can no longer
merge as well. To suppress this behavior (and allow jobs to
continue running), set this to ``false``. Default: ``true``.
.. attr:: ignore-dependencies
In any kind of pipeline (dependent or independent), Zuul will
attempt to enqueue all dependencies ahead of the current change
so that they are tested together (independent pipelines report
the results of each change regardless of the results of changes
ahead). To ignore dependencies completely in an independent
pipeline, set this to ``true``. This option is ignored by
dependent pipelines. The default is: ``false``.
.. attr:: precedence
Indicates how the build scheduler should prioritize jobs for
different pipelines. Each pipeline may have one precedence,
jobs for pipelines with a higher precedence will be run before
ones with lower. The value should be one of ``high``,
``normal``, or ``low``. Default: ``normal``.
The following options configure *reporters*. Reporters are
complementary to triggers; where a trigger is an event on a
connection which causes Zuul to enqueue an item, a reporter is the
action performed on a connection when an item is dequeued after its
jobs complete. The actual syntax for a reporter is defined by the
driver which implements it. See :ref:`drivers` for more
.. attr:: success
Describes where Zuul should report to if all the jobs complete
successfully. This section is optional; if it is omitted, Zuul
will run jobs and do nothing on success -- it will not report at
all. If the section is present, the listed reporters will be
asked to report on the jobs. The reporters are listed by their
connection name. The options available depend on the driver for
the supplied connection.
.. attr:: failure
These reporters describe what Zuul should do if at least one job
.. attr:: merge-failure
These reporters describe what Zuul should do if it is unable to
merge in the patchset. If no merge-failure reporters are listed
then the ``failure`` reporters will be used to notify of
unsuccessful merges.
.. attr:: start
These reporters describe what Zuul should do when a change is
added to the pipeline. This can be used, for example, to reset
a previously reported result.
.. attr:: disabled
These reporters describe what Zuul should do when a pipeline is
disabled. See ``disable-after-consecutive-failures``.
The following options can be used to alter Zuul's behavior to
mitigate situations in which jobs are failing frequently (perhaps
due to a problem with an external dependency, or unusually high
non-deterministic test failures).
.. attr:: disable-after-consecutive-failures
If set, a pipeline can enter a ''disabled'' state if too many
changes in a row fail. When this value is exceeded the pipeline
will stop reporting to any of the ``success``, ``failure`` or
``merge-failure`` reporters and instead only report to the
``disabled`` reporters. (No ``start`` reports are made when a
pipeline is disabled).
.. attr:: window
Dependent pipeline managers only. Zuul can rate limit dependent
pipelines in a manner similar to TCP flow control. Jobs are
only started for items in the queue if they are within the
actionable window for the pipeline. The initial length of this
window is configurable with this value. The value given should
be a positive integer value. A value of ``0`` disables rate
limiting on the DependentPipelineManager. Default: ``20``.
.. attr:: window-floor
Dependent pipeline managers only. This is the minimum value for
the window described above. Should be a positive non zero
integer value. Default: ``3``.
.. attr:: window-increase-type
Dependent pipeline managers only. This value describes how the
window should grow when changes are successfully merged by
zuul. A value of ``linear`` indicates that
``window-increase-factor`` should be added to the previous
window value. A value of ``exponential`` indicates that
``window-increase-factor`` should be multiplied against the
previous window value and the result will become the window
size. Default: ``linear``.
.. attr:: window-increase-factor
Dependent pipeline managers only. The value to be added or
multiplied against the previous window value to determine the
new window after successful change merges. Default: ``1``.
.. attr:: window-decrease-type
Dependent pipeline managers only. This value describes how the
window should shrink when changes are not able to be merged by
Zuul. A value of ``linear`` indicates that
``window-decrease-factor`` should be subtracted from the
previous window value. A value of ``exponential`` indicates that
``window-decrease-factor`` should be divided against the
previous window value and the result will become the window
size. Default: ``exponential``.
.. attr:: window-decrease-factor
Dependent pipline managers only. The value to be subtracted or
divided against the previous window value to determine the new
window after unsuccessful change merges. Default: ``2``.
.. _job:
A job is a unit of work performed by Zuul on an item enqueued into a
pipeline. Items may run any number of jobs (which may depend on each
other). Each job is an invocation of an Ansible playbook with a
specific inventory of hosts. The actual tasks that are run by the job
appear in the playbook for that job while the attributes that appear in the
Zuul configuration specify information about when, where, and how the
job should be run.
Jobs in Zuul support inheritance. Any job may specify a single parent
job, and any attributes not set on the child job are collected from
the parent job. In this way, a configuration structure may be built
starting with very basic jobs which describe characteristics that all
jobs on the system should have, progressing through stages of
specialization before arriving at a particular job. A job may inherit
from any other job in any project (however, if the other job is marked
as `final`, some attributes may not be overidden).
Jobs also support a concept called variance. The first time a job
definition appears is called the reference definition of the job.
Subsequent job definitions with the same name are called variants.
These may have different selection criteria which indicate to Zuul
that, for instance, the job should behave differently on a different
git branch. Unlike inheritance, all job variants must be defined in
the same project.
When Zuul decides to run a job, it performs a process known as
freezing the job. Because any number of job variants may be
applicable, Zuul collects all of the matching variants and applies
them in the order they appeared in the configuration. The resulting
frozen job is built from attributes gathered from all of the
matching variants. In this way, exactly what is run is dependent on
the pipeline, project, branch, and content of the item.
In addition to the job's main playbook, each job may specify one or
more pre- and post-playbooks. These are run, in order, before and
after (respectively) the main playbook. They may be used to set up
and tear down resources needed by the main playbook. When combined
with inheritance, they provide powerful tools for job construction. A
job only has a single main playbook, and when inheriting from a
parent, the child's main playbook overrides (or replaces) the
parent's. However, the pre- and post-playbooks are appended and
prepended in a nesting fashion. So if a parent job and child job both
specified pre and post playbooks, the sequence of playbooks run would
* parent pre-run playbook
* child pre-run playbook
* child playbook
* child post-run playbook
* parent post-run playbook
Further inheritance would nest even deeper.
Here is an example of two job definitions::
- job:
name: base
pre-run: copy-git-repos
post-run: copy-logs
- job:
name: run-tests
parent: base
- name: test-node
image: fedora
The following attributes are available on a job; all are optional
unless otherwise specified:
**name** (required)
The name of the job. By default, Zuul looks for a playbook with
this name to use as the main playbook for the job. This name is
also referenced later in a project pipeline configuration.
Specifies a job to inherit from. The parent job can be defined in
this or any other project. Any attributes not specified on a job
will be collected from its parent.
A textual description of the job. Not currently used directly by
Zuul, but it is used by the zuul-sphinx extension to Sphinx to
auto-document Zuul jobs (in which case it is interpreted as
Normally when a job succeeds, the string "SUCCESS" is reported as
the result for the job. If set, this option may be used to supply a
different string. Default: "SUCCESS".
Normally when a job fails, the string "FAILURE" is reported as
the result for the job. If set, this option may be used to supply a
different string. Default: "FAILURE".
When a job succeeds, this URL is reported along with the result. If
this value is not supplied, Zuul uses the content of the job
:ref:`return value <return_values>` **zuul.log_url**. This is
recommended as it allows the code which stores the URL to the job
artifacts to report exactly where they were stored. To override
this value, or if it is not set, supply an absolute URL in this
field. If a relative URL is supplied in this field, and
**zuul.log_url** is set, then the two will be combined to produce
the URL used for the report. This can be used to specify that
certain jobs should "deep link" into the stored job artifacts.
Default: none.
When a job fails, this URL is reported along with the result.
Otherwise behaves the same as **success-url**.
In a dependent pipeline, this option may be used to indicate that no
jobs should start on any items which depend on the current item
until this job has completed successfully. This may be used to
conserve build resources, at the expense of inhibiting the
parallelization which speeds the processing of items in a dependent
pipeline. A boolean value, default: false.
Indicates whether the result of this job should be used in
determining the overall result of the item. A boolean value,
default: true.
The name of a :ref:`semaphore` which should be acquired and released
when the job begins and ends. If the semaphore is at maximum
capacity, then Zuul will wait until it can be acquired before
starting the job. Default: none.
Metadata about this job. Tags are units of information attached to
the job; they do not affect Zuul's behavior, but they can be used
within the job to characterize the job. For example, a job which
tests a certain subsystem could be tagged with the name of that
subsystem, and if the job's results are reported into a database,
then the results of all jobs affecting that subsystem could be
queried. This attribute is specified as a list of strings, and when
inheriting jobs or applying variants, tags accumulate in a set, so
the result is always a set of all the tags from all the jobs and
variants used in constructing the frozen job, with no duplication.
Default: none.
A regular expression (or list of regular expressions) which describe
on what branches a job should run (or in the case of variants: to
alter the behavior of a job for a certain branch).
If there is no job definition for a given job which matches the
branch of an item, then that job is not run for the item.
Otherwise, all of the job variants which match that branch (and any
other selection criteria) are used when freezing the job.
This example illustrates a job called *run-tests* which uses a
nodeset based on the current release of an operating system to
perform its tests, except when testing changes to the stable/2.0
branch, in which case it uses an older release::
- job:
name: run-tests
nodes: current-release
- job:
name: run-tests
branch: stable/2.0
nodes: old-release
In some cases, Zuul uses an implied value for the branch specifier
if none is supplied:
* For a job definition in a *config-project*, no implied branch
specifier is used. If no branch specifier appears, the job
applies to all branches.
* In the case of an *untrusted-project*, no implied branch specifier
is applied to the reference definition of a job. That is to say,
that if the first appearance of the job definition appears without
a branch specifier, then it will apply to all branches. Note that
when collecting its configuration, Zuul reads the `master` branch
of a given project first, then other branches in alphabetical
* Any further job variants other than the reference definition in an
*untrusted-project* will, if they do not have a branch specifier,
will have an implied branch specifier for the current branch
This allows for the very simple and expected workflow where if a
project defines a job on the master branch with no branch specifier,
and then creates a new branch based on master, any changes to that
job definition within the new branch only affect that branch.
This attribute indicates that the job should only run on changes
where the specified files are modified. This is a regular
expression or list of regular expressions. Default: none.
This is a negative complement of `files`. It indicates that the job
should run unless *all* of the files changed match this list. In
other words, if the regular expression `docs/.*` is supplied, then
this job will not run if the only files changed are in the docs
directory. A regular expression or list of regular expressions.
Default: none.
Authentication information to be made available to the job. This is
a dictionary with two potential keys:
A boolean indicating that the authentication information referenced
by this job should be able to be inherited by child jobs. Normally
when a job inherits from another job, the auth section is not
included. This permits jobs to inherit the same basic structure and
playbook, but ensures that secret information is unable to be
exposed by a child job which may alter the job's behavior. If it is
safe for the contents of the authentication section to be used by
child jobs, set this to ``true``. Default: ``false``.
A list of secrets which may be used by the job. A :ref:`secret` is
a named collection of private information defined separately in the
configuration. The secrets that appear here must be defined in the
same project as this job definition.
In the future, other types of authentication information may be
A list of nodes which should be supplied to the job. This parameter
may be supplied either as a string, in which case it references a
:ref:`nodeset` definition which appears elsewhere in the
configuration, or a list, in which case it is interpreted in the
same way as a Nodeset definition (in essence, it is an anonymous
Node definition unique to this job). See the :ref:`nodeset`
reference for the syntax to use in that case.
If a job has an empty or no node definition, it will still run and
may be able to perform actions on the Zuul executor.
When Zuul runs jobs for a proposed change, it normally checks out
the branch associated with that change on every project present in
the job. If jobs are running on a ref (such as a branch tip or
tag), then that ref is normally checked out. This attribute is used
to override that behavior and indicate that this job should,
regardless of the branch for the queue item, use the indicated
branch instead. This can be used, for example, to run a previous
version of the software (from a stable maintenance branch) under
test even if the change being tested applies to a different branch
(this is only likely to be useful if there is some cross-branch
interaction with some component of the system being tested). See
also the project-specific **override-branch** attribute under
**required-projects** to apply this behavior to a subset of a job's
The time in minutes that the job should be allowed to run before it
is automatically aborted and failure is reported. If no timeout is
supplied, the job may run indefinitely. Supplying a timeout is
highly recommended.
When Zuul encounters an error running a job's pre-run playbook, Zuul
will stop and restart the job. Errors during the main or
post-run -playbook phase of a job are not affected by this parameter
(they are reported immediately). This parameter controls the number
of attempts to make before an error is reported. Default: 3.
The name of a playbook or list of playbooks without file extension
to run before the main body of a job. The full path to the playbook
in the repo where the job is defined is expected.
When a job inherits from a parent, the child's pre-run playbooks are
run after the parent's. See :ref:`job` for more information.
The name of a playbook or list of playbooks without file extension
to run after the main body of a job. The full path to the playbook
in the repo where the job is defined is expected.
When a job inherits from a parent, the child's post-run playbooks
are run before the parent's. See :ref:`job` for more information.
The name of the main playbook for this job. This parameter is
not normally necessary, as it defaults to a playbook with the
same name as the job inside of the `playbooks/` directory (e.g.,
the `foo` job would default to `playbooks/foo`. However, if a
playbook with a different name is needed, it can be specified
here. The file extension is not required, but the full path
within the repo is. When a child inherits from a parent, a
playbook with the name of the child job is implicitly searched
first, before falling back on the playbook used by the parent
job (unless the child job specifies a ``run`` attribute, in which
case that value is used). Example::
run: playbooks/<name of the job>
A list of Ansible roles to prepare for the job. Because a job runs
an Ansible playbook, any roles which are used by the job must be
prepared and installed by Zuul before the job begins. This value is
a list of dictionaries, each of which indicates one of two types of
roles: a Galaxy role, which is simply a role that is installed from
Ansible Galaxy, or a Zuul role, which is a role provided by a
project managed by Zuul. Zuul roles are able to benefit from
speculative merging and cross-project dependencies when used by
playbooks in untrusted projects. Roles are added to the Ansible
role path in the order they appear on the job -- roles earlier in
the list will take precedence over those which follow.
In the case of job inheritance or variance, the roles used for each
of the playbooks run by the job will be only those which were
defined along with that playbook. If a child job inherits from a
parent which defines a pre and post playbook, then the pre and post
playbooks it inherits from the parent job will run only with the
roles that were defined on the parent. If the child adds its own
pre and post playbooks, then any roles added by the child will be
available to the child's playbooks. This is so that a job which
inherits from a parent does not inadvertantly alter the behavior of
the parent's playbooks by the addition of conflicting roles. Roles
added by a child will appear before those it inherits from its
A project which supplies a role may be structured in one of two
configurations: a bare role (in which the role exists at the root of
the project), or a contained role (in which the role exists within
the `roles/` directory of the project, perhaps along with other
roles). In the case of a contained role, the `roles/` directory of
the project is added to the role search path. In the case of a bare
role, the project itself is added to the role search path. In case
the name of the project is not the name under which the role should
be installed (and therefore referenced from Ansible), the `name`
attribute may be used to specify an alternate.
A job automatically has the project in which it is defined added to
the roles path if that project appears to contain a role or `roles/`
directory. By default, the project is added to the path under its
own name, however, that may be changed by explicitly listing the
project in the roles list in the usual way.
.. note:: galaxy roles are not yet implemented
The name of the role in Ansible Galaxy. If this attribute is
supplied, Zuul will search Ansible Galaxy for a role by this name
and install it. Mutually exclusive with ``zuul``; either
``galaxy`` or ``zuul`` must be supplied.
The name of a Zuul project which supplies the role. Mutually
exclusive with ``galaxy``; either ``galaxy`` or ``zuul`` must be
The installation name of the role. In the case of a bare role,
the role will be made available under this name. Ignored in the
case of a contained role.
A list of other projects which are used by this job. Any Zuul
projects specified here will also be checked out by Zuul into the
working directory for the job. Speculative merging and cross-repo
dependencies will be honored.
The format for this attribute is either a list of strings or
dictionaries. Strings are interpreted as project names,
dictionaries may have the following attributes:
The name of the required project.
When Zuul runs jobs for a proposed change, it normally checks out
the branch associated with that change on every project present in
the job. If jobs are running on a ref (such as a branch tip or
tag), then that ref is normally checked out. This attribute is
used to override that behavior and indicate that this job should,
regardless of the branch for the queue item, use the indicated
branch instead, for only this project. See also the
**override-branch** attribute of jobs to apply the same behavior
to all projects in a job.
A dictionary of variables to supply to Ansible. When inheriting from
a job (or creating a variant of a job) vars are merged with previous
definitions. This means a variable definition with the same name will
override a previously defined variable, but new variable names will be
added to the set of defined variables.
A list of other jobs upon which this job depends. Zuul will not
start executing this job until all of its dependencies have
completed successfully, and if one or more of them fail, this job
will not be run.
A list of Zuul projects which may use this job. By default, a job
may be used by any other project known to Zuul, however, some jobs
use resources or perform actions which are not appropriate for other
projects. In these cases, a list of projects which are allowed to
use this job may be supplied. If this list is not empty, then it
must be an exhaustive list of all projects permitted to use the job.
The current project (where the job is defined) is not automatically
included, so if it should be able to run this job, then it must be
explicitly listed. Default: the empty list (all projects may use
the job).
.. _project:
A project corresponds to a source code repository with which Zuul is
configured to interact. The main responsibility of the `Project`
configuration item is to specify which jobs should run in which
pipelines for a given project. Within each `Project` definition, a
section for each `Pipeline` may appear. This project-pipeline
definition is what determines how a project participates in a
Consider the following `Project` definition::
- project:
name: yoyodyne
- check-syntax
- unit-tests
queue: integrated
- unit-tests
- integration-tests
The project has two project-pipeline stanzas, one for the `check`
pipeline, and one for `gate`. Each specifies which jobs shuld run
when a change for that project enteres the respective pipeline -- when
a change enters `check`, the `check-syntax` and `unit-test` jobs are
Pipelines which use the dependent pipeline manager (e.g., the `gate`
example shown earlier) maintain separate queues for groups of
projects. When Zuul serializes a set of changes which represent
future potential project states, it must know about all of the
projects within Zuul which may have an effect on the outcome of the
jobs it runs. If project *A* uses project *B* as a library, then Zuul
must be told about that relationship so that it knows to serialize
changes to A and B together, so that it does not merge a change to B
while it is testing a change to A.
Zuul could simply assume that all projects are related, or even infer
relationships by which projects a job indicates it uses, however, in a
large system that would become unwieldy very quickly, and
unnecessarily delay changes to unrelated projects. To allow for
flexibility in the construction of groups of related projects, the
change queues used by dependent pipeline managers are specified
manually. To group two or more related projects into a shared queue
for a dependent pipeline, set the ``queue`` parameter to the same
value for those projects.
The `gate` project-pipeline definition above specifies that this
project participates in the `integrated` shared queue for that
In addition to a project-pipeline definition for one or more
`Pipelines`, the following attributes may appear in a Project:
**name** (required)
The name of the project. If Zuul is configured with two or more
unique projects with the same name, the canonical hostname for the
project should be included (e.g., ``).
A list of :ref:`project-template` references; the project-pipeline
definitions of each Project Template will be applied to this
project. If more than one template includes jobs for a given
pipeline, they will be combined, as will any jobs specified in
project-pipeline definitions on the project itself.
.. _project-template:
Project Template
A Project Template defines one or more project-pipeline definitions
which can be re-used by multiple projects.
A Project Template uses the same syntax as a :ref:`project`
definition, however, in the case of a template, the ``name`` attribute
does not refer to the name of a project, but rather names the template
so that it can be referenced in a `Project` definition.
.. _secret:
A Secret is a collection of private data for use by one or more jobs.
In order to maintain the security of the data, the values are usually
encrypted, however, data which are not sensitive may be provided
unencrypted as well for convenience.
A Secret may only be used by jobs defined within the same project. To
use a secret, a :ref:`job` must specify the secret within its `auth`
section. To protect against jobs in other repositories declaring a
job with a secret as a parent and then exposing that secret, jobs
which inherit from a job with secrets will not inherit the secrets
themselves. To alter that behavior, see the `inherit` job attribute.
Further, jobs which do not permit children to inherit secrets (the
default) are also automatically marked `final`, meaning that their
execution related attributes may not be changed in a project-pipeline
stanza. This is to protect against a job with secrets defined in one
project being used by another project in a way which might expose the
secrets. If a job with secrets is unsafe to be used by other
projects, the `allowed-projects` job attribute can be used to restrict
the projects which can invoke that job. Finally, pipelines which are
used to execute proposed but unreviewed changes can set the
`allow-secrets` attribute to indicate that they should not supply
secrets at all in order to protect against someone proposing a change
which exposes a secret.
The following attributes are required:
**name** (required)
The name of the secret, used in a :ref:`Job` definition to request
the secret.
**data** (required)
A dictionary which will be added to the Ansible variables available
to the job. The values can either be plain text strings, or
encrypted values. See :ref:`encryption` for more information.
.. _nodeset:
A Nodeset is a named collection of nodes for use by a job. Jobs may
specify what nodes they require individually, however, by defining
groups of node types once and referring to them by name, job
configuration may be simplified.
A Nodeset requires two attributes:
**name** (required)
The name of the Nodeset, to be referenced by a :ref:`job`.
**nodes** (required)
A list of node definitions, each of which has the following format:
**name** (required)
The name of the node. This will appear in the Ansible inventory
for the job.
**label** (required)
The Nodepool label for the node. Zuul will request a node with
this label.
.. _semaphore:
Semaphores can be used to restrict the number of certain jobs which
are running at the same time. This may be useful for jobs which
access shared or limited resources. A semaphore has a value which
represents the maximum number of jobs which use that semaphore at the
same time.
Semaphores are never subject to dynamic reconfiguration. If the value
of a semaphore is changed, it will take effect only when the change
where it is updated is merged. An example follows::
- semaphore:
name: semaphore-foo
max: 5
- semaphore:
name: semaphore-bar
max: 3
The following attributes are available:
**name** (required)
The name of the semaphore, referenced by jobs.
The maximum number of running jobs which can use this semaphore.
Defaults to 1.