blob: a23c875a2d80ddb18c6b6c4a53a6228a9488ebb5 [file] [log] [blame]
:title: Zuul Driver
The Zuul driver supports triggers only. It is used for triggering
pipelines based on internal Zuul events.
Trigger Configuration
Zuul events don't require a special connection or driver. Instead they
can simply be used by listing **zuul** as the trigger.
The event name. Currently supported:
*project-change-merged* when Zuul merges a change to a project, it
generates this event for every open change in the project.
*parent-change-enqueued* when Zuul enqueues a change into any
pipeline, it generates this event for every child of that
Only available for ``parent-change-enqueued`` events. This is the
name of the pipeline in which the parent change was enqueued.
This may be used for any event. It requires that a certain kind of
approval be present for the current patchset of the change (the
approval could be added by the event in question). It follows the
same syntax as the :ref:`"approval" pipeline requirement
<pipeline-require-approval>`. For each specified criteria there must
exist a matching approval.
This takes a list of approvals in the same format as
*require-approval* but will fail to enter the pipeline if there is a
matching approval.