blob: 77dee4a9071801af2089c6354b64658905dace31 [file] [log] [blame]
Quick Start Guide
This provides a very simple overview of Zuul. It is recommended to
read the following sections for more details.
Install Zuul
You can get zuul from pypi via::
pip install zuul
Zuul Components
Zuul provides the following components:
- **zuul-scheduler**: The main Zuul process. Handles receiving
events, executing jobs, collecting results and posting reports.
Coordinates the work of the other components.
- **zuul-merger**: Scale-out component that performs git merge
operations. Zuul performs a large number of git operations in
the course of its work. Adding merger processes can help speed
Zuul's processing. This component is optional (zero or more of
these can be run).
- **zuul-executor**: Scale-out component for executing jobs. At
least one of these is required. Depending on system
configuration, you can expect a single executor to handle up to
about 100 simultaneous jobs. Can handle the functions of a
merger if dedicated mergers are not provided. One or more of
these must be run.
- **zuul-web**: A web server that currently provides websocket access to
live-streaming of logs.
- **gearman**: optional builtin gearman daemon provided by zuul-scheduler
External components:
- **gearman**: A gearman daemon if the built-in daemon is not used.
- **zookeeper**: A zookeeper cluster (or single host) for
communicating with Nodepool.
- **nodepool**: Provides nodes for Zuul to use when executing jobs.
Zuul Setup
At minimum you need to provide **zuul.conf** and **main.yaml** placed
in **/etc/zuul/**. The following example uses the builtin gearman
service in Zuul, and a connection to Gerrit.
[connection gerrit]
See :ref:`components` and :ref:`connections` for more details.
The following tells Zuul to read its configuration from and operate on
the *example-project* project:
- tenant:
name: example-tenant
- example-project
Starting Zuul
You can run any zuul process with the **-d** option to make it not
daemonize. It's a good idea at first to confirm there's no issues with
your configuration.
To start, simply run::
Once run you should have two zuul-scheduler processes (if using the
built-in gearman server, or one process otherwise).
Before Zuul can run any jobs, it needs to load its configuration, most
of which is in the git repositories that Zuul operates on. Start an
executor to allow zuul to do that::
Zuul should now be able to read its configuration from the configured
repo and process any jobs defined therein.
You can use telnet to connect to gearman to check which Zuul
components are online::
telnet <gearman_ip> 4730
Useful commands are **workers** and **status** which you can run by just
typing those commands once connected to gearman.