blob: 8ee6b6fbbd97a1af141c45386b3454b4b04e1cb0 [file] [log] [blame]
:title: Zuul Client
Zuul Client
Zuul includes a simple command line client that may be used by
administrators to affect Zuul's behavior while running. It must be
run on a host that has access to the Gearman server (e.g., locally on
the Zuul host).
The client uses the same zuul.conf file as the server, and will look
for it in the same locations if not specified on the command line.
The general options that apply to all subcommands are:
.. program-output:: zuul --help
The following subcommands are supported:
.. program-output:: zuul autohold --help
zuul autohold --tenant openstack --project example_project --job example_job --reason "reason text" --count 1
.. program-output:: zuul enqueue --help
zuul enqueue --tenant openstack --trigger gerrit --pipeline check --project example_project --change 12345,1
Note that the format of change id is <number>,<patchset>.
.. program-output:: zuul enqueue-ref --help
This command is provided to manually simulate a trigger from an
external source. It can be useful for testing or replaying a trigger
that is difficult or impossible to recreate at the source. The
arguments to ``enqueue-ref`` will vary depending on the source and
type of trigger. Some familiarity with the arguments emitted by
``gerrit`` `update hooks
such as ``patchset-created`` and ``ref-updated`` is recommended. Some
examples of common operations are provided below.
Manual enqueue examples
It is common to have a ``release`` pipeline that listens for new tags
coming from ``gerrit`` and performs a range of code packaging jobs.
If there is an unexpected issue in the release jobs, the same tag can
not be recreated in ``gerrit`` and the user must either tag a new
release or request a manual re-triggering of the jobs. To re-trigger
the jobs, pass the failed tag as the ``ref`` argument and set
``newrev`` to the change associated with the tag in the project
repository (i.e. what you see from ``git show X.Y.Z``)::
zuul enqueue-ref --tenant openstack --trigger gerrit --pipeline release --project openstack/example_project --ref refs/tags/X.Y.Z --newrev abc123...
The command can also be used asynchronosly trigger a job in a
``periodic`` pipeline that would usually be run at a specific time by
the ``timer`` driver. For example, the following command would
trigger the ``periodic`` jobs against the current ``master`` branch
top-of-tree for a project::
zuul enqueue-ref --tenant openstack --trigger timer --pipeline periodic --project openstack/example_project --ref refs/heads/master
Another common pipeline is a ``post`` queue listening for ``gerrit``
merge results. Triggering here is slightly more complicated as you
wish to recreate the full ``ref-updated`` event from ``gerrit``. For
a new commit on ``master``, the gerrit ``ref-updated`` trigger
expresses "reset ``refs/heads/master`` for the project from ``oldrev``
to ``newrev``" (``newrev`` being the committed change). Thus to
replay the event, you could ``git log`` in the project and take the
current ``HEAD`` and the prior change, then enqueue the event::
NEW_REF=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
OLD_REF=$(git rev-parse HEAD~1)
zuul enqueue-ref --tenant openstack --trigger gerrit --pipeline post --project openstack/example_project --ref refs/heads/master --newrev $NEW_REF --oldrev $OLD_REF
Note that zero values for ``oldrev`` and ``newrev`` can indicate
branch creation and deletion; the source code is the best reference
for these more advanced operations.
.. program-output:: zuul promote --help
zuul promote --tenant openstack --pipeline check --changes 12345,1 13336,3
Note that the format of changes id is <number>,<patchset>.
.. program-output:: zuul show --help
zuul show running-jobs