blob: f0b784a1877eb21a9cade6577d1cc49a2690f63f [file] [log] [blame]
:title: Zuul Client
Zuul Client
Zuul includes a simple command line client that may be used by
administrators to affect Zuul's behavior while running. It must be
run on a host that has access to the Gearman server (e.g., locally on
the Zuul host).
The client uses the same zuul.conf file as the server, and will look
for it in the same locations if not specified on the command line.
The general options that apply to all subcommands are:
.. program-output:: zuul --help
The following subcommands are supported:
.. program-output:: zuul enqueue --help
zuul enqueue --trigger gerrit --pipeline check --project example_project --change 12345 --patchset 1