blob: 762eb6b56ccd0ee9dab097b5d73a69283f9f531d [file] [log] [blame]
Zuul Internals
While most people should not need to understand the details of Zuul's internal
data model, understanding the data model is essential for people writing
code for Zuul, and might be interesting to advanced users. The model is
defined in `zuul/`_.
.. _zuul/
Data Model
It all starts with the :py:class:`~zuul.model.Pipeline`. A Pipeline is the
basic organizational structure that everything else hangs off.
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Pipeline
Pipelines have a configured
:py:class:`Manager <zuul.manager.BasePipelineManager>` which controlls how
the :py:class:`Change <zuul.model.Changeish>` objects are enqueued and
There are currently two,
:py:class:`~zuul.manager.dependent.DependentPipelineManager` and
.. autoclass:: zuul.manager.BasePipelineManager
.. autoclass:: zuul.manager.dependent.DependentPipelineManager
.. autoclass:: zuul.manager.independent.IndependentPipelineManager
A :py:class:`~zuul.model.Pipeline` has one or more
:py:class:`~zuul.model.ChangeQueue` objects.
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.ChangeQueue
A :py:class:`~zuul.model.Job` represents the definition of what to do. A
:py:class:`~zuul.model.Build` represents a single run of a
:py:class:`~zuul.model.Job`. A :py:class:`~zuul.model.JobTree` is used to
encapsulate the dependencies between one or more :py:class:`~zuul.model.Job`
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Job
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.JobTree
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Build
The :py:class:`~zuul.manager.base.PipelineManager` enqueues each
:py:class:`Change <zuul.model.Changeish>` into the
:py:class:`~zuul.model.ChangeQueue` in a :py:class:`~zuul.model.QueueItem`.
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.QueueItem
As the Changes are processed, each :py:class:`~zuul.model.Build` is put into
a :py:class:`~zuul.model.BuildSet`
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.BuildSet
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Changeish
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Change
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Ref
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.ChangeishFilter
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.EventFilter
An abide is a collection of tenants.
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.UnparsedAbideConfig
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.UnparsedTenantConfig
Other Global Objects
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Project
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Layout
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.RepoFiles
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.Worker
.. autoclass:: zuul.model.TriggerEvent