blob: 057ab7ef2bafcdef69c8fd8bdf30704f6ebc8611 [file] [log] [blame]
Zuul provides an extensive framework for performing functional testing
on the system from end-to-end with major external components replaced
by fakes for ease of use and speed.
Test classes that subclass :py:class:`~tests.base.ZuulTestCase` have
access to a number of attributes useful for manipulating or inspecting
the environment being simulated in the test:
.. autofunction:: tests.base.simple_layout
.. autoclass:: tests.base.ZuulTestCase
.. autoclass:: tests.base.FakeGerritConnection
.. autoclass:: tests.base.FakeGearmanServer
.. autoclass:: tests.base.RecordingExecutorServer
.. autoclass:: tests.base.FakeBuild
.. autoclass:: tests.base.BuildHistory