blob: 7b302e91db535ed2d963c39b890214e7b4d38184 [file] [log] [blame]
:title: Connections
.. _connections:
zuul coordinates talking to multiple different systems via the concept
of connections. A connection is listed in the :ref:`zuulconf` file and is
then referred to from the :ref:`layoutyaml`. This makes it possible to
receive events from gerrit via one connection and post results from another
connection that may report back as a different user.
Create a connection with gerrit.
FQDN of Gerrit server.
The canonical hostname associated with the git repos on the Gerrit
server. Defaults to the value of **server**. This is used to
identify repos from this connection by name and in preparing repos
on the filesystem for use by jobs.
Optional: Gerrit server port.
Optional: path to Gerrit web interface. Defaults to ``https://<value
of server>/``. ``baseurl=``
User name to use when logging into above server via ssh.
Path to SSH key to use when logging into above server.
Optional: Keepalive timeout, 0 means no keepalive.
Gerrit Configuration
Zuul will need access to a Gerrit user.
Create an SSH keypair for Zuul to use if there isn't one already, and
create a Gerrit user with that key::
cat ~/ | ssh -p29418 gerrit create-account --ssh-key - --full-name Jenkins jenkins
Give that user whatever permissions will be needed on the projects you
want Zuul to gate. For instance, you may want to grant ``Verified
+/-1`` and ``Submit`` to the user. Additional categories or values may
be added to Gerrit. Zuul is very flexible and can take advantage of
Create a connection with GitHub.
API token for accessing GitHub.
See `Creating an access token for command-line use
Optional: Token for validating the webhook event payloads.
If not specified, payloads are not validated.
See `Securing your webhooks
Path to SSH key to use when cloning github repositories.
SMTP server hostname or address to use.
Optional: SMTP server port.
Who the email should appear to be sent from when emailing the report.
This can be overridden by individual pipelines.
Who the report should be emailed to by default.
This can be overridden by individual pipelines.
Only one connection per a database is permitted.
Database connection information in the form of a URI understood by
sqlalchemy. eg