blob: 86f14d6c2af7fbb55a9395a16b318109c1caff5a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 Rackspace Australia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
class BaseConnection(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for connections.
A connection is a shared object that sources, triggers and reporters can
use to speak with a remote API without needing to establish a new
connection each time or without having to authenticate each time.
Multiple instances of the same connection may exist with different
credentials, for example, thus allowing for different pipelines to operate
on different Gerrit installations or post back as a different user etc.
Connections can implement their own public methods. Required connection
methods are validated by the {trigger, source, reporter} they are loaded
into. For example, a trigger will likely require some kind of query method
while a reporter may need a review method."""
def __init__(self, driver, connection_name, connection_config):
# connection_name is the name given to this connection in zuul.ini
# connection_config is a dictionary of config_section from zuul.ini for
# this connection.
# __init__ shouldn't make the actual connection in case this connection
# isn't used in the layout.
self.driver = driver
self.connection_name = connection_name
self.connection_config = connection_config
def logEvent(self, event):
'Scheduling event from {connection}: {event}'.format(
if self.sched.statsd:
'zuul.event.{driver}.{event}'.format(, event=event.type))
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Exception reporting event stats")
def onLoad(self):
def onStop(self):
def registerScheduler(self, sched):
self.sched = sched
def maintainCache(self, relevant):
"""Make cache contain relevant changes.
This lets the user supply a list of change objects that are
still in use. Anything in our cache that isn't in the supplied
list should be safe to remove from the cache."""
def getWebHandlers(self, zuul_web):
"""Return a list of web handlers to register with zuul-web.
:param zuul.web.ZuulWeb zuul_web:
Zuul Web instance.
:returns: List of `zuul.web.handler.BaseWebHandler` instances.
return []
def validateWebConfig(self, config, connections):
"""Validate config and determine whether to register web handlers.
By default this method returns False, which means this connection
has no web handlers to register.
If the method returns True, then its `getWebHandlers` method
should be called during route registration.
If there is a fatal error, the method should raise an exception.
:param config:
The parsed config object.
:param zuul.lib.connections.ConnectionRegistry connections:
Registry of all configured connections.
return False