blob: 7cdfde8ab5496e11989c2e8f1e4447d785917a86 [file] [log] [blame]
aPiecek266ca762023-03-22 15:04:59 +01001source [expr {[info exists ::env(TESTS_DIR)] ? "$env(TESTS_DIR)/common.tcl" : "../common.tcl"}]
3# namespace of internal functions
4namespace eval ly::private {
5 namespace export *
8# Run the process with arguments.
9# Parameter cmd is a string with arguments.
10# Parameter wrn is a flag. Set to 1 if stderr should be ignored.
11# Returns a pair where the first is the return code and the second is the output.
12proc ly::private::ly_exec {cmd {wrn ""}} {
13 try {
14 set results [exec -- $::env(YANGLINT) {*}$cmd]
15 set status 0
16 } trap CHILDSTATUS {results options} {
17 # return code is not 0
18 set status [lindex [dict get $options -errorcode] 2]
19 } trap NONE results {
20 if { $wrn == 1 } {
21 set status 0
22 } else {
23 error "return code is 0 but something was written to stderr:\n$results\n"
24 }
25 } trap CHILDKILLED {results options} {
26 set status [lindex [dict get $options -errorcode] 2]
27 error "process was killed: $status"
28 }
29 list $status $results
32# Internal function.
33# Check the output with pattern.
34# Parameter pattern is a regex or an exact string to match.
35# Parameter msg is the output to check.
36# Parameter 'opt' is optional. If contains '-ex', then the 'pattern' parameter is
37# used as a simple string for exact matching of the output.
38proc ly::private::output_check {pattern msg {opt ""}} {
39 if { $opt eq "" } {
40 expr {![regexp -- $pattern $msg]}
41 } elseif { $opt eq "-ex" } {
42 expr {![string equal "$pattern" $msg]}
43 } else {
44 global error_head
45 error "$error_head unrecognized value of parameter 'opt'"
46 }
49# Execute yanglint with arguments and expect success.
50# Parameter cmd is a string of arguments.
51# Parameter pattern is a regex or an exact string to match.
52# Parameter 'opt' is optional. If contains '-ex', then the 'pattern' parameter is
53# used as a simple string for exact matching of the output.
54proc ly_cmd {cmd {pattern ""} {opt ""}} {
55 namespace import ly::private::*
56 lassign [ly_exec $cmd] rc msg
57 if { $rc != 0 } {
58 error "unexpected return code $rc:\n$msg\n"
59 }
60 if { $pattern ne "" && [output_check $pattern $msg $opt] } {
61 error "unexpected output:\n$msg\n"
62 }
63 return
66# Execute yanglint with arguments and expect error.
67# Parameter cmd is a string of arguments.
68# Parameter pattern is a regex.
69proc ly_cmd_err {cmd pattern} {
70 namespace import ly::private::*
71 lassign [ly_exec $cmd] rc msg
72 if { $rc == 0 } {
73 error "unexpected return code $rc"
74 }
75 if { [output_check $pattern $msg] } {
76 error "unexpected output:\n$msg\n"
77 }
78 return
81# Execute yanglint with arguments, expect warning in stderr but success.
82# Parameter cmd is a string of arguments.
83# Parameter pattern is a regex.
84proc ly_cmd_wrn {cmd pattern} {
85 namespace import ly::private::*
86 lassign [ly_exec $cmd 1] rc msg
87 if { $rc != 0 } {
88 error "unexpected return code $rc:\n$msg\n"
89 }
90 if { [output_check $pattern $msg] } {
91 error "unexpected output:\n$msg\n"
92 }
93 return