blob: ea69343d2bb6400cf7a6ee6f66fac9d57056a303 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file test_parser_yang.c
* @author: Radek Krejci <>
* @brief unit tests for functions from parser_yang.c
* Copyright (c) 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
* This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <cmocka.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "libyang.h"
#include "../../src/parser_yang.c"
#define BUFSIZE 1024
char logbuf[BUFSIZE] = {0};
/* set to 0 to printing error messages to stderr instead of checking them in code */
static void
logger(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
(void) level; /* unused */
if (path) {
snprintf(logbuf, BUFSIZE - 1, "%s %s", msg, path);
} else {
strncpy(logbuf, msg, BUFSIZE - 1);
static int
logger_setup(void **state)
(void) state; /* unused */
ly_set_log_clb(logger, 1);
return 0;
logbuf[0] = '\0';
# define logbuf_assert(str) assert_string_equal(logbuf, str)
# define logbuf_assert(str)
static void
test_helpers(void **state)
(void) state; /* unused */
const char *str;
char *buf, *p;
size_t len, size;
int prefix;
struct ly_parser_ctx ctx;
ctx.ctx = NULL;
ctx.line = 1;
/* storing into buffer */
str = "abcd";
buf = NULL;
size = len = 0;
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, buf_add_char(NULL, &str, 2, &buf, &size, &len));
assert_int_not_equal(0, size);
assert_int_equal(2, len);
assert_string_equal("cd", str);
assert_false(strncmp("ab", buf, 2));
buf = NULL;
/* invalid first characters */
len = 0;
str = "2invalid";
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1));
str = ".invalid";
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1));
str = "-invalid";
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1));
/* invalid following characters */
len = 3; /* number of characters read before the str content */
str = "!";
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1));
str = ":";
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1));
/* valid colon for prefixed identifiers */
len = size = 0;
p = NULL;
str = "x:id";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_PREF_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 0));
assert_int_equal(1, len);
assert_string_equal(":id", str);
assert_int_equal('x', p[len - 1]);
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, buf_store_char(&ctx, &str, Y_PREF_IDENTIF_ARG, &p, &len, &buf, &size, 1));
assert_int_equal(2, len);
assert_string_equal("id", str);
assert_int_equal(':', p[len - 1]);
/* checking identifiers */
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, check_identifierchar(&ctx, ':', 0, NULL));
logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier character ':'. Line number 1.");
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, check_identifierchar(&ctx, '#', 1, NULL));
logbuf_assert("Invalid identifier first character '#'. Line number 1.");
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, check_identifierchar(&ctx, 'a', 1, &prefix));
assert_int_equal(0, prefix);
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, check_identifierchar(&ctx, ':', 0, &prefix));
assert_int_equal(1, prefix);
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, check_identifierchar(&ctx, 'b', 0, &prefix));
assert_int_equal(2, prefix);
static void
test_comments(void **state)
(void) state; /* unused */
struct ly_parser_ctx ctx;
const char *str, *p;
char *word, *buf;
size_t len;
ctx.ctx = NULL;
ctx.line = 1;
str = " // this is a text of / one * line */ comment\nargument";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_string_equal("argument", word);
assert_int_equal(8, len);
str = "/* this is a \n * text // of / block * comment */\"arg\" + \"ume\" \n + \n \"nt\"";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_string_equal("argument", word);
assert_ptr_equal(buf, word);
assert_int_equal(8, len);
str = p = " this is one line comment on last line";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, skip_comment(&ctx, &str, 1));
assert_true(str[0] == '\0');
str = p = " this is a not terminated comment x";
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, skip_comment(&ctx, &str, 2));
logbuf_assert("Unexpected end-of-file, non-terminated comment. Line number 5.");
assert_true(str[0] == '\0');
static void
test_arg(void **state)
(void) state; /* unused */
struct ly_parser_ctx ctx;
const char *str;
char *word, *buf;
size_t len;
ctx.ctx = NULL;
ctx.line = 1;
/* missing argument */
str = ";";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_MAYBE_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \";\", expected an argument. Line number 1.");
/* different quoting */
str = "hello";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_string_equal("hello", word);
str = "\"hello\"";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_int_equal(5, len);
assert_false(strncmp("hello", word, 5));
str = "\'hello\'";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_int_equal(5, len);
assert_false(strncmp("hello", word, 5));
str = "\"hel\" +\t\n\"lo\"";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
assert_int_equal(5, len);
assert_string_equal("hello", word);
str = "\'he\'\t\n+ \"llo\"";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
assert_int_equal(5, len);
assert_string_equal("hello", word);
str = "\"he\"+\'llo\'";
assert_int_equal(LY_SUCCESS, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
assert_ptr_equal(word, buf);
assert_int_equal(5, len);
assert_string_equal("hello", word);
/* missing argument */
str = ";";
assert_int_equal(LY_EVALID, get_string(&ctx, &str, Y_STR_ARG, &word, &buf, &len));
logbuf_assert("Invalid character sequence \";\", expected an argument. Line number 3.");
int main(void)
const struct CMUnitTest tests[] = {
cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_helpers, logger_setup),
cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_comments, logger_setup),
cmocka_unit_test_setup(test_arg, logger_setup),
return cmocka_run_group_tests(tests, NULL, NULL);