blob: 7a16b62c2024a8e58ea6cd5f7f357aa486a68e70 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file main_ni.c
* @author Radek Krejci <>
* @brief libyang's yanglint tool - noninteractive code
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
* This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "commands.h"
#include "libyang.h"
volatile uint8_t verbose = 0;
#if 0
/* from commands.c */
int print_list(FILE *out, struct ly_ctx *ctx, LYD_FORMAT outformat);
help(int shortout)
fprintf(stdout, "Usage:\n");
fprintf(stdout, " yanglint [options] [-f { yang | yin | tree | tree-rfc | info}] <file>...\n");
fprintf(stdout, " Validates the YANG module in <file>, and all its dependencies.\n\n");
fprintf(stdout, " yanglint [options] [-f { xml | json }] <schema>... <file>...\n");
fprintf(stdout, " Validates the YANG modeled data in <file> according to the <schema>.\n\n");
fprintf(stdout, " yanglint\n");
fprintf(stdout, " Starts interactive mode with more features.\n\n");
if (shortout) {
fprintf(stdout, "Options:\n"
" -h, --help Show this help message and exit.\n"
" -v, --version Show version number and exit.\n"
" -V, --verbose Show verbose messages, can be used multiple times to\n"
" increase verbosity.\n"
#ifndef NDEBUG
" -G GROUPS, --debug=GROUPS\n"
" Enable printing of specific debugging message group\n"
" (nothing will be printed unless verbosity is set to debug):\n"
" <group>[,<group>]* (dict, yang, yin, xpath, diff)\n\n"
" -p PATH, --path=PATH Search path for schema (YANG/YIN) modules. The option can be used multiple times.\n"
" Current working directory and path of the module being added is used implicitly.\n\n"
" -D, --disable-searchdir\n"
" Do not implicitly search in CWD for schema modules. If specified a second time,\n"
" do not even search the module directory (all modules must be explicitly specified).\n\n"
" -s, --strict Strict data parsing (do not skip unknown data),\n"
" has no effect for schemas.\n\n"
" -m, --merge Merge input data files into a single tree and validate at once,\n"
" has no effect for the auto, rpc, rpcreply and notif TYPEs.\n\n"
" -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT\n"
" Convert to FORMAT. Supported formats: \n"
" yang, yin, tree and info for schemas,\n"
" xml, json for data.\n"
" -a, --auto Modify the xml output by adding envelopes for autodetection.\n\n"
" -i, --allimplemented Make all the imported modules implemented.\n\n"
" -l, --list Print info about the loaded schemas in ietf-yang-library format,\n"
" the -f option applies here to specify data encoding.\n"
" (i - imported module, I - implemented module)\n\n"
" -o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE\n"
" Write the output to OUTFILE instead of stdout.\n\n"
" -F FEATURES, --features=FEATURES\n"
" Features to support, default all.\n"
" <modname>:[<feature>,]*\n\n"
" -d MODE, --default=MODE\n"
" Print data with default values, according to the MODE\n"
" (to print attributes, ietf-netconf-with-defaults model\n"
" must be loaded):\n"
" all - Add missing default nodes.\n"
" all-tagged - Add missing default nodes and mark all the default\n"
" nodes with the attribute.\n"
" trim - Remove all nodes with a default value.\n"
" implicit-tagged - Add missing nodes and mark them with the attribute.\n\n"
" -t TYPE, --type=TYPE\n"
" Specify data tree type in the input data file:\n"
" auto - Resolve data type (one of the following) automatically\n"
" (as pyang does) - applicable only on XML input data.\n"
" data - Complete datastore with status data (default type).\n"
" config - Configuration datastore (without status data).\n"
" get - Result of the NETCONF <get> operation.\n"
" getconfig - Result of the NETCONF <get-config> operation.\n"
" edit - Content of the NETCONF <edit-config> operation.\n"
" rpc - Content of the NETCONF <rpc> message, defined as YANG's rpc input statement.\n"
" rpcreply - Reply to the RPC. The input data <file>s are expected in pairs - each RPC reply\n"
" input data <file> must be followed by the origin RPC input data <file> for the reply.\n"
" The same rule of pairing applies also in case of 'auto' TYPE and input data file\n"
" containing RPC reply.\n"
" notif - Notification instance (content of the <notification> element without <eventTime>.\n\n"
" -O FILE, --operational=FILE\n"
" - Optional parameter for 'rpc', 'rpcreply' and 'notif' TYPEs, the FILE contains running\n"
" configuration datastore and state data (operational datastore) referenced from\n"
" the RPC/Notification. The same data apply to all input data <file>s. Note that\n"
" the file is validated as 'data' TYPE. Special value '!' can be used as FILE argument\n"
" to ignore the external references.\n\n"
" -y YANGLIB_PATH - Path to a yang-library data describing the initial context.\n\n"
"Tree output specific options:\n"
" --tree-help - Print help on tree symbols and exit.\n"
" --tree-print-groupings\n"
" Print top-level groupings in a separate section.\n"
" --tree-print-uses - Print uses nodes instead the resolved grouping nodes.\n"
" --tree-no-leafref-target\n"
" Do not print target nodes of leafrefs.\n"
" --tree-path=SCHEMA_PATH\n"
" Print only the specified subtree.\n"
" --tree-line-length=LINE_LENGTH\n"
" Wrap lines if longer than the specified length (it is not a strict limit, longer lines\n"
" can often appear).\n\n"
"Info output specific options:\n"
" -P INFOPATH, --info-path=INFOPATH\n"
" - Schema path with full module names used as node's prefixes, the path identify the root\n"
" node of the subtree to print information about.\n"
" --single-node - Print information about a single node instead of a subtree."
fprintf(stdout, "Each node is printed as:\n\n");
fprintf(stdout, "<status> <flags> <name> <opts> <type> <if-features>\n\n"
" <status> is one of:\n"
" + for current\n"
" x for deprecated\n"
" o for obsolete\n\n"
" <flags> is one of:\n"
" rw for configuration data\n"
" ro for status data\n"
" -x for RPCs\n"
" -n for Notification\n\n"
" <name> is the name of the node\n"
" (<name>) means that the node is a choice node\n"
" :(<name>) means that the node is a case node\n\n"
" if the node is augmented into the tree from another module,\n"
" it is printed with the module name as <module-name>:<name>.\n\n"
" <opts> is one of:\n"
" ? for an optional leaf or choice\n"
" ! for a presence container\n"
" * for a leaf-list or list\n"
" [<keys>] for a list's keys\n\n"
" <type> is the name of the type for leafs and leaf-lists\n"
" If there is a default value defined, it is printed within\n"
" angle brackets <default-value>.\n"
" If the type is a leafref, the type is printed as -> TARGET`\n\n"
" <if-features> is the list of features this node depends on,\n"
" printed within curly brackets and a question mark {...}?\n\n");
fprintf(stdout, "yanglint %s\n", PROJECT_VERSION);
libyang_verbclb(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
char *levstr;
if (level <= verbose) {
switch(level) {
case LY_LLERR:
levstr = "err :";
case LY_LLWRN:
levstr = "warn:";
case LY_LLVRB:
levstr = "verb:";
levstr = "dbg :";
if (path) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s (%s)\n", levstr, msg, path);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", levstr, msg);
* return:
* 0 - error
* 1 - schema format
* 2 - data format
static int
get_fileformat(const char *filename, LYS_INFORMAT *schema, LYD_FORMAT *data)
char *ptr;
LYS_INFORMAT informat_s;
LYD_FORMAT informat_d;
/* get the file format */
if ((ptr = strrchr(filename, '.')) != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(ptr, "yang")) {
informat_s = LYS_IN_YANG;
informat_d = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(ptr, "yin")) {
informat_s = LYS_IN_YIN;
informat_d = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(ptr, "xml")) {
informat_s = 0;
informat_d = LYD_XML;
#if 0
} else if (!strcmp(ptr, "json")) {
informat_s = 0;
informat_d = LYD_JSON;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: input file in an unknown format \"%s\".\n", ptr);
return 0;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: input file \"%s\" without file extension - unknown format.\n", filename);
return 0;
if (data) {
(*data) = informat_d;
if (schema) {
(*schema) = informat_s;
if (informat_s) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
main_ni(int argc, char* argv[])
int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
int opt, opt_index = 0, i, featsize = 0;
struct option options[] = {
#if 0
{"auto", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
{"default", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"format", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"features", required_argument, NULL, 'F'},
#if 0
{"tree-print-groupings", no_argument, NULL, 'g'},
{"tree-print-uses", no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
{"tree-no-leafref-target", no_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"tree-path", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
{"tree-line-length", required_argument, NULL, 'L'},
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
#if 0
{"tree-help", no_argument, NULL, 'H'},
{"allimplemented", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"disable-cwd-search", no_argument, NULL, 'D'},
{"list", no_argument, NULL, 'l'},
#if 0
{"merge", no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{"path", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"info-path", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
#if 0
{"running", required_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"operational", required_argument, NULL, 'O'},
{"single-node", no_argument, NULL, 'q'},
{"strict", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"type", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
#ifndef NDEBUG
{"debug", required_argument, NULL, 'G'},
{NULL, required_argument, NULL, 'y'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
struct lyp_out *out = NULL;
struct ly_ctx *ctx = NULL;
const struct lys_module *mod;
LYS_OUTFORMAT outformat_s = 0;
LYS_INFORMAT informat_s;
LYD_FORMAT informat_d, outformat_d = 0;
#if 0
LYD_FORMAT ylformat = 0;
struct ly_set *searchpaths = NULL;
const char *outtarget_s = NULL;
char **feat = NULL, *ptr, *featlist, *dir;
struct stat st;
uint32_t u;
int options_ctx = LY_CTX_NOYANGLIBRARY, list = 0, outoptions_s = 0, outline_length_s = 0;
int autodetection = 0, options_parser = 0, merge = 0;
const char *oper_file = NULL;
#if 0
const char *envelope_s = NULL;
char *ylpath = NULL;
int options_dflt = 0, envelope = 0;
struct lyxml_elem *iter, *elem;
struct *subroot, *next, *node;
struct lyd_node *tree = NULL;
struct dataitem {
const char *filename;
struct lyd_node *tree;
struct dataitem *next;
LYD_FORMAT format;
int flags;
} *data = NULL, *data_item, *data_prev = NULL;
struct ly_set *mods = NULL;
void *p;
int index = 0;
opterr = 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "acd:f:F:gunP:L:hHiDlmo:p:r:O:st:vVG:y:", options, &opt_index)) != -1)
while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "acd:f:F:gunP:L:hHiDlmo:p:r:O:st:vVy:", options, &opt_index)) != -1)
switch (opt) {
#if 0
case 'a':
envelope = 1;
case 'd':
if (!strcmp(optarg, "all")) {
options_dflt = (options_dflt & ~LYP_WD_MASK) | LYP_WD_ALL;
} else if (!strcmp(optarg, "all-tagged")) {
options_dflt = (options_dflt & ~LYP_WD_MASK) | LYP_WD_ALL_TAG;
} else if (!strcmp(optarg, "trim")) {
options_dflt = (options_dflt & ~LYP_WD_MASK) | LYP_WD_TRIM;
} else if (!strcmp(optarg, "implicit-tagged")) {
options_dflt = (options_dflt & ~LYP_WD_MASK) | LYP_WD_IMPL_TAG;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: unknown default mode %s\n", optarg);
goto cleanup;
case 'f':
if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "yang")) {
outformat_s = LYS_OUT_YANG;
outformat_d = 0;
#if 0
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "tree")) {
outformat_s = LYS_OUT_TREE;
outformat_d = 0;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "tree-rfc")) {
outformat_s = LYS_OUT_TREE;
outoptions_s |= LYS_OUTOPT_TREE_RFC;
outformat_d = 0;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "yin")) {
outformat_s = LYS_OUT_YIN;
outformat_d = 0;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "info")) {
outformat_s = LYS_OUT_YANG_COMPILED;
outformat_d = 0;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "xml")) {
outformat_s = 0;
outformat_d = LYD_XML;
#if 0
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "json")) {
outformat_s = 0;
outformat_d = LYD_JSON;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: unknown output format %s\n", optarg);
goto cleanup;
case 'F':
if (!feat) {
p = malloc(sizeof *feat);
} else {
p = realloc(feat, featsize * sizeof *feat);
if (!p) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: Memory allocation failed (%s:%d, %s)", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno));
goto cleanup;
feat = p;
feat[featsize - 1] = strdup(optarg);
ptr = strchr(feat[featsize - 1], ':');
if (!ptr) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: Invalid format of the features specification (%s)", optarg);
goto cleanup;
*ptr = '\0';
#if 0
case 'g':
case 'u':
outoptions_s |= LYS_OUTOPT_TREE_USES;
case 'n':
case 'P':
outtarget_s = optarg;
#if 0
case 'L':
outline_length_s = atoi(optarg);
case 'h':
goto cleanup;
#if 0
case 'H':
goto cleanup;
case 'i':
case 'D':
if (options_ctx & LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: -D specified too many times.\n");
goto cleanup;
} else if (options_ctx & LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIR_CWD) {
} else {
case 'l':
list = 1;
#if 0
case 'm':
merge = 1;
case 'o':
if (out) {
if (lyp_filepath(out, optarg) != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: unable open output file %s (%s)\n", optarg, strerror(errno));
goto cleanup;
} else {
out = lyp_new_filepath(optarg);
if (!out) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: unable open output file %s (%s)\n", optarg, strerror(errno));
goto cleanup;
case 'p':
if (stat(optarg, &st) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: Unable to use search path (%s) - %s.\n", optarg, strerror(errno));
goto cleanup;
if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: Provided search path is not a directory.\n");
goto cleanup;
if (!searchpaths) {
searchpaths = ly_set_new();
ly_set_add(searchpaths, optarg, 0);
#if 0
case 'r':
case 'O':
if (oper_file || (options_parser & LYD_OPT_NOEXTDEPS)) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: The operational datastore (-O) cannot be set multiple times.\n");
goto cleanup;
if (optarg[0] == '!') {
/* ignore extenral dependencies to the operational datastore */
options_parser |= LYD_OPT_NOEXTDEPS;
} else {
/* external file with the operational datastore */
oper_file = optarg;
case 's':
options_parser |= LYD_OPT_STRICT;
case 't':
if (!strcmp(optarg, "auto")) {
autodetection = 1;
/*} else if (!strcmp(optarg, "config")) {
options_parser |= LYD_OPT_CONFIG;
} else if (!strcmp(optarg, "get")) {
options_parser |= LYD_OPT_GET;
} else if (!strcmp(optarg, "getconfig")) {
options_parser |= LYD_OPT_GETCONFIG;
} else if (!strcmp(optarg, "edit")) {
options_parser |= LYD_OPT_EDIT;*/
} else if (!strcmp(optarg, "data")) {
/* no options */
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: unknown data tree type %s\n", optarg);
goto cleanup;
case 'v':
goto cleanup;
case 'V':
#ifndef NDEBUG
case 'G':
u = 0;
ptr = optarg;
while (ptr[0]) {
if (!strncmp(ptr, "dict", 4)) {
ptr += 4;
} else if (!strncmp(ptr, "yang", 4)) {
ptr += 4;
} else if (!strncmp(ptr, "yin", 3)) {
ptr += 3;
} else if (!strncmp(ptr, "xpath", 5)) {
ptr += 5;
} else if (!strncmp(ptr, "diff", 4)) {
ptr += 4;
if (ptr[0]) {
if (ptr[0] != ',') {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: unknown debug group string \"%s\"\n", optarg);
goto cleanup;
#if 0
case 'y':
ptr = strrchr(optarg, '.');
if (ptr) {
if (!strcmp(ptr, "xml")) {
ylformat = LYD_XML;
} else if (!strcmp(ptr, "json")) {
ylformat = LYD_JSON;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: yang-library file in an unknown format \"%s\".\n", ptr);
goto cleanup;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: yang-library file in an unknown format.\n");
goto cleanup;
ylpath = optarg;
if (optopt) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: invalid option: -%c\n", optopt);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: invalid option: %s\n", argv[optind - 1]);
goto cleanup;
/* check options compatibility */
if (!list && optind >= argc) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: missing <file> to process\n");
goto cleanup;
if (outformat_s && outformat_s != LYS_OUT_TREE && (optind + 1) < argc) {
/* we have multiple schemas to be printed as YIN or YANG */
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: too many schemas to convert and store.\n");
goto cleanup;
if (outoptions_s || outtarget_s || outline_length_s) {
#if 0
if (outformat_d || (outformat_s && outformat_s != LYS_OUT_TREE)) {
/* we have --tree-print-grouping with other output format than tree */
"yanglint warning: --tree options take effect only in case of the tree output format.\n");
if (merge) {
if (autodetection || (options_parser & (LYD_OPT_RPC | LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY | LYD_OPT_NOTIF))) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint warning: merging not allowed, ignoring option -m.\n");
merge = 0;
} else {
/* first, files will be parsed as trusted to allow missing data, then the data trees will be merged
* and the result will be validated */
options_parser |= LYD_OPT_TRUSTED;
#if 0
if (!outformat_d && options_dflt) {
/* we have options for printing default nodes, but data output not specified */
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint warning: default mode is ignored when not printing data.\n");
if (outformat_s && (options_parser || autodetection)) {
/* we have options for printing data tree, but output is schema */
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint warning: data parser options are ignored when printing schema.\n");
if (oper_file && (!autodetection && !(options_parser & (LYD_OPT_RPC | LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY | LYD_OPT_NOTIF)))) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint warning: operational datastore applies only to RPCs or Notifications.\n");
/* ignore operational datastore file */
oper_file = NULL;
if ((options_parser & LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) == LYD_OPT_DATA) {
/* add option to ignore ietf-yang-library data for implicit data type */
options_parser |= LYD_OPT_DATA_NO_YANGLIB;
/* set callback for printing libyang messages */
ly_set_log_clb(libyang_verbclb, 1);
#if 0
/* create libyang context */
if (ylpath) {
ctx = ly_ctx_new_ylpath(searchpaths ? (const char*)searchpaths->set.g[0] : NULL, ylpath, ylformat, options_ctx);
} else {
ly_ctx_new(NULL, options_ctx, &ctx);
if (!ctx) {
goto cleanup;
/* set searchpaths */
if (searchpaths) {
for (u = 0; u < searchpaths->count; u++) {
ly_ctx_set_searchdir(ctx, (const char*)searchpaths->objs[u]);
index = u + 1;
/* derefered setting of verbosity in libyang after context initiation */
mods = ly_set_new();
/* divide input files */
for (i = 0; i < argc - optind; i++) {
/* get the file format */
if (!get_fileformat(argv[optind + i], &informat_s, &informat_d)) {
goto cleanup;
if (informat_s) {
/* load/validate schema */
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Validating %s schema file.\n", argv[optind + i]);
dir = strdup(argv[optind + i]);
ly_ctx_set_searchdir(ctx, ptr = dirname(dir));
mod = lys_parse_path(ctx, argv[optind + i], informat_s);
ly_ctx_unset_searchdir(ctx, index);
if (!mod) {
goto cleanup;
ly_set_add(mods, (void *)mod, 0);
} else {
if (autodetection && informat_d != LYD_XML) {
/* data file content autodetection is possible only for XML input */
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: data type autodetection is applicable only to XML files.\n");
goto cleanup;
/* remember data filename and its format */
if (!data) {
data = data_item = malloc(sizeof *data);
} else {
for (data_item = data; data_item->next; data_item = data_item->next);
data_item->next = malloc(sizeof *data_item);
data_item = data_item->next;
data_item->filename = argv[optind + i];
data_item->format = informat_d;
data_item->flags = options_parser;
data_item->tree = NULL;
data_item->next = NULL;
if (outformat_d && !data && !list) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: no input data file for the specified data output format.\n");
goto cleanup;
/* enable specified features, if not specified, all the module's features are enabled */
u = 4; /* skip internal libyang modules */
while ((mod = ly_ctx_get_module_iter(ctx, &u))) {
for (i = 0; i < featsize; i++) {
if (!strcmp(feat[i], mod->name)) {
/* parse features spec */
featlist = strdup(feat[i] + strlen(feat[i]) + 1);
ptr = NULL;
while((ptr = strtok(ptr ? NULL : featlist, ","))) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Enabling feature %s in module %s.\n", ptr, mod->name);
if (lys_feature_enable(mod, ptr)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Feature %s not defined in module %s.\n", ptr, mod->name);
if (i == featsize) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Enabling all features in module %s.\n", mod->name);
lys_feature_enable(mod, "*");
/* convert (print) to FORMAT */
if (outformat_s) {
if (outtarget_s) {
const struct lysc_node *node = lys_find_node(ctx, NULL, outtarget_s);
if (node) {
lys_print_node(out, node, outformat_s, outline_length_s, outoptions_s);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: The requested schema node \"%s\" does not exists.\n", outtarget_s);
} else {
for (u = 0; u < mods->count; u++) {
if (u) {
lyp_print(out, "\n");
lys_print(out, (struct lys_module *)mods->objs[u], outformat_s, outline_length_s, outoptions_s);
} else if (data) {
/* prepare operational datastore when specified for RPC/Notification */
if (oper_file) {
/* get the file format */
if (!get_fileformat(oper_file, NULL, &informat_d)) {
goto cleanup;
} else if (!informat_d) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: The operational data are expected in XML or JSON format.\n");
goto cleanup;
tree = lyd_parse_path(ctx, oper_file, informat_d, LYD_OPT_PARSE_ONLY);
if (!tree) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: Failed to parse the operational datastore file for RPC/Notification validation.\n");
goto cleanup;
for (data_item = data, data_prev = NULL; data_item; data_prev = data_item, data_item = data_item->next) {
/* parse data file - via LYD_OPT_TRUSTED postpone validation when all data are loaded and merged */
#if 0
if (autodetection) {
/* erase option not covered by LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK, but used according to the type */
options_parser &= ~LYD_OPT_DATA_NO_YANGLIB;
/* automatically detect data type from the data top level */
data_item->xml = lyxml_parse_path(ctx, data_item->filename, 0);
if (!data_item->xml) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: parsing XML data for data type autodetection failed.\n");
goto cleanup;
/* NOTE: namespace is ignored to simplify usage of this feature */
if (!strcmp(data_item->xml->name, "data")) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Parsing %s as complete datastore.\n", data_item->filename);
options_parser = (options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_DATA_NO_YANGLIB;
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_DATA;
} else if (!strcmp(data_item->xml->name, "config")) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Parsing %s as config data.\n", data_item->filename);
options_parser = (options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_CONFIG;
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_CONFIG;
} else if (!strcmp(data_item->xml->name, "get-reply")) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Parsing %s as <get> reply data.\n", data_item->filename);
options_parser = (options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_GET;
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_GET;
} else if (!strcmp(data_item->xml->name, "get-config-reply")) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Parsing %s as <get-config> reply data.\n", data_item->filename);
options_parser = (options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_GETCONFIG;
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_GETCONFIG;
} else if (!strcmp(data_item->xml->name, "edit-config")) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Parsing %s as <edit-config> data.\n", data_item->filename);
options_parser = (options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_EDIT;
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_EDIT;
} else if (!strcmp(data_item->xml->name, "rpc")) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Parsing %s as <rpc> data.\n", data_item->filename);
options_parser = (options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_RPC;
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_RPC;
} else if (!strcmp(data_item->xml->name, "rpc-reply")) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Parsing %s as <rpc-reply> data.\n", data_item->filename);
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY;
if (!data_item->next || (data_prev && !data_prev->tree)) {
fprintf(stderr, "RPC reply (%s) must be paired with the original RPC, see help.\n", data_item->filename);
goto cleanup;
} else if (!strcmp(data_item->xml->name, "notification")) {
if (verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "Parsing %s as <notification> data.\n", data_item->filename);
options_parser = (options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_NOTIF;
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_NOTIF;
/* ignore eventTime element if present */
while (data_item->xml->child && !strcmp(data_item->xml->child->name, "eventTime")) {
lyxml_free(ctx, data_item->xml->child);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: invalid top-level element \"%s\" for data type autodetection.\n",
goto cleanup;
data_item->tree = lyd_parse_xml(ctx, &data_item->xml->child, options_parser, oper);
if (data_prev && data_prev->type == LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY) {
/* check result of the RPC parsing, we are going to do another parsing in this step */
if (ly_errno) {
goto cleanup;
/* check that we really have RPC for the reply */
if (data_item->type != LYD_OPT_RPC) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: RPC reply (%s) must be paired with the original RPC, see help.\n", data_prev->filename);
goto cleanup;
if (data_prev->format == LYD_XML) {
/* ignore <ok> and <rpc-error> elements if present */
u = 0;
LY_TREE_FOR_SAFE(data_prev->xml->child, iter, elem) {
if (!strcmp(data_prev->xml->child->name, "ok")) {
if (u) {
/* rpc-error or ok already present */
u = 0x8; /* error flag */
} else {
u = 0x1 | 0x4; /* <ok> flag with lyxml_free() flag */
} else if (!strcmp(data_prev->xml->child->name, "rpc-error")) {
if (u && (u & 0x1)) {
/* ok already present, rpc-error can be present multiple times */
u = 0x8; /* error flag */
} else {
u = 0x2 | 0x4; /* <rpc-error> flag with lyxml_free() flag */
if (u == 0x8) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: Invalid RPC reply (%s) content.\n", data_prev->filename);
goto cleanup;
} else if (u & 0x4) {
lyxml_free(ctx, data_prev->xml->child);
u &= ~0x4; /* unset lyxml_free() flag */
/* finally, parse RPC reply from the previous step */
data_prev->tree = lyd_parse_xml(ctx, &data_prev->xml->child,
(options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY, data_item->tree, oper);
} else { /* LYD_JSON */
data_prev->tree = lyd_parse_path(ctx, data_prev->filename, data_item->format,
(options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY, data_item->tree, oper);
} else if ((options_parser & LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) == LYD_OPT_RPCREPLY) {
if (data_prev && !data_prev->tree) {
/* now we should have RPC for the preceding RPC reply */
data_item->tree = lyd_parse_path(ctx, data_item->filename, data_item->format,
(options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TYPEMASK) | LYD_OPT_RPC, oper);
data_item->type = LYD_OPT_RPC;
goto parse_reply;
} else {
/* now we have RPC reply which will be parsed in next step together with its RPC */
if (!data_item->next) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: RPC reply (%s) must be paired with the original RPC, see help.\n", data_item->filename);
goto cleanup;
if (data_item->format == LYD_XML) {
/* create rpc-reply container to unify handling with autodetection */
data_item->xml = calloc(1, sizeof *data_item->xml);
if (!data_item->xml) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: Memory allocation failed failed.\n");
goto cleanup;
data_item->xml->name = lydict_insert(ctx, "rpc-reply", 9);
data_item->xml->prev = data_item->xml;
data_item->xml->child = lyxml_parse_path(ctx, data_item->filename, LYXML_PARSE_MULTIROOT | LYXML_PARSE_NOMIXEDCONTENT);
if (data_item->xml->child) {
data_item->xml->child->parent = data_item->xml;
} else {
data_item->tree = lyd_parse_path(ctx, data_item->filename, data_item->format, options_parser);
if (ly_err_first(ctx)) {
goto cleanup;
#if 0
if (merge && data != data_item) {
if (!data->tree) {
data->tree = data_item->tree;
} else if (data_item->tree) {
/* merge results */
if (lyd_merge(data->tree, data_item->tree, LYD_OPT_DESTRUCT | LYD_OPT_EXPLICIT)) {
fprintf(stderr, "yanglint error: merging multiple data trees failed.\n");
goto cleanup;
data_item->tree = NULL;
#if 0
if (merge) {
/* validate the merged data tree, do not trust the input, invalidate all the data first */
LY_TREE_FOR(data->tree, subroot) {
LY_TREE_DFS_BEGIN(subroot, next, node) {
node->validity = LYD_VAL_OK;
switch (node->schema->nodetype) {
case LYS_LEAF:
if (((struct lys_node_leaf *)node->schema)->type.base == LY_TYPE_LEAFREF) {
node->validity |= LYD_VAL_LEAFREF;
case LYS_LIST:
node->validity |= LYD_VAL_UNIQUE;
/* falls through */
case LYS_RPC:
node->validity |= LYD_VAL_MAND;
LY_TREE_DFS_END(subroot, next, node)
if (lyd_validate(&data->tree, options_parser & ~LYD_OPT_TRUSTED, ctx)) {
goto cleanup;
/* print only if data output format specified */
if (outformat_d) {
for (data_item = data; data_item; data_item = data_item->next) {
if (!merge && verbose >= 2) {
fprintf(stdout, "File %s:\n", data_item->filename);
#if 0
if (outformat_d == LYD_XML && envelope) {
switch (data_item->type) {
envelope_s = "data";
envelope_s = "config";
envelope_s = "get-reply";
envelope_s = "get-config-reply";
envelope_s = "edit-config";
envelope_s = "rpc";
envelope_s = "rpc-reply";
envelope_s = "notification";
fprintf(out, "<%s>\n", envelope_s);
if (data_item->type == LYD_OPT_RPC && data_item->tree->schema->nodetype != LYS_RPC) {
/* action */
fprintf(out, "<action xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1\">\n");
lyd_print(out, data_item->tree, outformat_d, LYDP_WITHSIBLINGS | LYDP_FORMAT /* TODO defaults | options_dflt */);
#if 0
if (envelope_s) {
if (data_item->type == LYD_OPT_RPC && data_item->tree->schema->nodetype != LYS_RPC) {
fprintf(out, "</action>\n");
fprintf(out, "</%s>\n", envelope_s);
if (merge) {
/* stop after first item */
#if 0
if (list) {
print_list(out, ctx, outformat_d);
ly_set_free(mods, NULL);
ly_set_free(searchpaths, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < featsize; i++) {
for (; data; data = data_item) {
data_item = data->next;
ly_ctx_destroy(ctx, NULL);
lyp_free(out, NULL, 1);
return ret;