blob: e63c8b2fcc046f9c5d3030baa822c2466f39649a [file] [log] [blame]
source [expr {[info exists ::env(TESTS_DIR)] ? "$env(TESTS_DIR)/non-interactive/ly.tcl" : "ly.tcl"}]
set mdir $::env(YANG_MODULES_DIR)
set ipv6_path "/ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/ietf-ip:ipv6/address"
test format_yang {} {
ly_cmd "-f yang $mdir/modleaf.yang" "leaf lfl"
} {}
test format_yin {} {
ly_cmd "-f yin $mdir/modleaf.yang" "<leaf name=\"lfl\">"
} {}
test format_info {} {
ly_cmd "-f info $mdir/modleaf.yang" "status current"
} {}
test format_tree {} {
ly_cmd "-f tree $mdir/modleaf.yang" "\\+--rw lfl"
} {}
test format_tree_path {Print subtree in tree format} {
ly_cmd "-f tree -P $ipv6_path $mdir/ietf-ip.yang" "\\+--rw address.*\\+--rw prefix-length"
} {}
test format_tree_path_single_node {Print node in tree format} {
ly_cmd "-f tree -q -P $ipv6_path $mdir/ietf-ip.yang" "\\+--rw address\\* \\\[ip\\\]$"
} {}
test format_feature_param_one_module {Show features for one module} {
ly_cmd "-f feature-param $mdir/ietf-ip.yang" " -F ietf-ip:ipv4-non-contiguous-netmasks,ipv6-privacy-autoconf" -ex
} {}
test format_feature_param_more_modules {Show a mix of modules with and without features} {
set features " -F modfeature:ftr1,ftr2\
-F modleaf:\
-F ietf-ip:ipv4-non-contiguous-netmasks,ipv6-privacy-autoconf"
ly_cmd "-f feature-param $mdir/modfeature.yang $mdir/modleaf.yang $mdir/ietf-ip.yang" $features -ex
} {}