blob: 38754c7d3e596978bb46df7de90786e21d718c35 [file] [log] [blame]
source [expr {[info exists ::env(TESTS_DIR)] ? "$env(TESTS_DIR)/interactive/ly.tcl" : "ly.tcl"}]
set ddir "$::env(TESTS_DIR)/data"
test data_merge_basic {Data is merged and the node is added} {
-setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body {
ly_cmd "load modmerge"
ly_cmd "data -m -f xml $ddir/modmerge.xml $ddir/modmerge3.xml" "<en>.*<lm>.*<lf>"
test data_merge_validation_failed {Data is merged but validation failed.} {
-setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body {
ly_cmd "load modmerge"
ly_cmd "data $ddir/modmerge.xml"
ly_cmd "data $ddir/modmerge2.xml"
ly_cmd "data -m $ddir/modmerge2.xml $ddir/modmerge.xml"
ly_cmd_err "data -m $ddir/modmerge.xml $ddir/modmerge2.xml" "Merged data are not valid"
test data_merge_dataconfig {The merge option has effect only for 'data' and 'config' TYPEs} {
-setup $ly_setup -cleanup $ly_cleanup -body {
ly_cmd "load modrpc modnotif modconfig modleaf"
set wrn1 "option has effect only for"
ly_cmd_wrn "data -m -t rpc $ddir/modrpc.xml $ddir/modrpc.xml" $wrn1
ly_cmd_wrn "data -m -t notif $ddir/modnotif2.xml $ddir/modnotif2.xml" $wrn1
ly_cmd_wrn "data -m -t get $ddir/modleaf.xml $ddir/modconfig.xml" $wrn1
ly_cmd_wrn "data -m -t getconfig $ddir/modleaf.xml $ddir/modconfig2.xml" $wrn1
ly_cmd_wrn "data -m -t edit $ddir/modleaf.xml $ddir/modconfig2.xml" $wrn1
ly_cmd "data -m -t config $ddir/modleaf.xml $ddir/modconfig2.xml"
ly_cmd "data -m -t data $ddir/modleaf.xml $ddir/modconfig.xml"