blob: a318420808d477bf400cdaa084e80bb2725a2757 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file xml.c
* @author Radek Krejci <>
* @brief Generic XML parser implementation for libyang
* Copyright (c) 2015 - 2018 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
* This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
#include "common.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "xml.h"
#include "printer_internal.h"
/* Move input p by s characters, if EOF log with lyxml_context c */
#define move_input(c,p,s) p += s; LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(!p[0], LOGVAL(c->ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &c->line, LY_VCODE_EOF), LY_EVALID)
/* Ignore whitespaces in the input string p */
#define ign_xmlws(c,p) while (is_xmlws(*(p))) {if (*(p) == '\n') {++c->line;} ++p;}
* @brief Ignore any characters until the delim of the size delim_len is read
* Detects number of read new lines.
* Returns the pointer to the beginning of the detected delim, or NULL in case the delim not found in
* NULL-terminated input string.
* */
static const char *
ign_todelim(register const char *input, const char *delim, size_t delim_len, size_t *newlines)
size_t i;
register const char *a, *b;
(*newlines) = 0;
for ( ; *input; ++input) {
if (*input != *delim) {
if (*input == '\n') {
a = input;
b = delim;
for (i = 0; i < delim_len; ++i) {
if (*a++ != *b++) {
if (i == delim_len) {
return input;
return NULL;
* Store UTF-8 character specified as 4byte integer into the dst buffer.
* Returns number of written bytes (4 max), expects that dst has enough space.
* UTF-8 mapping:
* 00000000 -- 0000007F: 0xxxxxxx
* 00000080 -- 000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
* 00000800 -- 0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
* 00010000 -- 001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
* Includes checking for valid characters (following RFC 7950, sec 9.4)
static LY_ERR
lyxml_pututf8(char *dst, uint32_t value, size_t *bytes_written)
if (value < 0x80) {
/* one byte character */
if (value < 0x20 &&
value != 0x09 &&
value != 0x0a &&
value != 0x0d) {
return LY_EINVAL;
dst[0] = value;
(*bytes_written) = 1;
} else if (value < 0x800) {
/* two bytes character */
dst[0] = 0xc0 | (value >> 6);
dst[1] = 0x80 | (value & 0x3f);
(*bytes_written) = 2;
} else if (value < 0xfffe) {
/* three bytes character */
if (((value & 0xf800) == 0xd800) ||
(value >= 0xfdd0 && value <= 0xfdef)) {
/* exclude surrogate blocks %xD800-DFFF */
/* exclude noncharacters %xFDD0-FDEF */
return LY_EINVAL;
dst[0] = 0xe0 | (value >> 12);
dst[1] = 0x80 | ((value >> 6) & 0x3f);
dst[2] = 0x80 | (value & 0x3f);
(*bytes_written) = 3;
} else if (value < 0x10fffe) {
if ((value & 0xffe) == 0xffe) {
/* exclude noncharacters %xFFFE-FFFF, %x1FFFE-1FFFF, %x2FFFE-2FFFF, %x3FFFE-3FFFF, %x4FFFE-4FFFF,
return LY_EINVAL;
/* four bytes character */
dst[0] = 0xf0 | (value >> 18);
dst[1] = 0x80 | ((value >> 12) & 0x3f);
dst[2] = 0x80 | ((value >> 6) & 0x3f);
dst[3] = 0x80 | (value & 0x3f);
(*bytes_written) = 4;
return LY_SUCCESS;
* @brief Check/Get an XML qualified name from the input string.
* The identifier must have at least one valid character complying the name start character constraints.
* The identifier is terminated by the first character, which does not comply to the name character constraints.
* See
* @param[in] context XML context to track lines or store errors into libyang context.
* @param[in,out] input Input string to process, updated according to the processed/read data.
* Note that the term_char is also read, so input points after the term_char at the end.
* @param[out] term_char The first character in the input string which does not compy to the name constraints.
* @param[out] term_char_len Number of bytes used to encode UTF8 term_char. Serves to be able to go back in input string.
* @return LY_ERR value.
static LY_ERR
lyxml_check_qname(struct lyxml_context *context, const char **input, unsigned int *term_char, size_t *term_char_len)
unsigned int c;
const char *id = (*input);
LY_ERR rc;
/* check NameStartChar (minus colon) */
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(ly_getutf8(input, &c, NULL) != LY_SUCCESS,
LOGVAL(context->ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_INCHAR, (*input)[0]), LY_EVALID);
LOGVAL(context->ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LYVE_SYNTAX,
"Identifier \"%s\" starts with invalid character.", id),
/* check rest of the identifier */
for (rc = ly_getutf8(input, &c, term_char_len);
rc == LY_SUCCESS && is_xmlqnamechar(c);
rc = ly_getutf8(input, &c, term_char_len));
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(rc != LY_SUCCESS, LOGVAL(context->ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_INCHAR, (*input)[0]), LY_EVALID);
(*term_char) = c;
return LY_SUCCESS;
* @brief Add namespace definition into XML context.
* Namespaces from a single element are supposed to be added sequentially together (not interleaved by a namespace from other
* element). This mimic namespace visibility, since the namespace defined in element E is not visible from its parents or
* siblings. On the other hand, namespace from a parent element can be redefined in a child element. This is also reflected
* by lyxml_ns_get() which returns the most recent namespace definition for the given prefix.
* When leaving processing of a subtree of some element (after it is removed from context->elements), caller is supposed to call
* lyxml_ns_rm() to remove all the namespaces defined in such an element from the context.
* @param[in] context XML context to work with.
* @param[in] prefix Pointer to the namespace prefix as taken from lyxml_get_attribute(). Can be NULL for default namespace.
* @param[in] prefix_len Length of the prefix string (since it is not NULL-terminated when returned from lyxml_get_attribute()).
* @param[in] uri Namespace URI (value) to store. Value can be obtained via lyxml_get_string() and caller is not supposed to
* work with the pointer when the function succeeds. In case of error the value is freed.
* @return LY_ERR values.
lyxml_ns_add(struct lyxml_context *context, const char *prefix, size_t prefix_len, char *uri)
struct lyxml_ns *ns;
ns = malloc(sizeof *ns);
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(!ns, LOGMEM(context->ctx), LY_EMEM);
/* we need to connect the depth of the element where the namespace is defined with the
* namespace record to be able to maintain (remove) the record when the parser leaves
* (to its sibling or back to the parent) the element where the namespace was defined */
ns->depth = context->elements.count;
ns->uri = uri;
if (prefix) {
ns->prefix = strndup(prefix, prefix_len);
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(!ns->prefix, LOGMEM(context->ctx); free(ns->uri); free(ns), LY_EMEM);
} else {
ns->prefix = NULL;
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(ly_set_add(&context->ns, ns, LY_SET_OPT_USEASLIST) == -1,
free(ns->prefix); free(ns->uri); free(ns), LY_EMEM);
return LY_SUCCESS;
* @brief Remove all the namespaces defined in the element recently closed (removed from the context->elements).
* @param[in] context XML context to work with.
lyxml_ns_rm(struct lyxml_context *context)
unsigned int u;
for (u = context->ns.count - 1; u + 1 > 0; --u) {
if (((struct lyxml_ns *)context->ns.objs[u])->depth != context->elements.count + 1) {
/* we are done, the namespaces from a single element are supposed to be together */
/* remove the ns structure */
free(((struct lyxml_ns *)context->ns.objs[u])->prefix);
free(((struct lyxml_ns *)context->ns.objs[u])->uri);
if (!context->ns.count) {
/* cleanup the context's namespaces storage */
ly_set_erase(&context->ns, NULL);
const struct lyxml_ns *
lyxml_ns_get(struct lyxml_context *context, const char *prefix, size_t prefix_len)
unsigned int u;
struct lyxml_ns *ns;
for (u = context->ns.count - 1; u + 1 > 0; --u) {
ns = (struct lyxml_ns *)context->ns.objs[u];
if (prefix) {
if (!strncmp(prefix, ns->prefix, prefix_len) && ns->prefix[prefix_len] == '\0') {
return ns;
} else if (!ns->prefix) {
/* default namespace */
return ns;
return NULL;
lyxml_get_string(struct lyxml_context *context, const char **input, char **buffer, size_t *buffer_size, char **output, size_t *length, int *dynamic)
#define BUFSIZE 4096
#define BUFSIZE_STEP 4096
if (CURR+NEED >= SIZE) { \
BUF = ly_realloc(BUF, SIZE + BUFSIZE_STEP); \
struct ly_ctx *ctx = context->ctx; /* shortcut */
const char *in = (*input), *start;
char *buf = NULL, delim;
size_t offset; /* read offset in input buffer */
size_t len; /* length of the output string (write offset in output buffer) */
size_t size; /* size of the output buffer */
void *p;
uint32_t n;
size_t u, newlines;
bool empty_content = false;
assert(context->status == LYXML_ELEM_CONTENT || context->status == LYXML_ATTR_CONTENT);
if (in[0] == '\'') {
delim = '\'';
} else if (in[0] == '"') {
delim = '"';
} else {
delim = '<';
empty_content = true;
start = in;
if (empty_content) {
/* only when processing element's content - try to ignore whitespaces used to format XML data
* before element's child or closing tag */
for (offset = newlines = 0; in[offset] && is_xmlws(in[offset]); ++offset) {
if (in[offset] == '\n') {
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(!in[offset], LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_EOF), LY_EVALID);
context->line += newlines;
if (in[offset] == '<') {
const char *name, *prefix;
size_t name_len, prefix_len;
(*input) = in + offset;
/* get know if it is child element (indentation) or closing element (whitespace-only content) */
in = *input;
rc = lyxml_get_element(context, &in, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len);
if (name) {
/* the element here is not closing element, so we have the just indentation formatting before the child */
context->status -= 1; /* LYXML_ELEMENT */
return LY_EINVAL;
} else if (rc) {
/* some parsing error, so pass it */
(*input) = in;
return rc;
} else {
/* whitespace-only content */
len = offset - 1;
goto success;
/* init */
offset = len = 0;
if (0) {
/* prepare output buffer */
if (*buffer) {
buf = *buffer;
size = *buffer_size;
} else {
buf = malloc(BUFSIZE);
size = BUFSIZE;
/* parse */
while (in[offset]) {
if (in[offset] == '&') {
if (!buf) {
/* it is necessary to modify the input, so we will need a dynamically allocated buffer */
goto getbuffer;
if (offset) {
/* store what we have so far */
BUFSIZE_CHECK(ctx, buf, size, len, offset);
memcpy(&buf[len], in, offset);
len += offset;
in += offset;
offset = 0;
/* process reference */
/* we will need 4 bytes at most since we support only the predefined
* (one-char) entities and character references */
BUFSIZE_CHECK(ctx, buf, size, len, 4);
if (in[offset] != '#') {
/* entity reference - only predefined references are supported */
if (!strncmp(&in[offset], "lt;", 3)) {
buf[len++] = '<';
in += 4; /* &lt; */
} else if (!strncmp(&in[offset], "gt;", 3)) {
buf[len++] = '>';
in += 4; /* &gt; */
} else if (!strncmp(&in[offset], "amp;", 4)) {
buf[len++] = '&';
in += 5; /* &amp; */
} else if (!strncmp(&in[offset], "apos;", 5)) {
buf[len++] = '\'';
in += 6; /* &apos; */
} else if (!strncmp(&in[offset], "quot;", 5)) {
buf[len++] = '\"';
in += 6; /* &quot; */
} else {
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LYVE_SYNTAX,
"Entity reference \"%.*s\" not supported, only predefined references allowed.", 10, &in[offset-1]);
goto error;
offset = 0;
} else {
p = (void*)&in[offset - 1];
/* character reference */
if (isdigit(in[offset])) {
for (n = 0; isdigit(in[offset]); offset++) {
n = (10 * n) + (in[offset] - '0');
} else if (in[offset] == 'x' && isxdigit(in[offset + 1])) {
for (n = 0, ++offset; isxdigit(in[offset]); offset++) {
if (isdigit(in[offset])) {
u = (in[offset] - '0');
} else if (in[offset] > 'F') {
u = 10 + (in[offset] - 'a');
} else {
u = 10 + (in[offset] - 'A');
n = (16 * n) + u;
} else {
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LYVE_SYNTAX, "Invalid character reference \"%.*s\".", 12, p);
goto error;
LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(in[offset] != ';',
LY_VCODE_INSTREXP_len(&in[offset]), &in[offset], ";"),
rc = lyxml_pututf8(&buf[len], n, &u);
"Invalid character reference \"%.*s\" (0x%08x).", 12, p, n),
len += u;
in += offset;
offset = 0;
} else if (in[offset] == delim) {
/* end of string */
if (buf) {
if (len + offset >= size) {
buf = ly_realloc(buf, len + offset + 1);
size = len + offset + 1;
memcpy(&buf[len], in, offset);
len += offset;
/* in case of element content, keep the leading <,
* for attribute's value move after the terminating quotation mark */
if (context->status == LYXML_ELEM_CONTENT) {
const char *name, *prefix;
size_t name_len, prefix_len;
in += offset;
/* get know if it is child element (mixed content) or closing element (regular content) */
(*input) = in;
rc = lyxml_get_element(context, &in, &prefix, &prefix_len, &name, &name_len);
if (name) {
/* the element here is not closing element, so we have not allowed mixed content */
struct lyxml_elem *e = (struct lyxml_elem*)context->elements.objs[--context->elements.count];
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LYVE_SYNTAX, "Mixed XML content is not allowed (%.*s).",
offset + (in - (*input)), &(*input)[-offset]);
return LY_EVALID;
} else if (rc) {
/* some parsing error, so pass it */
return rc;
} else {
/* closing element, so we have regular content */
goto success;
} else {
in += offset + 1;
goto success;
} else {
/* log lines */
if (in[offset] == '\n') {
/* continue */
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_EOF);
if (!(*buffer)) {
/* buffer not provided, buf is local */
} else if (buf) {
/* buf is shared with caller via buffer, but buf could be reallocated, so update the provided buffer */
(*buffer) = buf;
(*buffer_size) = size;
return LY_EVALID;
if (buf) {
if (!(*buffer) && size != len + 1) {
/* not using provided buffer, so fit the allocated buffer to what we really have inside */
p = realloc(buf, len + 1);
/* ignore realloc fail because we are reducing the buffer,
* so just return bigger buffer than needed */
if (p) {
size = len + 1;
buf = p;
/* set terminating NULL byte */
buf[len] = '\0';
context->status -= 1;
if (buf) {
(*buffer) = buf;
(*buffer_size) = size;
(*output) = buf;
(*dynamic) = 1;
} else {
(*output) = (char*)start;
(*dynamic) = 0;
(*length) = len;
if (context->status == LYXML_ATTRIBUTE) {
if (in[0] == '>') {
/* element terminated by > - termination of the opening tag */
context->status = LYXML_ELEM_CONTENT;
} else if (in[0] == '/' && in[1] == '>') {
/* element terminated by /> - termination of an empty element */
context->status = LYXML_ELEMENT;
in += 2;
/* remove the closed element record from the tags list */
free(context->elements.objs[context->elements.count - 1]);
/* remove also the namespaces conneted with the element */
(*input) = in;
return rc;
#undef BUFSIZE
lyxml_get_attribute(struct lyxml_context *context, const char **input,
const char **prefix, size_t *prefix_len, const char **name, size_t *name_len)
struct ly_ctx *ctx = context->ctx; /* shortcut */
const char *in = (*input);
const char *id;
const char *endtag;
LY_ERR rc;
unsigned int c;
size_t endtag_len;
int is_ns = 0;
const char *ns_prefix = NULL;
size_t ns_prefix_len = 0;
/* initialize output variables */
(*prefix) = (*name) = NULL;
(*prefix_len) = (*name_len) = 0;
/* skip initial whitespaces */
ign_xmlws(context, in);
if (in[0] == '\0') {
/* EOF - not expected at this place */
return LY_EINVAL;
/* remember the identifier start before checking its format */
id = in;
rc = lyxml_check_qname(context, &in, &c, &endtag_len);
if (c == ':') {
/* we have prefixed identifier */
endtag = in - endtag_len;
rc = lyxml_check_qname(context, &in, &c, &endtag_len);
(*prefix) = id;
(*prefix_len) = endtag - id;
id = endtag + 1;
if (!is_xmlws(c) && c != '=') {
in = in - endtag_len;
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_INSTREXP, LY_VCODE_INSTREXP_len(in), in, "whitespace or '='");
return LY_EVALID;
in = in - endtag_len;
(*name) = id;
(*name_len) = in - id;
/* eat '=' and stop at the value beginning */
ign_xmlws(context, in);
if (in[0] != '=') {
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_INSTREXP, LY_VCODE_INSTREXP_len(in), in, "'='");
return LY_EVALID;
ign_xmlws(context, in);
if (in[0] != '\'' && in[0] != '"') {
LY_VCODE_INSTREXP_len(in), in, "either single or double quotation mark");
return LY_EVALID;
context->status = LYXML_ATTR_CONTENT;
is_ns = 0;
if (*prefix && *prefix_len == 5 && !strncmp(*prefix, "xmlns", 5)) {
is_ns = 1;
ns_prefix = *name;
ns_prefix_len = *name_len;
} else if (*name_len == 5 && !strncmp(*name, "xmlns", 5)) {
is_ns = 1;
if (is_ns) {
/* instead of attribute, we have namespace specification,
* so process it automatically and then move to another attribute (if any) */
char *value = NULL;
size_t value_len = 0;
int dynamic = 0;
LY_CHECK_RET(lyxml_get_string(context, &in, &value, &value_len, &value, &value_len, &dynamic));
if ((rc = lyxml_ns_add(context, ns_prefix, ns_prefix_len, dynamic ? value : strndup(value, value_len)))) {
if (dynamic) {
return rc;
if (context->status == LYXML_ATTRIBUTE) {
goto start;
} else {
(*prefix) = (*name) = NULL;
(*prefix_len) = (*name_len) = 0;
/* move caller's input */
(*input) = in;
return LY_SUCCESS;
lyxml_get_element(struct lyxml_context *context, const char **input,
const char **prefix, size_t *prefix_len, const char **name, size_t *name_len)
struct ly_ctx *ctx = context->ctx; /* shortcut */
const char *in = (*input);
const char *endtag;
const char *sectname;
const char *id;
size_t endtag_len, newlines;
bool loop = true, closing = false;
unsigned int c;
LY_ERR rc;
struct lyxml_elem *e;
/* initialize output variables */
(*prefix) = (*name) = NULL;
(*prefix_len) = (*name_len) = 0;
while (loop) {
ign_xmlws(context, in);
if (in[0] == '\0') {
/* EOF */
context->status = LYXML_END;
goto success;
} else if (in[0] != '<') {
return LY_EINVAL;
move_input(context, in, 1);
if (in[0] == '!') {
move_input(context, in, 1);
/* sections to ignore */
if (!strncmp(in, "--", 2)) {
/* comment */
move_input(context, in, 2);
sectname = "Comment";
endtag = "-->";
endtag_len = 3;
} else if (!strncmp(in, "[CDATA[", 7)) {
/* CDATA section */
move_input(context, in, 7);
sectname = "CData";
endtag = "]]>";
endtag_len = 3;
} else if (!strncmp(in, "DOCTYPE", 7)) {
/* Document type declaration - not supported */
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_NSUPP, "Document Type Declaration");
return LY_EVALID;
} else {
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LYVE_SYNTAX, "Unknown XML section \"%.20s\".", &in[-2]);
return LY_EVALID;
in = ign_todelim(in, endtag, endtag_len, &newlines);
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(!in, LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_NTERM, sectname), LY_EVALID);
context->line += newlines;
in += endtag_len;
} else if (in[0] == '?') {
in = ign_todelim(in, "?>", 2, &newlines);
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(!in, LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LY_VCODE_NTERM, "Declaration"), LY_EVALID);
context->line += newlines;
in += 2;
} else if (in[0] == '/') {
/* closing element */
closing = true;
goto element;
} else {
/* element */
ign_xmlws(context, in);
/* remember the identifier start before checking its format */
id = in;
rc = lyxml_check_qname(context, &in, &c, &endtag_len);
if (c == ':') {
/* we have prefixed identifier */
endtag = in - endtag_len;
rc = lyxml_check_qname(context, &in, &c, &endtag_len);
(*prefix) = id;
(*prefix_len) = endtag - id;
id = endtag + 1;
if (!is_xmlws(c) && c != '/' && c != '>') {
in = in - endtag_len;
"whitespace or element tag termination ('>' or '/>'");
return LY_EVALID;
(*name) = id;
(*name_len) = in - endtag_len - id;
if (is_xmlws(c)) {
/* go to the next meaningful input */
ign_xmlws(context, in);
c = in[0];
endtag_len = 1;
if (closing) {
/* match opening and closing element tags */
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LYVE_SYNTAX, "Opening and closing elements tag missmatch (\"%.*s\").", *name_len, *name),
e = (struct lyxml_elem*)context->elements.objs[context->elements.count - 1];
LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(e->prefix_len != *prefix_len || e->name_len != *name_len
|| (*prefix_len && strncmp(*prefix, e->prefix, e->prefix_len)) || strncmp(*name, e->name, e->name_len),
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LYVE_SYNTAX, "Opening and closing elements tag missmatch (\"%.*s\").", *name_len, *name),
/* opening and closing element tags matches, remove record from the opening tags list */
/* remove also the namespaces conneted with the element */
/* do not return element information to announce closing element being currently processed */
*name = *prefix = NULL;
*name_len = *prefix_len = 0;
if (c == '>') {
/* end of closing element */
context->status = LYXML_ELEMENT;
} else {
in -= endtag_len;
LOGVAL(ctx, LY_VLOG_LINE, &context->line, LYVE_SYNTAX, "Unexpected data \"%.*s\" in closing element tag.",
LY_VCODE_INSTREXP_len(in), in);
return LY_EVALID;
} else {
if (c == '>') {
/* end of opening element */
context->status = LYXML_ELEM_CONTENT;
} else if (c == '/' && in[0] == '>') {
/* empty element closing */
context->status = LYXML_ELEMENT;
} else {
/* attribute */
context->status = LYXML_ATTRIBUTE;
in -= endtag_len;
if (context->status != LYXML_ELEMENT) {
/* store element opening tag information */
e = malloc(sizeof *e);
e->name = *name;
e->prefix = *prefix;
e->name_len = *name_len;
e->prefix_len = *prefix_len;
ly_set_add(&context->elements, e, LY_SET_OPT_USEASLIST);
loop = false;
/* move caller's input */
(*input) = in;
return LY_SUCCESS;
lyxml_context_clear(struct lyxml_context *context)
unsigned int u;
ly_set_erase(&context->elements, free);
for (u = context->ns.count - 1; u + 1 > 0; --u) {
/* remove the ns structure */
free(((struct lyxml_ns *)context->ns.objs[u])->prefix);
free(((struct lyxml_ns *)context->ns.objs[u])->uri);
ly_set_erase(&context->ns, NULL);
lyxml_dump_text(struct lyout *out, const char *text, int attribute)
unsigned int u;
if (!text) {
return 0;
for (u = 0; text[u]; u++) {
switch (text[u]) {
case '&':
ret = ly_print(out, "&amp;");
case '<':
ret = ly_print(out, "&lt;");
case '>':
/* not needed, just for readability */
ret = ly_print(out, "&gt;");
case '"':
if (attribute) {
ret = ly_print(out, "&quot;");
/* falls through */
ly_write(out, &text[u], 1);
return ret;