blob: 35a0ff3060219835048182948b44e1552055a18a [file] [log] [blame]
* @file main_ni.c
* @author Radek Krejci <>
* @author Michal Vasko <>
* @author Adam Piecek <>
* @brief libyang's yanglint tool - non-interactive code
* Copyright (c) 2020 - 2023 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
* This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "libyang.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "out.h"
#include "tools/config.h"
#include "yl_opt.h"
static void
printf("yanglint %s\n", PROJECT_VERSION);
static void
help(int shortout)
printf("Example usage:\n"
" yanglint [-f { yang | yin | info}] <schema>...\n"
" Validates the YANG module <schema>(s) and all its dependencies, optionally printing\n"
" them in the specified format.\n\n"
" yanglint [-f { xml | json }] <schema>... <file>...\n"
" Validates the YANG modeled data <file>(s) according to the <schema>(s) optionally\n"
" printing them in the specified format.\n\n"
" yanglint -t (nc-)rpc/notif [-O <operational-file>] <schema>... <file>\n"
" Validates the YANG/NETCONF RPC/notification <file> according to the <schema>(s) using\n"
" <operational-file> with possible references to the operational datastore data.\n"
" To validate nested-notification or action, the <operational-file> is required.\n\n"
" yanglint -t nc-reply -R <rpc-file> [-O <operational-file>] <schema>... <file>\n"
" Validates the NETCONF rpc-reply <file> of RPC <rpc-file> according to the <schema>(s)\n"
" using <operational-file> with possible references to the operational datastore data.\n\n"
" yanglint\n"
" Starts interactive mode with more features.\n\n");
if (shortout) {
" -h, --help Show this help message and exit.\n"
" -v, --version Show version number and exit.\n"
" -V, --verbose Increase libyang verbosity and show verbose messages. If specified\n"
" a second time, show even debug messages.\n"
" -Q, --quiet Decrease libyang verbosity and hide warnings. If specified a second\n"
" time, hide errors so no libyang messages are printed.\n");
printf(" -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT\n"
" Convert input into FORMAT. Supported formats: \n"
" yang, yin, tree, info and feature-param for schemas,\n"
" xml, json, and lyb for data.\n\n");
printf(" -I FORMAT, --in-format=FORMAT\n"
" Load the data in one of the following formats:\n"
" xml, json, lyb\n"
" If input format not specified, it is detected from the file extension.\n\n");
printf(" -p PATH, --path=PATH\n"
" Search path for schema (YANG/YIN) modules. The option can be\n"
" used multiple times. The current working directory and the\n"
" path of the module being added is used implicitly. Subdirectories\n"
" are also searched\n\n");
printf(" -D, --disable-searchdir\n"
" Do not implicitly search in current working directory for\n"
" schema modules. If specified a second time, do not even\n"
" search in the module directory (all modules must be \n"
" explicitly specified).\n\n");
printf(" -F FEATURES, --features=FEATURES\n"
" Specific module features to support in the form <module-name>:(<feature>,)*\n"
" Use <feature> '*' to enable all features of a module. This option can be\n"
" specified multiple times, to enable features in multiple modules. If this\n"
" option is not specified, all the features in all the implemented modules\n"
" are enabled.\n\n");
printf(" -i, --make-implemented\n"
" Make the imported modules \"referenced\" from any loaded\n"
" module also implemented. If specified a second time, all the\n"
" modules are set implemented.\n\n");
printf(" -P PATH, --schema-node=PATH\n"
" Print only the specified subtree of the schema.\n"
" The PATH is the XPath subset mentioned in documentation as\n"
" the Path format. The option can be combined with --single-node\n"
" option to print information only about the specified node.\n"
" -q, --single-node\n"
" Supplement to the --schema-node option to print information\n"
" only about a single node specified as PATH argument.\n\n");
printf(" -s SUBMODULE, --submodule=SUBMODULE\n"
" Print the specific submodule instead of the main module.\n\n");
printf(" -x FILE, --ext-data=FILE\n"
" File containing the specific data required by an extension. Required by\n"
" the schema-mount extension, for example, when the operational data are\n"
" expected in the file. File format is guessed.\n\n");
printf(" -n, --not-strict\n"
" Do not require strict data parsing (silently skip unknown data),\n"
" has no effect for schemas.\n\n");
printf(" -e, --present Validate only with the schema modules whose data actually\n"
" exist in the provided input data files. Takes effect only\n"
" with the 'data' or 'config' TYPEs. Used to avoid requiring\n"
" mandatory nodes from modules which data are not present in the\n"
" provided input data files.\n\n");
printf(" -t TYPE, --type=TYPE\n"
" Specify data tree type in the input data file(s):\n"
" data - Complete datastore with status data (default type).\n"
" config - Configuration datastore (without status data).\n"
" get - Data returned by the NETCONF <get> operation.\n"
" getconfig - Data returned by the NETCONF <get-config> operation.\n"
" edit - Config content of the NETCONF <edit-config> operation.\n"
" rpc - Invocation of a YANG RPC/action, defined as input.\n"
" nc-rpc - Similar to 'rpc' but expect and check also the NETCONF\n"
" envelopes <rpc> or <action>.\n"
" reply - Reply to a YANG RPC/action, defined as output. Note that\n"
" the reply data are expected inside a container representing\n"
" the original RPC/action invocation.\n"
" nc-reply - Similar to 'reply' but expect and check also the NETCONF\n"
" envelope <rpc-reply> with output data nodes as direct\n"
" descendants. The original RPC/action invocation is expected\n"
" in a separate parameter '-R' and is parsed as 'nc-rpc'.\n"
" notif - Notification instance of a YANG notification.\n"
" nc-notif - Similar to 'notif' but expect and check also the NETCONF\n"
" envelope <notification> with element <eventTime> and its\n"
" sibling as the actual notification.\n\n");
printf(" -d MODE, --default=MODE\n"
" Print data with default values, according to the MODE\n"
" (to print attributes, ietf-netconf-with-defaults model\n"
" must be loaded):\n"
" all - Add missing default nodes.\n"
" all-tagged - Add missing default nodes and mark all the default\n"
" nodes with the attribute.\n"
" trim - Remove all nodes with a default value.\n"
" implicit-tagged - Add missing nodes and mark them with the attribute.\n\n");
printf(" -E XPATH, --data-xpath=XPATH\n"
" Evaluate XPATH expression over the data and print the nodes satisfying\n"
" the expression. The output format is specific and the option cannot\n"
" be combined with the -f and -d options. Also all the data\n"
" inputs are merged into a single data tree where the expression\n"
" is evaluated, so the -m option is always set implicitly.\n\n");
printf(" -l, --list Print info about the loaded schemas.\n"
" (i - imported module, I - implemented module)\n"
" In case the '-f' option with data encoding is specified,\n"
" the list is printed as \"ietf-yang-library\" data.\n\n");
printf(" -L LINE_LENGTH, --tree-line-length=LINE_LENGTH\n"
" The limit of the maximum line length on which the 'tree'\n"
" format will try to be printed.\n\n");
printf(" -o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE\n"
" Write the output to OUTFILE instead of stdout.\n\n");
printf(" -O FILE, --operational=FILE\n"
" Provide optional data to extend validation of the '(nc-)rpc',\n"
" '(nc-)reply' or '(nc-)notif' TYPEs. The FILE is supposed to contain\n"
" the operational datastore referenced from the operation.\n"
" In case of a nested notification or action, its parent existence\n"
" is also checked in these operational data.\n\n");
printf(" -R FILE, --reply-rpc=FILE\n"
" Provide source RPC for parsing of the 'nc-reply' TYPE. The FILE\n"
" is supposed to contain the source 'nc-rpc' operation of the reply.\n\n");
printf(" -m, --merge Merge input data files into a single tree and validate at\n"
" once. The option has effect only for 'data' and 'config' TYPEs.\n\n");
printf(" -y, --yang-library\n"
" Load and implement internal \"ietf-yang-library\" YANG module.\n"
" Note that this module includes definitions of mandatory state\n"
" data that can result in unexpected data validation errors.\n\n");
printf(" -Y FILE, --yang-library-file=FILE\n"
" Parse FILE with \"ietf-yang-library\" data and use them to\n"
" create an exact YANG schema context. If specified, the '-F'\n"
" parameter (enabled features) is ignored.\n\n");
printf(" -X, --extended-leafref\n"
" Allow usage of deref() XPath function within leafref\n\n");
#ifndef NDEBUG
printf(" -G GROUPS, --debug=GROUPS\n"
" Enable printing of specific debugging message group\n"
" (nothing will be printed unless verbosity is set to debug):\n"
" <group>[,<group>]* (dict, xpath, dep-sets)\n\n");
static void
libyang_verbclb(LY_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *msg, const char *path)
char *levstr;
switch (level) {
case LY_LLERR:
levstr = "err :";
case LY_LLWRN:
levstr = "warn:";
case LY_LLVRB:
levstr = "verb:";
levstr = "dbg :";
if (path) {
fprintf(stderr, "libyang %s %s (%s)\n", levstr, msg, path);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "libyang %s %s\n", levstr, msg);
static struct schema_features *
get_features_not_applied(const struct ly_set *fset)
for (uint32_t u = 0; u < fset->count; ++u) {
struct schema_features *sf = fset->objs[u];
if (!sf->applied) {
return sf;
return NULL;
static int
fill_context_inputs(int argc, char *argv[], struct yl_opt *yo, struct ly_ctx **ctx)
struct ly_in *in = NULL;
struct schema_features *sf;
struct lys_module *mod;
const char *all_features[] = {"*", NULL};
char *dir = NULL, *module = NULL, *filepath = NULL;
/* Create libyang context. */
if (yo->yang_lib_file) {
/* ignore features */
ly_set_erase(&yo->schema_features, free_features);
if (ly_ctx_new_ylpath(yo->searchpaths, yo->yang_lib_file, LYD_UNKNOWN, yo->ctx_options, ctx)) {
YLMSG_E("Unable to modify libyang context with yang-library data.\n");
return -1;
} else {
/* set imp feature flag if all should be enabled */
yo->ctx_options |= !yo->schema_features.count ? LY_CTX_ENABLE_IMP_FEATURES : 0;
if (ly_ctx_new(yo->searchpaths, yo->ctx_options, ctx)) {
YLMSG_E("Unable to create libyang context\n");
return -1;
/* set callback providing run-time extension instance data */
if (yo->schema_context_filename) {
ly_ctx_set_ext_data_clb(*ctx, ext_data_clb, yo->schema_context_filename);
for (int i = 0; i < argc - optind; i++) {
LYD_FORMAT format_data = yo->data_in_format;
filepath = argv[optind + i];
if (!filepath) {
goto error;
if (get_input(filepath, &format_schema, &format_data, &in)) {
goto error;
if (format_schema) {
LY_ERR ret;
uint8_t path_unset = 1; /* flag to unset the path from the searchpaths list (if not already present) */
const char **features;
/* parse the input */
if (parse_schema_path(filepath, &dir, &module)) {
goto error;
mod = NULL;
if (yo->yang_lib_file) {
/* just get the module, it should already be parsed */
mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(*ctx, module);
if (!mod) {
/* add temporarily also the path of the module itself */
if (ly_ctx_set_searchdir(*ctx, dir) == LY_EEXIST) {
path_unset = 0;
/* get features list for this module */
if (!yo->schema_features.count) {
features = all_features;
} else {
get_features(&yo->schema_features, module, &features);
/* parse module */
ret = lys_parse(*ctx, in, format_schema, features, &mod);
ly_ctx_unset_searchdir_last(*ctx, path_unset);
if (ret) {
YLMSG_E("Parsing schema module \"%s\" failed.\n", filepath);
goto error;
/* temporary cleanup */
dir = NULL;
module = NULL;
if (yo->schema_out_format || yo->feature_param_format) {
/* module will be printed */
if (ly_set_add(&yo->schema_modules, (void *)mod, 1, NULL)) {
YLMSG_E("Storing parsed schema module (%s) for print failed.\n", filepath);
goto error;
} else if (format_data) {
if (!fill_cmdline_file(&yo->data_inputs, in, filepath, format_data)) {
goto error;
in = NULL;
ly_in_free(in, 1);
in = NULL;
/* check that all specified features were applied, apply now if possible */
while ((sf = get_features_not_applied(&yo->schema_features))) {
/* try to find implemented or the latest revision of this module */
mod = ly_ctx_get_module_implemented(*ctx, sf->mod_name);
if (!mod) {
mod = ly_ctx_get_module_latest(*ctx, sf->mod_name);
if (!mod) {
YLMSG_E("Specified features not applied, module \"%s\" not loaded.\n", sf->mod_name);
goto error;
/* we have the module, implement it if needed and enable the specific features */
if (lys_set_implemented(mod, (const char **)sf->features)) {
YLMSG_E("Implementing module \"%s\" failed.\n", mod->name);
goto error;
sf->applied = 1;
return 0;
ly_in_free(in, 1);
return -1;
#ifndef NDEBUG
* @brief Enable specific debugging messages.
* @param[in] groups String in the form <group>[,group>]*.
* @param[in,out] yo Options for yanglint.
* return 0 on success.
static int
set_debug_groups(char *groups, struct yl_opt *yo)
int rc;
char *str, *end;
/* Process all debug arguments except the last one. */
for (str = groups; (end = strchr(str, ',')); str = end + 1) {
/* Temporary modify input string. */
*end = '\0';
rc = cmd_debug_exec(NULL, yo, str);
*end = ',';
if (rc) {
return -1;
/* Process single/last debug argument. */
if (cmd_debug_exec(NULL, yo, str)) {
return -1;
/* All debug arguments are valid, so they can apply. */
if (cmd_debug_fin(NULL, yo)) {
return -1;
return 0;
* @brief Process command line options and store the settings into the context.
* return -1 in case of error;
* return 0 in case of success and ready to process
* return 1 in case of success, but expect to exit.
static int
fill_context(int argc, char *argv[], struct yl_opt *yo, struct ly_ctx **ctx)
int ret;
int opt, opt_index;
struct option options[] = {
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
{"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'Q'},
{"format", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"path", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"disable-searchdir", no_argument, NULL, 'D'},
{"features", required_argument, NULL, 'F'},
{"make-implemented", no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"in-format", required_argument, NULL, 'I'},
{"schema-node", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
{"single-node", no_argument, NULL, 'q'},
{"submodule", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"ext-data", required_argument, NULL, 'x'},
{"not-strict", no_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"present", no_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"type", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"default", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"data-xpath", required_argument, NULL, 'E'},
{"list", no_argument, NULL, 'l'},
{"tree-line-length", required_argument, NULL, 'L'},
{"output", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{"operational", required_argument, NULL, 'O'},
{"reply-rpc", required_argument, NULL, 'R'},
{"merge", no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"yang-library", no_argument, NULL, 'y'},
{"yang-library-file", required_argument, NULL, 'Y'},
{"extended-leafref", no_argument, NULL, 'X'},
#ifndef NDEBUG
{"debug", required_argument, NULL, 'G'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
uint8_t data_type_set = 0;
uint32_t temp_lo = 0;
yo->ctx_options = YL_DEFAULT_CTX_OPTIONS;
yo->data_parse_options = YL_DEFAULT_DATA_PARSE_OPTIONS;
yo->data_validate_options = YL_DEFAULT_DATA_VALIDATE_OPTIONS;
yo->line_length = 0;
opterr = 0;
#ifndef NDEBUG
while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvVQf:I:p:DF:iP:qs:neE:t:d:lL:o:O:R:myY:Xx:G:", options, &opt_index)) != -1)
while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvVQf:I:p:DF:iP:qs:neE:t:d:lL:o:O:R:myY:Xx:", options, &opt_index)) != -1)
switch (opt) {
case 'h': /* --help */
return 1;
case 'v': /* --version */
return 1;
case 'V': { /* --verbose */
LY_LOG_LEVEL verbosity = ly_log_level(LY_LLERR);
if (verbosity < LY_LLDBG) {
} /* case 'V' */
case 'Q': { /* --quiet */
LY_LOG_LEVEL verbosity = ly_log_level(LY_LLERR);
if (verbosity == LY_LLERR) {
/* turn logging off */
} else if (verbosity > LY_LLERR) {
} /* case 'Q' */
case 'f': /* --format */
if (yl_opt_update_out_format(optarg, yo)) {
return -1;
case 'I': /* --in-format */
if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "xml")) {
yo->data_in_format = LYD_XML;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "json")) {
yo->data_in_format = LYD_JSON;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "lyb")) {
yo->data_in_format = LYD_LYB;
} else {
YLMSG_E("Unknown input format %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
case 'p': /* --path */
if (searchpath_strcat(&yo->searchpaths, optarg)) {
YLMSG_E("Storing searchpath failed.\n");
return -1;
/* case 'p' */
case 'D': /* --disable-search */
if (yo->ctx_options & LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS) {
YLMSG_W("The -D option specified too many times.\n");
if (yo->ctx_options & LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIR_CWD) {
yo->ctx_options &= ~LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIR_CWD;
yo->ctx_options |= LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS;
} else {
yo->ctx_options |= LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIR_CWD;
case 'F': /* --features */
if (parse_features(optarg, &yo->schema_features)) {
return -1;
case 'i': /* --make-implemented */
if (yo->ctx_options & LY_CTX_REF_IMPLEMENTED) {
yo->ctx_options &= ~LY_CTX_REF_IMPLEMENTED;
yo->ctx_options |= LY_CTX_ALL_IMPLEMENTED;
} else {
yo->ctx_options |= LY_CTX_REF_IMPLEMENTED;
case 'P': /* --schema-node */
yo->schema_node_path = optarg;
case 'q': /* --single-node */
yo->schema_print_options |= LYS_PRINT_NO_SUBSTMT;
case 's': /* --submodule */
yo->submodule = optarg;
case 'x': /* --ext-data */
yo->schema_context_filename = optarg;
case 'n': /* --not-strict */
yo->data_parse_options &= ~LYD_PARSE_STRICT;
case 'e': /* --present */
yo->data_validate_options |= LYD_VALIDATE_PRESENT;
case 't': /* --type */
if (data_type_set) {
YLMSG_E("The data type (-t) cannot be set multiple times.\n");
return -1;
if (yl_opt_update_data_type(optarg, yo)) {
YLMSG_E("Unknown data tree type %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
data_type_set = 1;
case 'd': /* --default */
if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "all")) {
yo->data_print_options = (yo->data_print_options & ~LYD_PRINT_WD_MASK) | LYD_PRINT_WD_ALL;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "all-tagged")) {
yo->data_print_options = (yo->data_print_options & ~LYD_PRINT_WD_MASK) | LYD_PRINT_WD_ALL_TAG;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "trim")) {
yo->data_print_options = (yo->data_print_options & ~LYD_PRINT_WD_MASK) | LYD_PRINT_WD_TRIM;
} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "implicit-tagged")) {
yo->data_print_options = (yo->data_print_options & ~LYD_PRINT_WD_MASK) | LYD_PRINT_WD_IMPL_TAG;
} else {
YLMSG_E("Unknown default mode %s\n", optarg);
return -1;
case 'E': /* --data-xpath */
if (ly_set_add(&yo->data_xpath, optarg, 0, NULL)) {
YLMSG_E("Storing XPath \"%s\" failed.\n", optarg);
return -1;
case 'l': /* --list */
yo->list = 1;
case 'L': /* --tree-line-length */
yo->line_length = atoi(optarg);
case 'o': /* --output */
if (yo->out) {
YLMSG_E("Only a single output can be specified.\n");
return -1;
} else {
if (ly_out_new_filepath(optarg, &yo->out)) {
YLMSG_E("Unable open output file %s (%s)\n", optarg, strerror(errno));
return -1;
case 'O': /* --operational */
if (yo->data_operational.path) {
YLMSG_E("The operational datastore (-O) cannot be set multiple times.\n");
return -1;
yo->data_operational.path = optarg;
case 'R': /* --reply-rpc */
if (yo->reply_rpc.path) {
YLMSG_E("The PRC of the reply (-R) cannot be set multiple times.\n");
return -1;
yo->reply_rpc.path = optarg;
case 'm': /* --merge */
yo->data_merge = 1;
case 'y': /* --yang-library */
yo->ctx_options &= ~LY_CTX_NO_YANGLIBRARY;
case 'Y': /* --yang-library-file */
yo->ctx_options &= ~LY_CTX_NO_YANGLIBRARY;
yo->yang_lib_file = optarg;
case 'X': /* --extended-leafref */
yo->ctx_options |= LY_CTX_LEAFREF_EXTENDED;
#ifndef NDEBUG
case 'G': /* --debug */
if (set_debug_groups(optarg, yo)) {
return -1;
/* case 'G' */
YLMSG_E("Invalid option or missing argument: -%c\n", optopt);
return -1;
} /* switch */
/* additional checks for the options combinations */
if (!yo->list && (optind >= argc)) {
YLMSG_E("Missing <schema> to process.\n");
return 1;
if (cmd_data_dep(yo, 0)) {
return -1;
if (cmd_print_dep(yo, 0)) {
return -1;
if (yo->schema_out_format == LYS_OUT_TREE) {
/* print tree from lysc_nodes */
yo->ctx_options |= LY_CTX_SET_PRIV_PARSED;
/* process input files provided as standalone command line arguments,
* schema modules are parsed and inserted into the context,
* data files are just checked and prepared into internal structures for further processing */
ret = fill_context_inputs(argc, argv, yo, ctx);
if (ret) {
return ret;
/* the second batch of checks */
if (yo->schema_print_options && !yo->schema_out_format) {
YLMSG_W("Schema printer options specified, but the schema output format is missing.\n");
if (yo->schema_parse_options && !yo->schema_modules.count) {
YLMSG_W("Schema parser options specified, but no schema input file provided.\n");
if (yo->data_print_options && !yo->data_out_format) {
YLMSG_W("data printer options specified, but the data output format is missing.\n");
if (((yo->data_parse_options != YL_DEFAULT_DATA_PARSE_OPTIONS) || yo->data_type) && !yo->data_inputs.count) {
YLMSG_W("Data parser options specified, but no data input file provided.\n");
if (yo->schema_node_path) {
/* turn off logging so that the message is not repeated */
/* search operation input */
yo->schema_node = lys_find_path(*ctx, NULL, yo->schema_node_path, 0);
if (!yo->schema_node) {
/* restore logging so an error may be displayed */
/* search operation output */
yo->schema_node = lys_find_path(*ctx, NULL, yo->schema_node_path, 1);
if (!yo->schema_node) {
YLMSG_E("Invalid schema path.\n");
return -1;
return 0;
main_ni(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret = EXIT_SUCCESS, r;
struct yl_opt yo = {0};
struct ly_ctx *ctx = NULL;
char *features_output = NULL;
struct ly_set set = {0};
uint32_t u;
/* set callback for printing libyang messages */
ly_set_log_clb(libyang_verbclb, 1);
r = fill_context(argc, argv, &yo, &ctx);
if (r < 0) {
if (r) {
goto cleanup;
/* do the required job - parse, validate, print */
if (yo.list) {
/* print the list of schemas */
ret = print_list(yo.out, ctx, yo.data_out_format);
goto cleanup;
} else {
if (yo.feature_param_format) {
for (u = 0; u < yo.schema_modules.count; u++) {
if (collect_features(yo.schema_modules.objs[u], &set)) {
YLMSG_E("Unable to read features from a module.\n");
goto cleanup;
if (generate_features_output(yo.schema_modules.objs[u], &set, &features_output)) {
YLMSG_E("Unable to generate feature command output.\n");
goto cleanup;
ly_set_erase(&set, NULL);
ly_print(yo.out, "%s\n", features_output);
} else if (yo.schema_out_format) {
if (yo.schema_node) {
ret = lys_print_node(yo.out, yo.schema_node, yo.schema_out_format, yo.line_length, yo.schema_print_options);
if (ret) {
YLMSG_E("Unable to print schema node %s.\n", yo.schema_node_path);
goto cleanup;
} else if (yo.submodule) {
const struct lysp_submodule *submod = ly_ctx_get_submodule_latest(ctx, yo.submodule);
if (!submod) {
YLMSG_E("Unable to find submodule %s.\n", yo.submodule);
goto cleanup;
ret = lys_print_submodule(yo.out, submod, yo.schema_out_format, yo.line_length, yo.schema_print_options);
if (ret) {
YLMSG_E("Unable to print submodule %s.\n", submod->name);
goto cleanup;
} else {
for (u = 0; u < yo.schema_modules.count; ++u) {
ret = lys_print_module(yo.out, (struct lys_module *)yo.schema_modules.objs[u], yo.schema_out_format,
yo.line_length, yo.schema_print_options);
/* for YANG Tree Diagrams printing it's more readable to print a blank line between modules. */
if ((yo.schema_out_format == LYS_OUT_TREE) && (u + 1 < yo.schema_modules.count)) {
ly_print(yo.out, "\n");
if (ret) {
YLMSG_E("Unable to print module %s.\n", ((struct lys_module *)yo.schema_modules.objs[u])->name);
goto cleanup;
/* do the data validation despite the schema was printed */
if (yo.data_inputs.size) {
ret = process_data(ctx, yo.data_type, yo.data_merge, yo.data_out_format, yo.out, yo.data_parse_options,
yo.data_validate_options, yo.data_print_options, &yo.data_operational, &yo.reply_rpc, &yo.data_inputs,
if (ret) {
goto cleanup;
/* cleanup */
ly_set_erase(&set, NULL);
return ret;