blob: 500068a4b6b7ff7f2c6d2faf39a7d8fa37cc9a40 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file parser_internal.h
* @author Radek Krejci <>
* @brief Internal structures and functions for libyang parsers
* Copyright (c) 2020 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
* This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
#include "plugins_types.h"
#include "tree_schema_internal.h"
struct lyd_ctx;
struct ly_in;
* @brief Callback for lyd_ctx to free the structure
* @param[in] ctx Data parser context to free.
typedef void (*lyd_ctx_free_clb)(struct lyd_ctx *ctx);
* @brief Internal (common) context for YANG data parsers.
struct lyd_ctx {
uint32_t parse_options; /**< various @ref dataparseroptions. */
uint32_t validate_options; /**< various @ref datavalidationoptions. */
uint32_t int_opts; /**< internal data parser options */
uint32_t path_len; /**< used bytes in the path buffer */
char path[LYD_PARSER_BUFSIZE]; /**< buffer for the generated path */
struct ly_set unres_node_type; /**< set of nodes validated with LY_EINCOMPLETE result */
struct ly_set unres_meta_type; /**< set of metadata validated with LY_EINCOMPLETE result */
struct ly_set when_check; /**< set of nodes with "when" conditions */
struct lyd_node *op_node; /**< if an RPC/action/notification is being parsed, store the pointer to it */
/* callbacks */
lyd_ctx_free_clb free; /**< destructor */
struct {
const struct ly_ctx *ctx; /**< libyang context */
uint64_t line; /**< current line */
struct ly_in *in; /**< input structure */
} *data_ctx; /**< generic pointer supposed to map to and access (common part of) XML/JSON/... parser contexts */
* @brief Common part of the lyd_ctx_free_t callbacks.
void lyd_ctx_free(struct lyd_ctx *);
* @brief Parse submodule from YANG data.
* @param[in,out] ctx Parser context.
* @param[in] ly_ctx Context of YANG schemas.
* @param[in] main_ctx Parser context of main module.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] submod Pointer to the parsed submodule structure.
* @return LY_ERR value - LY_SUCCESS, LY_EINVAL or LY_EVALID.
LY_ERR yang_parse_submodule(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx **context, struct ly_ctx *ly_ctx, struct lys_parser_ctx *main_ctx,
struct ly_in *in, struct lysp_submodule **submod);
* @brief Parse module from YANG data.
* @param[in] ctx Parser context.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[in,out] mod Prepared module structure where the parsed information, including the parsed
* module structure, will be filled in.
* @return LY_ERR value - LY_SUCCESS, LY_EINVAL or LY_EVALID.
LY_ERR yang_parse_module(struct lys_yang_parser_ctx **context, struct ly_in *in, struct lys_module *mod);
* @brief Parse module from YIN data.
* @param[in,out] yin_ctx Context created during parsing, is used to finalize lysp_model after it's completly parsed.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[in,out] mod Prepared module structure where the parsed information, including the parsed
* module structure, will be filled in.
* @return LY_ERR values.
LY_ERR yin_parse_module(struct lys_yin_parser_ctx **yin_ctx, struct ly_in *in, struct lys_module *mod);
* @brief Parse submodule from YIN data.
* @param[in,out] yin_ctx Context created during parsing, is used to finalize lysp_model after it's completly parsed.
* @param[in] ctx Libyang context.
* @param[in] main_ctx Parser context of main module.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[in,out] submod Submodule structure where the parsed information, will be filled in.
* @return LY_ERR values.
LY_ERR yin_parse_submodule(struct lys_yin_parser_ctx **yin_ctx, struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lys_parser_ctx *main_ctx,
struct ly_in *in, struct lysp_submodule **submod);
* @brief Parse XML string as YANG data tree.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[in] parse_options Options for parser, see @ref dataparseroptions.
* @param[in] validate_options Options for the validation phase, see @ref datavalidationoptions.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed data tree. Note that NULL can be a valid result.
* @param[out] lydctx_p Data parser context to finish validation.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_xml_data(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options,
struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_ctx **lydctx_p);
* @brief Parse XML string as YANG RPC/action invocation.
* Optional \<rpc\> envelope element is accepted if present. It is [checked]( and all
* its XML attributes are parsed. As a content of the envelope, an RPC data or \<action\> envelope element is expected. The \<action\> envelope element is
* also [checked]( and then an action data is expected as a content of this envelope.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full RPC/action tree.
* @param[out] op_p Optional pointer to the actual operation. Useful mainly for action.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_xml_rpc(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **op_p);
* @brief Parse XML string as YANG notification.
* Optional \<notification\> envelope element, if present, is [checked](
* and parsed. Specifically, its namespace and the child \<eventTime\> element and its value.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full notification tree.
* @param[out] op_p Optional pointer to the actual notification. Useful mainly for nested notifications.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_xml_notif(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **ntf_p);
* @brief Parse XML string as YANG RPC/action reply.
* Optional \<rpc-reply\> envelope element, if present, is [checked](
* and all its XML attributes parsed.
* @param[in] request Data tree of the RPC/action request.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full reply tree. It always includes duplicated operation and parents of the @p request.
* @param[out] op_p Optional pointer to the reply operation. Useful mainly for action.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_xml_reply(const struct lyd_node *request, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **op_p);
* @brief Parse JSON string as YANG data tree.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[in] parse_options Options for parser, see @ref dataparseroptions.
* @param[in] validate_options Options for the validation phase, see @ref datavalidationoptions.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed data tree. Note that NULL can be a valid result.
* @param[out] lydctx_p Data parser context to finish validation.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_json_data(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options,
struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_ctx **lydctx_p);
* @brief Parse JSON string as YANG notification.
* Optional top-level "notification" envelope object, if present, is [checked](
* and parsed. Specifically the child "eventTime" member and its value.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full notification tree.
* @param[out] ntf_p Optional pointer to the actual notification. Useful mainly for nested notifications.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_json_notif(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **ntf_p);
* @brief Parse JSON string as YANG RPC/action invocation.
* Optional top-level "rpc" envelope object, if present is is [checked]( and the parser
* goes inside for the content, which is an RPC data or "action" envelope objects. The "action" envelope object is
* also [checked]( and then an action data is expected as a content of this envelope.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full RPC/action tree.
* @param[out] op_p Optional pointer to the actual operation. Useful mainly for action.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_json_rpc(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **op_p);
* @brief Parse JSON string as YANG RPC/action reply.
* Optional "rpc-reply" envelope object, if present, is [checked](
* @param[in] request Data tree of the RPC/action request.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full reply tree. It always includes duplicated operation and parents of the @p request.
* @param[out] op_p Optional pointer to the reply operation. Useful mainly for action.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_json_reply(const struct lyd_node *request, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **op_p);
* @brief Parse binary data as YANG data tree.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[in] parse_options Options for parser, see @ref dataparseroptions.
* @param[in] validate_options Options for the validation phase, see @ref datavalidationoptions.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed data tree. Note that NULL can be a valid result.
* @param[out] lydctx_p Data parser context to finish validation.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_lyb_data(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, uint32_t parse_options, uint32_t validate_options,
struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_ctx **lydctx_p);
* @brief Parse binary data as YANG RPC/action invocation.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full RPC/action tree.
* @param[out] op_p Optional pointer to the actual operation. Useful mainly for action.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_lyb_rpc(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **op_p);
* @brief Parse binary data as YANG notification.
* @param[in] ctx libyang context.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full notification tree.
* @param[out] ntf_p Optional pointer to the actual notification. Useful mainly for nested notifications.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_lyb_notif(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **ntf_p);
* @brief Parse binary data as YANG RPC/action reply.
* @param[in] request Data tree of the RPC/action request.
* @param[in] in Input structure.
* @param[out] tree_p Parsed full reply tree. It always includes duplicated operation and parents of the @p request.
* @param[out] op_p Optional pointer to the reply operation. Useful mainly for action.
* @return LY_ERR value.
LY_ERR lyd_parse_lyb_reply(const struct lyd_node *request, struct ly_in *in, struct lyd_node **tree_p, struct lyd_node **op_p);
* @brief Check that a data node representing the @p snode is suitable based on options.
* @param[in] lydctx Common data parsers context.
* @param[in] snode Schema node to check.
LY_ERR lyd_parser_check_schema(struct lyd_ctx *lydctx, const struct lysc_node *snode);
* @brief Wrapper around ::lyd_create_term() for data parsers.
* @param[in] lydctx Data parser context.
* @param[in] hints Data parser's hint for the value's type.
LY_ERR lyd_parser_create_term(struct lyd_ctx *lydctx, const struct lysc_node *schema, const char *value, size_t value_len,
ly_bool *dynamic, LY_PREFIX_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, uint32_t hints, struct lyd_node **node);
* @brief Wrapper around ::lyd_create_meta() for data parsers.
* @param[in] lydctx Data parser context.
* @param[in] hints [Value hint](@ref lydvalhints) from the parser regarding the value type.
LY_ERR lyd_parser_create_meta(struct lyd_ctx *lydctx, struct lyd_node *parent, struct lyd_meta **meta,
const struct lys_module *mod, const char *name, size_t name_len, const char *value,
size_t value_len, ly_bool *dynamic, LY_PREFIX_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, uint32_t hints);
#endif /* LY_PARSER_INTERNAL_H_ */