blob: ce35542a1656c7852a4d3a6824f83f03c507c886 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file session_server.h
* \author Michal Vasko <>
* \brief libnetconf2 session server manipulation
* Copyright (c) 2015 CESNET, z.s.p.o.
* This source code is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
#include <stdint.h>
#include <libyang/libyang.h>
#include "session.h"
#include "netconf.h"
* @brief Prototype of callbacks that are called if some RPCs are received.
* If \p session termination reason is changed in the callback, one last reply
* is sent and then the session is considered invalid.
* @param[in] rpc Parsed client RPC request.
* @param[in] session Session the RPC arrived on.
* @return Server reply. If NULL, an operation-failed error will be sent to the client.
typedef struct nc_server_reply *(*nc_rpc_clb)(struct lyd_node *rpc, struct nc_session *session);
* @brief Set the termination reason for a session. Use only in #nc_rpc_clb callbacks.
* @param[in] session Session to modify.
* @param[in] reason Reason of termination.
void nc_session_set_term_reason(struct nc_session *session, NC_SESSION_TERM_REASON reason);
* @brief Initialize libssh and/or libssl/libcrypto and the server using a libyang context.
* The context is not modified internally, only its dictionary is used for holding
* all the strings, which is thread-safe. Reading models is considered thread-safe
* as models cannot be removed and are rarely modified (augments or deviations).
* If the RPC callbacks on schema nodes (mentioned in @ref howtoserver) are modified after
* server initialization with that particular context, they will be called (changes
* will take effect). However, there could be race conditions as the access to
* these callbacks is not thread-safe.
* Server capabilities are generated based on its content. Changing the context
* in ways that result in changed capabilities (adding models, changing features)
* is discouraged after sessions are established as it is not possible to change
* capabilities of a session.
* This context can safely be destroyed only after calling the last libnetconf2
* function in an application.
* Supported RPCs of models in the context are expected to have their callback
* in the corresponding RPC schema node set to a nc_rpc_clb function callback using nc_set_rpc_callback().
* This callback is called by nc_ps_poll() if the particular RPC request is
* received. Callbacks for ietf-netconf:get-schema (supporting YANG and YIN format
* only) and ietf-netconf:close-session are set internally if left unset.
* @param[in] ctx Core NETCONF server context.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_init(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
* @brief Destroy any dynamically allocated libssh and/or libssl/libcrypto and
* server resources.
void nc_server_destroy(void);
* @brief Set the with-defaults capability extra parameters.
* For the capability to be actually advertised, the server context must also
* include the ietf-netconf-with-defaults model.
* Changing this option has the same ill effects as changing capabilities while
* sessions are already established.
* @param[in] basic_mode basic-mode with-defaults parameter.
* @param[in] also_supported NC_WD_MODE bit array, also-supported with-defaults
* parameter.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_set_capab_withdefaults(NC_WD_MODE basic_mode, int also_supported);
* @brief Get with-defaults capability extra parameters.
* At least one argument must be non-NULL.
* @param[in,out] basic_mode basic-mode parameter.
* @param[in,out] also_supported also-supported parameter.
void nc_server_get_capab_withdefaults(NC_WD_MODE *basic_mode, int *also_supported);
* @brief Set the interleave capability.
* For the capability to be actually advertised, the server context must also
* include the nc-notifications model.
* Changing this option has the same ill effects as changing capabilities while
* sessions are already established.
* @param[in] interleave_support 1 to suport interleave, 0 to not.
void nc_server_set_capab_interleave(int interleave_support);
* @brief Get the interleave capability state.
* @return 1 for supported, 0 for not supported.
int nc_server_get_capab_interleave(void);
* @brief Set server timeout for receiving a hello message.
* @param[in] hello_timeout Hello message timeout. 0 for infinite waiting.
void nc_server_set_hello_timeout(uint16_t hello_timeout);
* @brief get server timeout for receiving a hello message.
* @return Hello message timeout, 0 is infinite.
uint16_t nc_server_get_hello_timeout(void);
* @brief Set server timeout for dropping an idle session.
* @param[in] idle_timeout Idle session timeout. 0 to never drop a session
* because of inactivity.
void nc_server_set_idle_timeout(uint16_t idle_timeout);
* @brief Get server timeout for dropping an idle session.
* @return Idle session timeout, 0 for for never dropping
* a session because of inactivity.
uint16_t nc_server_get_idle_timeout(void);
* @brief Get all the server capabilities as will be sent to every client.
* A few capabilities (with-defaults, interleave) depend on the current
* server options.
* @param[in] ctx Context to read most capabilities from.
* @return Array of capabilities stored in the \p ctx dictionary, NULL on error.
const char **nc_server_get_cpblts(struct ly_ctx *ctx);
* @brief Accept a new session on a pre-established transport session.
* @param[in] fdin File descriptor to read (unencrypted) XML data from.
* @param[in] fdout File descriptor to write (unencrypted) XML data to.
* @param[in] username NETCONF username as provided by the transport protocol.
* @param[out] session New session on success.
* @return NC_MSG_HELLO on success, NC_MSG_BAD_HELLO on client \<hello\> message
* parsing fail, NC_MSG_WOULDBLOCK on timeout, NC_MSG_ERROR on other errors.
NC_MSG_TYPE nc_accept_inout(int fdin, int fdout, const char *username, struct nc_session **session);
* @brief Create an empty structure for polling sessions.
* @return Empty pollsession structure, NULL on error.
struct nc_pollsession *nc_ps_new(void);
* @brief Free a pollsession structure.
* !IMPORTANT! Make sure that \p ps is not accessible (is not used)
* by any thread before and after this call!
* @param[in] ps Pollsession structure to free.
void nc_ps_free(struct nc_pollsession *ps);
* @brief Add a session to a pollsession structure.
* @param[in] ps Pollsession structure to modify.
* @param[in] session Session to add to \p ps.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_ps_add_session(struct nc_pollsession *ps, struct nc_session *session);
* @brief Remove a session from a pollsession structure.
* @param[in] ps Pollsession structure to modify.
* @param[in] session Session to remove from \p ps.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on not found.
int nc_ps_del_session(struct nc_pollsession *ps, struct nc_session *session);
* @brief Learn the number of sessions in a pollsession structure.
* @param[in] ps Pollsession structure to check.
* @return Number of sessions (even invalid ones) in \p ps, -1 on error.
uint16_t nc_ps_session_count(struct nc_pollsession *ps);
#define NC_PSPOLL_TIMEOUT 0x0001 /**< Timeout elapsed. */
#define NC_PSPOLL_RPC 0x0002 /**< RPC was correctly parsed and processed. */
#define NC_PSPOLL_BAD_RPC 0x0004 /**< RPC was received, but failed to be parsed. */
#define NC_PSPOLL_REPLY_ERROR 0x0008 /**< Response to the RPC was a \<rpc-reply\> of type error. */
#define NC_PSPOLL_SESSION_TERM 0x0010 /**< Some session was terminated. */
#define NC_PSPOLL_SESSION_ERROR 0x0020 /**< Some session was terminated incorrectly (not by a \<close-session\> or \<kill-session\> RPC). */
#define NC_PSPOLL_PENDING 0x0040 /**< Unhandled pending events on other session. */
#define NC_PSPOLL_ERROR 0x0080 /**< Other fatal errors (they are printed). */
# define NC_PSPOLL_SSH_MSG 0x0100 /**< SSH message received (and processed, if relevant, only with SSH support). */
# define NC_PSPOLL_SSH_CHANNEL 0x0200 /**< New SSH channel opened on an existing session (only with SSH support). */
* @brief Poll sessions and process any received RPCs.
* All the sessions must be running. Only one event on one session
* is handled in one function call.
* @param[in] ps Pollsession structure to use.
* @param[in] timeout Poll timeout in milliseconds. 0 for non-blocking call, -1 for
* infinite waiting.
* @param[in] session Session that was processed and that specific return bits concern.
* Can be NULL.
* @return Bitfield of NC_PSPOLL_* macros, almost any combination can be returned.
int nc_ps_poll(struct nc_pollsession *ps, int timeout, struct nc_session **session);
* @brief Remove sessions from a pollsession structure and
* call nc_session_free() on them.
* Calling this function with \p all false makes sense if nc_ps_poll() returned 3.
* @param[in] ps Pollsession structure to clear.
* @param[in] all Whether to free all sessions, or only the invalid ones.
* @param[in] data_free Session user data destructor.
void nc_ps_clear(struct nc_pollsession *ps, int all, void (*data_free)(void *));
#if defined(NC_ENABLED_SSH) || defined(NC_ENABLED_TLS)
* @brief Add a new endpoint.
* Before the endpoint can accept any connections, its address and port must
* be set on at least one transport protocol.
* @param[in] name Arbitrary unique endpoint name.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_add_endpt(const char *name);
* @brief Stop listening on and remove an endpoint.
* @param[in] name Endpoint name. NULL matches all endpoints.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on not finding any match.
int nc_server_del_endpt(const char *name);
* @brief Accept new sessions on all the listening endpoints.
* @param[in] timeout Timeout for receiving a new connection in milliseconds, 0 for
* non-blocking call, -1 for infinite waiting.
* @param[out] session New session.
* @return NC_MSG_HELLO on success, NC_MSG_BAD_HELLO on client \<hello\> message
* parsing fail, NC_MSG_WOULDBLOCK on timeout, NC_MSG_ERROR on other errors.
NC_MSG_TYPE nc_accept(int timeout, struct nc_session **session);
* @brief Accept a new NETCONF session on an SSH session of a running NETCONF \p orig_session.
* Call this function only when nc_ps_poll() returns NC_PSPOLL_SSH_CHANNEL on \p orig_session.
* @param[in] orig_session Session that has a new SSH channel ready.
* @param[out] session New session.
* @return NC_MSG_HELLO on success, NC_MSG_BAD_HELLO on client \<hello\> message
* parsing fail, NC_MSG_WOULDBLOCK on timeout, NC_MSG_ERROR on other errors.
NC_MSG_TYPE nc_session_accept_ssh_channel(struct nc_session *orig_session, struct nc_session **session);
* @brief Accept a new NETCONF session on an SSH session of a running NETCONF session
* that was polled in \p ps. Call this function only when nc_ps_poll() on \p ps returns NC_PSPOLL_SSH_CHANNEL.
* The new session is only returned in \p session, it is not added to \p ps.
* @param[in] ps Unmodified pollsession structure from the previous nc_ps_poll() call.
* @param[out] session New session.
* @return NC_MSG_HELLO on success, NC_MSG_BAD_HELLO on client \<hello\> message
* parsing fail, NC_MSG_WOULDBLOCK on timeout, NC_MSG_ERROR on other errors.
NC_MSG_TYPE nc_ps_accept_ssh_channel(struct nc_pollsession *ps, struct nc_session **session);
* @brief Change SSH endpoint listening address.
* On error the previous listening socket (if any) is left untouched.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] address New listening address.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_set_address(const char *endpt_name, const char *address);
* @brief Change SSH endpoint listening port.
* On error the previous listening socket (if any) is left untouched.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] port New listening port.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_set_port(const char *endpt_name, uint16_t port);
* @brief Add endpoint SSH host keys the server will identify itself with. Any RSA, DSA, and
* ECDSA keys can be added. However, a maximum of one key of each type will be used
* during SSH authentication, later keys replacing the earlier ones.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] privkey_path Path to a private key.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_add_hostkey(const char *endpt_name, const char *privkey_path);
* @brief Delete endpoint SSH host keys. Their order is preserved.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] privkey_path Path to a private key. NULL matches all the keys.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_del_hostkey(const char *endpt_name, const char *privkey_path);
* @brief Set endpoint SSH banner the server will send to every client.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] banner SSH banner.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_set_banner(const char *endpt_name, const char *banner);
* @brief Set endpoint accepted SSH authentication methods. All (publickey, password, interactive)
* are supported by default.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] auth_methods Accepted authentication methods bit field of NC_SSH_AUTH_TYPE.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_set_auth_methods(const char *endpt_name, int auth_methods);
* @brief Set endpoint SSH authentication attempts of every client. 3 by default.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] auth_attempts Failed authentication attempts before a client is dropped.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_set_auth_attempts(const char *endpt_name, uint16_t auth_attempts);
* @brief Set endpoint SSH authentication timeout. 10 seconds by default.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] auth_timeout Number of seconds before an unauthenticated client is dropped.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_set_auth_timeout(const char *endpt_name, uint16_t auth_timeout);
* @brief Add an endpoint authorized client SSH public key. This public key can be used for
* publickey authentication afterwards.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] pubkey_path Path to the public key.
* @param[in] username Username that the client with the public key must use.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_add_authkey(const char *endpt_name, const char *pubkey_path, const char *username);
* @brief Remove an endpoint authorized client SSH public key.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] pubkey_path Path to an authorized public key. NULL matches all the keys.
* @param[in] username Username for an authorized public key. NULL matches all the usernames.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on not finding any match.
int nc_server_ssh_endpt_del_authkey(const char *endpt_name, const char *pubkey_path, const char *username);
#endif /* NC_ENABLED_SSH */
* @brief Change TLS endpoint listening address.
* On error the previous listening socket (if any) is left untouched.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] address New listening address.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_set_address(const char *endpt_name, const char *address);
* @brief Change TLS endpoint listening port.
* On error the previous listening socket (if any) is left untouched.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] port New listening port.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_set_port(const char *endpt_name, uint16_t port);
* @brief Set server TLS certificate. Alternative to nc_tls_server_set_cert_path().
* There can only be one certificate for each key type, it is replaced if
* already set.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] cert Base64-encoded certificate in ASN.1 DER encoding.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_set_cert(const char *endpt_name, const char *cert);
* @brief Set server TLS certificate. Alternative to nc_tls_server_set_cert().
* There can only be one certificate for each key type, it is replaced if
* already set.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] cert_path Path to a certificate file in PEM format.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_set_cert_path(const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_path);
* @brief Set server TLS private key matching the certificate.
* Alternative to nc_tls_server_set_key_path(). There can only be one of
* every key type, it is replaced if already set.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] privkey Base64-encoded certificate in ASN.1 DER encoding.
* @param[in] is_rsa Whether \p privkey are the data of an RSA (1) or DSA (0) key.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_set_key(const char *endpt_name, const char *privkey, int is_rsa);
* @brief Set server TLS private key matching the certificate.
* Alternative to nc_tls_server_set_key_path(). There can only be one of
* every key type, it is replaced if already set.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] privkey_path Path to a private key file in PEM format.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_set_key_path(const char *endpt_name, const char *privkey_path);
* @brief Add a trusted certificate. Can be both a CA or a client one. Can be
* safely used together with nc_server_tls_endpt_set_trusted_ca_paths().
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] cert_name Arbitary name identifying this certificate.
* @param[in] cert Base64-enocded certificate in ASN.1 DER encoding.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_add_trusted_cert(const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_name, const char *cert);
* @brief Add a trusted certificate. Can be both a CA or a client one. Can be
* safely used together with nc_server_tls_endpt_set_trusted_ca_paths().
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] cert_name Arbitary name identifying this certificate.
* @param[in] cert_path Path to a trusted certificate file in PEM format.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_add_trusted_cert_path(const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_name, const char *cert_path);
* @brief Set trusted Certificate Authority certificate locations. There can only be
* one file and one directory, they are replaced if already set. Can be safely
* used with nc_server_tls_endpt_add_trusted_cert() or its _path variant.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] ca_file Path to a trusted CA cert store file in PEM format. Can be NULL.
* @param[in] ca_dir Path to a trusted CA cert store hashed directory (c_rehash utility
* can be used to create hashes) with PEM files. Can be NULL.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_set_trusted_ca_paths(const char *endpt_name, const char *ca_file, const char *ca_dir);
* @brief Destroy and clean all the set certificates and private keys. CRLs and
* CTN entries are not affected.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] cert_name Name of the certificate to delete. NULL deletes all the certificates.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on not found.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_del_trusted_cert(const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_name);
* @brief Set Certificate Revocation List locations. There can only be one file
* and one directory, they are replaced if already set.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] crl_file Path to a CRL store file in PEM format. Can be NULL.
* @param[in] crl_dir Path to a CRL store hashed directory (c_rehash utility
* can be used to create hashes) with PEM files. Can be NULL.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_set_crl_paths(const char *endpt_name, const char *crl_file, const char *crl_dir);
* @brief Destroy and clean CRLs. Certificates, private keys, and CTN entries are
* not affected.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
void nc_server_tls_endpt_clear_crls(const char *endpt_name);
* @brief Add a Cert-to-name entry.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] id Priority of the entry.
* @param[in] fingerprint Matching certificate fingerprint.
* @param[in] map_type Type of username-certificate mapping.
* @param[in] name Specific username if \p map_type == NC_TLS_CTN_SPECIFED. Must be NULL otherwise.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_add_ctn(const char *endpt_name, uint32_t id, const char *fingerprint,
NC_TLS_CTN_MAPTYPE map_type, const char *name);
* @brief Remove a Cert-to-name entry.
* @param[in] endpt_name Existing endpoint name.
* @param[in] id Priority of the entry. -1 matches all the priorities.
* @param[in] fingerprint Fingerprint fo the entry. NULL matches all the fingerprints.
* @param[in] map_type Mapping type of the entry. 0 matches all the mapping types.
* @param[in] name Specific username for the entry. NULL matches all the usernames.
* @return 0 on success, -1 on not finding any match.
int nc_server_tls_endpt_del_ctn(const char *endpt_name, int64_t id, const char *fingerprint,
NC_TLS_CTN_MAPTYPE map_type, const char *name);
#endif /* NC_ENABLED_TLS */
* @brief Get session start time.
* @param[in] session Session to get the information from.
* @return Session start time.
time_t nc_session_get_start_time(const struct nc_session *session);
#endif /* NC_SESSION_SERVER_H_ */