| cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) |
| |
| # list of all the tests in each directory |
| set(tests test_io test_fd_comm test_init_destroy_client test_init_destroy_server test_time test_client_thread) |
| set(client_tests test_client test_client_messages) |
| |
| # add -Wl,--wrap flags |
| set(test test_client_ssh) |
| set(${test}_mock_funcs connect ssh_connect ssh_userauth_none ssh_userauth_kbdint ssh_is_connected ssh_channel_open_session ssh_channel_request_subsystem ssh_channel_is_close ssh_channel_write ssh_channel_poll_timeout ssh_userauth_password nc_handshake_io nc_ctx_check_and_fill ssh_userauth_try_publickey ssh_userauth_publickey) |
| set(${test}_wrap_link_flags "-Wl") |
| foreach(mock_func IN LISTS ${test}_mock_funcs) |
| set(${test}_wrap_link_flags "${${test}_wrap_link_flags},--wrap=${mock_func}") |
| endforeach() |
| |
| set(test test_client_tls) |
| set(${test}_mock_funcs connect SSL_connect nc_send_hello_io nc_handshake_io nc_ctx_check_and_fill) |
| set(${test}_wrap_link_flags "-Wl") |
| foreach(mock_func IN LISTS ${test}_mock_funcs) |
| set(${test}_wrap_link_flags "${${test}_wrap_link_flags},--wrap=${mock_func}") |
| endforeach() |
| |
| #append tests depending on SSH/TLS |
| list(APPEND tests test_server_thread) |
| if (ENABLE_SSH) |
| list(APPEND client_tests test_client_ssh) |
| endif() |
| |
| if (ENABLE_TLS) |
| list(APPEND client_tests test_client_tls) |
| endif() |
| endif() |
| |
| foreach(src IN LISTS libsrc) |
| list(APPEND test_srcs "../${src}") |
| endforeach() |
| add_library(testobj OBJECT ${test_srcs}) |
| |
| foreach(test_name IN LISTS tests) |
| add_executable(${test_name} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:testobj> ${test_name}.c) |
| target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${CMOCKA_LIBRARIES} ${LIBYANG_LIBRARIES} netconf2) |
| set_target_properties(${test_name} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${${test_name}_wrap_link_flags}") |
| add_test(NAME ${test_name} COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:${test_name}>) |
| endforeach() |
| |
| foreach(test_name IN LISTS client_tests) |
| add_executable(${test_name} $<TARGET_OBJECTS:testobj> ./client/${test_name}.c) |
| target_link_libraries(${test_name} ${CMOCKA_LIBRARIES} ${LIBYANG_LIBRARIES} netconf2) |
| set_target_properties(${test_name} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${${test_name}_wrap_link_flags}") |
| add_test(NAME ${test_name} COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:${test_name}>) |
| endforeach() |
| |
| find_program(valgrind_FOUND valgrind) |
| if (valgrind_FOUND) |
| foreach (test_name IN LISTS tests) |
| add_test(${test_name}_valgrind valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --error-exitcode=1 --suppressions=${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/ld.supp ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tests/${test_name}) |
| endforeach() |
| |
| foreach (test_name IN LISTS client_tests) |
| add_test(${test_name}_valgrind valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --error-exitcode=1 --suppressions=${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/ld.supp ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tests/${test_name}) |
| endforeach() |
| else (valgrind_FOUND) |
| Message("-- valgrind executable not found! Disabling memory leaks tests") |
| endif() |
| endif() |
| |
| include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}) |
| configure_file("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/tests/config.h.in" "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/tests/config.h" ESCAPE_QUOTES @ONLY) |