blob: fb0f6b4cd6265131fac017d70a73a8802a907907 [file] [log] [blame]
NETCONF connections
Author: Radek Krejci <>
import json
import os
from liberouterapi import auth
from flask import request
import netconf2 as nc
from .inventory import INVENTORY
from .devices import devices_get
from .error import NetopeerException
from .data import *
sessions = {}
def hostkey_check(hostname, state, keytype, hexa, priv):
# TODO real check
return True
def connect():
session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
user = session['user']
path = os.path.join(INVENTORY, user.username)
data = request.get_json()
if 'id' in data:
# stored device
device = devices_get(data['id'], user.username)
elif 'device' in data:
# one-time connect, the device is specified in request
device = data['device']
raise NetopeerException('Invalid connection request.')
if not device:
raise NetopeerException('Unknown device to connect to request.')
ssh = nc.SSH(device['username'], password=device['password'])
session = nc.Session(device['hostname'], device['port'], ssh)
except Exception as e:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': str(e)}))
if not user.username in sessions:
sessions[user.username] = {}
# use key (as hostname:port:session-id) to store the created NETCONF session
key = + ":" + str(session.port) + ":" +
sessions[user.username][key] = {}
sessions[user.username][key]['session'] = session
return(json.dumps({'success': True, 'session-key': key}))
def session_get_capabilities():
session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
user = session['user']
req = request.args.to_dict()
if not 'key' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing session key.'}))
if not user.username in sessions:
sessions[user.username] = {}
key = req['key']
if not key in sessions[user.username]:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid session key.'}))
cpblts = []
for c in sessions[user.username][key]['session'].capabilities:
return(json.dumps({'success': True, 'capabilities': cpblts}))
def session_get():
session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
user = session['user']
req = request.args.to_dict()
if not 'key' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing session key.'}))
if not 'recursive' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing recursive flag.'}))
if not user.username in sessions:
sessions[user.username] = {}
key = req['key']
if not key in sessions[user.username]:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid session key.'}))
sessions[user.username][key]['data'] = sessions[user.username][key]['session'].rpcGet()
except nc.ReplyError as e:
reply = {'success': False, 'error': []}
for err in e.args[0]:
if not 'path' in req:
return(dataInfoRoots(sessions[user.username][key]['data'], True if req['recursive'] == 'true' else False))
return(dataInfoSubtree(sessions[user.username][key]['data'], req['path'], True if req['recursive'] == 'true' else False))
def _checkvalue(session, req, schema):
user = session['user'];
if not 'key' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing session key.'}))
if not 'path' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing path to validate value.'}))
if not 'value' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing value to validate.'}))
key = req['key']
if not key in sessions[user.username]:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid session key.'}))
if schema:
# TODO - go via context to cover case there is no data
search = sessions[user.username][key]['session'].context.find_path(req['path'])
search = sessions[user.username][key]['data'].find_path(req['path'])
if search.number() != 1:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid data path.'}))
if schema:
node = search.schema()[0]
node =[0]
if node.validate_value(req['value']):
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': ly.Error().errmsg()}))
return(json.dumps({'success': True}))
def data_checkvalue():
session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
req = request.args.to_dict()
return _checkvalue(session, req, False)
def schema_checkvalue():
session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
req = request.args.to_dict()
return _checkvalue(session, req, True)
def schema_info():
session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
user = session['user']
req = request.args.to_dict()
if not 'key' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing session key.'}))
if not 'path' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing path to validate value.'}))
key = req['key']
if not key in sessions[user.username]:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid session key.'}))
if req['path'] == '/':
# TODO top level
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Not implemented yet.'}))
search = sessions[user.username][key]['session'].context.find_path(req['path'])
if search.number() != 1:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid data path.'}))
node = search.schema()[0]
result = [];
if 'relative' in req:
if req['relative'] == 'children':
for child in node.child_instantiables(0):
if child.flags() & ly.LYS_CONFIG_R:
# ignore status nodes
elif req['relative'] == 'siblings':
if node.parent():
for child in node.parent().child_instantiables(0):
# TODO top level - !node.parent()
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid relative parameter.'}))
return(json.dumps({'success': True, 'data': result}))
def session_close():
session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
user = session['user']
req = request.args.to_dict()
if not 'key' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing session key.'}))
if not user.username in sessions:
sessions[user.username] = {}
key = req['key']
if not key in sessions[user.username]:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid session key.'}))
del sessions[user.username][key]
return(json.dumps({'success': True}))
def session_alive():
session = auth.lookup(request.headers.get('Authorization', None))
user = session['user']
req = request.args.to_dict()
if not 'key' in req:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Missing session key.'}))
if not user.username in sessions:
sessions[user.username] = {}
key = req['key']
if not key in sessions[user.username]:
return(json.dumps({'success': False, 'error-msg': 'Invalid session key.'}))
return(json.dumps({'success': True}))