blob: 452cff3937dc6895d1a0aa4162e63d88f903cf4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 CESNET,
* Written by Tomáš Pecka <>
#include <netinet/ether.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include "LLDP.h"
#include "utils/log.h"
namespace velia::system {
namespace impl {
static const std::string systemdNetworkdDbusInterface = "org.freedesktop.network1.Manager";
static const sdbus::ObjectPath systemdNetworkdDbusManagerObjectPath = "/org/freedesktop/network1";
/** @brief LLDP capabilities identifiers ordered by their appearence in YANG schema 'czechlight-lldp' */
const char* SYSTEM_CAPABILITIES[] = {
/** @brief Converts systemd's capabilities bitset to YANG's (named) bits.
* Apparently, libyang's parser requires the bits to be specified as string of names separated by whitespace.
* See libyang's src/parser.c (function lyp_parse_value, switch-case LY_TYPE_BITS) and tests/test_sec9_7.c
* The names of individual bits should appear in the order they are defined in the YANG schema. At least that is how
* I understand libyang's comment 'identifiers appear ordered by their position' in src/parser.c.
* Systemd and our YANG model czechlight-lldp define the bits in the same order so this function does not have to care
* about it.
std::string toBitsYANG(uint16_t bits)
std::string res;
unsigned idx = 0;
while (bits) {
if (bits % 2) {
if (!res.empty()) {
res += " ";
bits /= 2;
idx += 1;
return res;
/** @brief sd_lldp_neighbor requires deletion by invoking sd_lldp_neighbor_unrefp */
struct sd_lldp_neighbor_deleter {
void operator()(sd_lldp_neighbor* e) const
using sd_lldp_neighbor_managed = std::unique_ptr<sd_lldp_neighbor, sd_lldp_neighbor_deleter>;
/* @brief Reads a LLDP neighbour entry from systemd's binary LLDP files.
* Inspired systemd's networkctl code.
sd_lldp_neighbor_managed nextNeighbor(std::ifstream& ifs)
size_t size;
// read neighbor size
/* Systemd allows the LLDP frame to be at most 4 KiB long. The comment in networkctl.c states that
* "each LLDP packet is at most MTU size, but let's allow up to 4KiB just in case".
* This comment may be misleading a bit because Ethernet Jumbo Frames can be up to 9000 B long.
* However, LLDP frames should still be at most 1500 B long.
* (see
uint64_t rawSz; // get neighbour size in bytes<char*>(&rawSz), sizeof(rawSz));
size = le64toh(rawSz);
if (size_t rd = ifs.gcount(); (rd == 0 && ifs.eof()) || rd != sizeof(rawSz) || size >= 4096) {
return nullptr;
std::vector<uint8_t> raw;
raw.resize(size);<char*>(, size);
if (static_cast<size_t>(ifs.gcount()) != size) { // typecast is safe here (see std::streamsize)
return nullptr;
// let systemd parse from raw
sd_lldp_neighbor* tmp = nullptr;
if (sd_lldp_neighbor_from_raw(&tmp,, size) < 0) {
return nullptr;
return sd_lldp_neighbor_managed(tmp);
/* @brief Lists links using networkd dbus interface and returns them as a list of pairs <link_id, link_name>. */
auto listLinks(sdbus::IProxy* networkdManagerProxy)
std::vector<sdbus::Struct<int, std::string, sdbus::ObjectPath>> links;
std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> res; // we only want to return pairs (linkId, linkName), we do not need dbus object path
std::transform(links.begin(), links.end(), std::back_inserter(res), [](const auto& e) { return std::make_pair(std::get<0>(e), std::get<1>(e)); });
return res;
} /* namespace impl */
LLDPDataProvider::LLDPDataProvider(std::filesystem::path dataDirectory, sdbus::IConnection& dbusConnection, const std::string& dbusNetworkdBus)
: m_log(spdlog::get("system"))
, m_dataDirectory(std::move(dataDirectory))
, m_networkdDbusProxy(sdbus::createProxy(dbusConnection, dbusNetworkdBus, impl::systemdNetworkdDbusManagerObjectPath))
std::vector<NeighborEntry> LLDPDataProvider::getNeighbors() const
std::vector<NeighborEntry> res;
for (const auto& [linkId, linkName] : impl::listLinks(m_networkdDbusProxy.get())) {
m_log->debug("LLDP: Collecting neighbours on '{}' (id {})", linkName, linkId);
// open lldp datafile
std::filesystem::path lldpFilename = m_dataDirectory / std::to_string(linkId);
std::ifstream ifs(lldpFilename, std::ios::binary);
if (!ifs.is_open()) {
// TODO: As of now, we are querying systemd-networkd for *all* links, not just those that have LLDP enabled.
// TODO: Create a patch for systemd that queries *only* links with LLDP enabled and change severity of this debug log to warning/error.
m_log->debug(" failed to open ({})", lldpFilename);
while (auto n = impl::nextNeighbor(ifs)) {
NeighborEntry ne;
ne.m_portId = linkName;
if (const char* system_name = nullptr; sd_lldp_neighbor_get_system_name(n.get(), &system_name) >= 0) {
ne.m_properties["remoteSysName"] = system_name;
if (const char* port_id = nullptr; sd_lldp_neighbor_get_port_id_as_string(n.get(), &port_id) >= 0) {
ne.m_properties["remotePortId"] = port_id;
if (const char* chassis_id = nullptr; sd_lldp_neighbor_get_chassis_id_as_string(n.get(), &chassis_id) >= 0) {
ne.m_properties["remoteChassisId"] = chassis_id;
if (ether_addr* addr = nullptr; sd_lldp_neighbor_get_destination_address(n.get(), addr) >= 0) {
ne.m_properties["remoteMgmtAddress"] = ether_ntoa(addr);
if (uint16_t cap = 0; sd_lldp_neighbor_get_system_capabilities(n.get(), &cap) >= 0) {
ne.m_properties["systemCapabilitiesSupported"] = impl::toBitsYANG(cap);
if (uint16_t cap = 0; sd_lldp_neighbor_get_enabled_capabilities(n.get(), &cap) >= 0) {
ne.m_properties["systemCapabilitiesEnabled"] = impl::toBitsYANG(cap);
m_log->trace(" found neighbor {}", ne);
return res;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const NeighborEntry& entry)
os << "NeighborEntry(" << entry.m_portId << ": {";
for (auto it = entry.m_properties.begin(); it != entry.m_properties.end(); ++it) {
if (it != entry.m_properties.begin()) {
os << ", ";
os << it->first << ": " << it->second;
return os << "}";