blob: 218fad4504ed4ef1fdcd2e3bb76a497a512a045e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 CESNET,
* Copyright (C) 2018 FIT CVUT,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#include "trompeloeil_doctest.hpp"
#include "completion.hpp"
#include "leaf_data_helpers.hpp"
#include "libyang_utils.hpp"
#include "pretty_printers.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
std::set<Completion> set{{"ahoj"}, {"coze"}, {"copak"}, {"aha"}, {"polivka"}};
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "a") == std::set<Completion>{{"ahoj"}, {"aha"}}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "ah") == std::set<Completion>{{"ahoj"}, {"aha"}}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "aho") == std::set<Completion>{{"ahoj"}}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "polivka") == std::set<Completion>{{"polivka"}}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "polivkax") == std::set<Completion>{}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "co") == std::set<Completion>{{"copak"}, {"coze"}}));
SECTION("joinPaths") {
std::string prefix, suffix, result;
SECTION("regular") {
prefix = "/example:a";
suffix = "leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("no prefix - absolute path") {
suffix = "/example:a/leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("no prefix - relative path") {
suffix = "example:a/leaf";
result = "example:a/leaf";
SECTION("no suffix") {
prefix = "/example:a/leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("at root") {
prefix = "/";
suffix = "example:a";
result = "/example:a";
SECTION("trailing slash") {
prefix = "/example:a";
suffix = "/";
result = "/example:a/";
SECTION("prefix ends with slash") {
prefix = "/example:a/";
suffix = "leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("suffix starts with slash") {
prefix = "/example:a";
suffix = "/leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("slashes all the way to eleven") {
prefix = "/example:a/";
suffix = "/leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
REQUIRE(joinPaths(prefix, suffix) == result);
yang::LeafDataType type;
std::string expected;
type = yang::Union{{
yang::TypeInfo{createEnum({"foo", "bar"})},
expected = "a string, an enum, an 8-bit integer, a 64-bit integer";
REQUIRE(leafDataTypeToString(type) == expected);
const auto schema = R"(
module test-schema {
namespace "";
prefix AHOJ;
leaf int8 {
type int8;
leaf int16 {
type int16;
leaf int32 {
type int32;
leaf int64 {
type int64;
leaf uint8 {
type uint8;
leaf uint16 {
type uint16;
leaf uint32 {
type uint32;
leaf uint64 {
type uint64;
leaf boolean {
type boolean;
leaf string {
type string;
leaf enum {
type enumeration {
enum A;
enum B;
enum C;
identity food;
identity apple {
base "food";
leaf identityRef {
type identityref {
base "food";
leaf binary {
type binary;
leaf empty {
type empty;
leaf bits {
type bits {
bit a;
bit b;
bit AHOJ;
leaf dec64 {
type decimal64 {
fraction-digits 5;
list stuff {
key "name";
leaf name {
type string;
leaf leafRefPresent {
type leafref {
path ../stuff/name;
leaf leafRefNonPresent {
type leafref {
path ../stuff/name;
container users {
config false;
list userList {
leaf name {
type string;
const auto data = R"(
"test-schema:int8": 8,
"test-schema:int16": 300,
"test-schema:int32": -300,
"test-schema:int64": -999999999999999,
"test-schema:uint8": 8,
"test-schema:uint16": 300,
"test-schema:uint32": 300,
"test-schema:uint64": 999999999999999,
"test-schema:boolean": true,
"test-schema:string": "AHOJ",
"test-schema:enum": "A",
"test-schema:identityRef": "apple",
"test-schema:binary": "QUhPSgo=",
"test-schema:empty": "",
"test-schema:bits": "a AHOJ",
"test-schema:dec64": "43242.43260",
"test-schema:stuff": [
"name": "Xaver"
"test-schema:leafRefPresent": "Xaver",
"test-schema:leafRefNonPresent": "Lucas",
"test-schema:users": {
"userList": [
"name": "John"
"name": "Aneta"
"name": "Aneta"
auto ctx = std::make_shared<libyang::Context>();
ctx->parse_module_mem(schema, LYS_IN_YANG);
auto dataNode = ctx->parse_data_mem(data, LYD_JSON, LYD_OPT_DATA_NO_YANGLIB | LYD_OPT_NOEXTDEPS | LYD_OPT_STRICT);
SECTION("leafValueFromNode") {
std::string path;
leaf_data_ expectedLeafData;
SECTION("test-schema:int8") {
path = "test-schema:int8";
expectedLeafData = int8_t{8};
SECTION("test-schema:int16") {
path = "test-schema:int16";
expectedLeafData = int16_t{300};
SECTION("test-schema:int32") {
path = "test-schema:int32";
expectedLeafData = int32_t{-300};
SECTION("test-schema:int64") {
path = "test-schema:int64";
expectedLeafData = int64_t{-999999999999999};
SECTION("test-schema:uint8") {
path = "test-schema:uint8";
expectedLeafData = uint8_t{8};
SECTION("test-schema:uint16") {
path = "test-schema:uint16";
expectedLeafData = uint16_t{300};
SECTION("test-schema:uint32") {
path = "test-schema:uint32";
expectedLeafData = uint32_t{300};
SECTION("test-schema:uint64") {
path = "test-schema:uint64";
expectedLeafData = uint64_t{999999999999999};
SECTION("test-schema:boolean") {
path = "test-schema:boolean";
expectedLeafData = true;
SECTION("test-schema:string") {
path = "test-schema:string";
expectedLeafData = std::string{"AHOJ"};
SECTION("test-schema:enum") {
path = "test-schema:enum";
expectedLeafData = enum_{"A"};
SECTION("test-schema:identityRef") {
path = "test-schema:identityRef";
expectedLeafData = identityRef_{"test-schema", "apple"};
SECTION("test-schema:binary") {
path = "test-schema:binary";
expectedLeafData = binary_{"QUhPSgo="};
SECTION("test-schema:empty") {
path = "test-schema:empty";
expectedLeafData = empty_{};
SECTION("test-schema:bits") {
path = "test-schema:bits";
expectedLeafData = bits_{{"a", "AHOJ"}};
SECTION("test-schema:dec64") {
path = "test-schema:dec64";
expectedLeafData = 43242.43260;
SECTION("test-schema:leafRefPresent") {
path = "test-schema:leafRefPresent";
expectedLeafData = std::string{"Xaver"};
SECTION("test-schema:leafRefNonPresent") {
path = "test-schema:leafRefNonPresent";
expectedLeafData = std::string{"Lucas"};
auto leaf = dataNode->find_path(("/" + path).c_str());
REQUIRE(leaf->number() == 1);
auto firstLeaf = std::make_shared<libyang::Data_Node_Leaf_List>(leaf->data().front());
REQUIRE(leafValueFromNode(firstLeaf) == expectedLeafData);
SECTION("lyNodesToTree") {
DatastoreAccess::Tree expected {
{"/test-schema:int8", int8_t{8}},
{"/test-schema:int16", int16_t{300}},
{"/test-schema:int32", int32_t{-300}},
{"/test-schema:int64", int64_t{-999999999999999}},
{"/test-schema:uint8", uint8_t{8}},
{"/test-schema:uint16", uint16_t{300}},
{"/test-schema:uint32", uint32_t{300}},
{"/test-schema:uint64", uint64_t{999999999999999}},
{"/test-schema:boolean", true},
{"/test-schema:string", std::string{"AHOJ"}},
{"/test-schema:enum", enum_{"A"}},
{"/test-schema:identityRef", identityRef_{"test-schema", "apple"}},
{"/test-schema:binary", binary_{"QUhPSgo="}},
{"/test-schema:empty", empty_{}},
{"/test-schema:bits", bits_{{"a", "AHOJ"}}},
{"/test-schema:dec64", 43242.432600},
{"/test-schema:stuff[name='Xaver']", special_{SpecialValue::List}},
{"/test-schema:stuff[name='Xaver']/name", std::string{"Xaver"}},
{"/test-schema:leafRefPresent", std::string{"Xaver"}},
{"/test-schema:leafRefNonPresent", std::string{"Lucas"}},
{"/test-schema:users/userList[1]", special_{SpecialValue::List}},
{"/test-schema:users/userList[1]/name", std::string{"John"}},
{"/test-schema:users/userList[2]", special_{SpecialValue::List}},
{"/test-schema:users/userList[2]/name", std::string{"Aneta"}},
{"/test-schema:users/userList[3]", special_{SpecialValue::List}},
{"/test-schema:users/userList[3]/name", std::string{"Aneta"}},
DatastoreAccess::Tree tree;
lyNodesToTree(tree, {dataNode->tree_for()});
REQUIRE(tree == expected);