blob: d51f9b8ecaa8b2703120ef366a28dd4e5d5fcd72 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 CESNET,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#pragma once
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include "ast_handlers.hpp"
// This is a pseudo-parser, that fails if we're not completing a command
auto const completing = x3::rule<completing_class, x3::unused_type>{"completing"} =
auto const node_identifier = x3::rule<node_identifier_class, std::string>{"node_identifier"} =
((x3::alpha | x3::char_("_")) >> *(x3::alnum | x3::char_("_") | x3::char_("-") | x3::char_(".")));
auto const module_identifier = x3::rule<module_identifier_class, std::string>{"module_identifier"} =
((x3::alpha | x3::char_("_")) >> *(x3::alnum | x3::char_("_") | x3::char_("-") | x3::char_(".")));
auto const module = x3::rule<module_class, module_>{"module"} =
module_identifier >> ':' >> !x3::space;
auto const space_separator = x3::rule<space_separator_class, x3::unused_type>{"a space"} =
template <typename CoerceTo>
struct as_type {
template <typename...> struct Tag{};
template <typename ParserType>
auto operator[](ParserType p) const {
return x3::rule<Tag<CoerceTo, ParserType>, CoerceTo> {"as"} = x3::as_parser(p);
// The `as` parser creates an ad-hoc x3::rule with the attribute specified with `CoerceTo`.
// Example usage: as<std::string>[someParser]
// someParser will have its attribute coerced to std::string
template <typename CoerceTo> const as_type<CoerceTo> as{};
* Returns a parser that generates suggestions based on a Completion set.
* Usage:
* const auto suggestSomeStuff = staticSuggestions({"some", "stuff", "yay"});
* You can use this as a standard parser in a Spirit grammar.
auto staticSuggestions(const std::initializer_list<std::string>& strings)
std::set<Completion> completions;
std::transform(begin(strings), end(strings), std::inserter(completions, completions.end()),
[](const auto s) { return Completion{s, " "}; });
return as<x3::unused_type>[x3::eps[([completions](auto& ctx) {
auto& parserContext = x3::get<parser_context_tag>(ctx);
parserContext.m_suggestions = completions;
parserContext.m_completionIterator = _where(ctx).begin();