blob: 89c515d5abab5c756d46ed97edcc5332e9fb7180 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 CESNET,
* Copyright (C) 2018 FIT CVUT,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#include <libyang/Libyang.hpp>
#include <libyang/Tree_Data.hpp>
#include <libyang/Tree_Schema.hpp>
#include <string_view>
#include "UniqueResource.h"
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "yang_schema.hpp"
class YangLoadError : public std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
~YangLoadError() override = default;
class UnsupportedYangTypeException : public std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
~UnsupportedYangTypeException() override = default;
class InvalidSchemaQueryException : public std::runtime_error {
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
~InvalidSchemaQueryException() override = default;
template <typename T>
std::string pathToYangAbsSchemPath(const T& path)
std::string res = "/";
std::string currentModule;
for (const auto& it : path.m_nodes) {
const auto name = nodeToSchemaString(it);
if (it.m_suffix.type() == typeid(module_)) {
currentModule = name;
} else {
res += currentModule + ":";
res += name + "/";
return res;
: m_context(std::make_shared<libyang::Context>(nullptr, LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIRS | LY_CTX_DISABLE_SEARCHDIR_CWD))
YangSchema::~YangSchema() = default;
void YangSchema::addSchemaString(const char* schema)
if (!m_context->parse_module_mem(schema, LYS_IN_YANG)) {
throw YangLoadError("Couldn't load schema");
void YangSchema::addSchemaDirectory(const char* directoryName)
if (m_context->set_searchdir(directoryName)) {
throw YangLoadError("Couldn't add schema search directory");
void YangSchema::addSchemaFile(const char* filename)
if (!m_context->parse_module_path(filename, LYS_IN_YANG)) {
throw YangLoadError("Couldn't load schema");
bool YangSchema::isModule(const schemaPath_&, const std::string& name) const
const auto set = modules();
return set.find(name) != set.end();
bool YangSchema::isContainer(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
const auto schemaNode = getSchemaNode(location, node);
return schemaNode && schemaNode->nodetype() == LYS_CONTAINER;
bool YangSchema::isLeaf(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
const auto schemaNode = getSchemaNode(location, node);
return schemaNode && schemaNode->nodetype() == LYS_LEAF;
bool YangSchema::isList(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
const auto schemaNode = getSchemaNode(location, node);
return schemaNode && schemaNode->nodetype() == LYS_LIST;
bool YangSchema::isPresenceContainer(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
if (!isContainer(location, node))
return false;
return libyang::Schema_Node_Container(getSchemaNode(location, node)).presence();
bool YangSchema::leafEnumHasValue(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node, const std::string& value) const
auto enums = enumValues(location, node);
return std::any_of(enums.begin(), enums.end(), [=](const auto& x) { return x == value; });
const std::set<std::string> YangSchema::enumValues(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
if (!isLeaf(location, node) || leafType(location, node) != yang::LeafDataTypes::Enum)
return {};
libyang::Schema_Node_Leaf leaf(getSchemaNode(location, node));
auto type = leaf.type();
auto enm = type->info()->enums()->enm();
// The enum can be a derived type and enm() only returns values,
// if that specific typedef changed the possible values. So we go
// up the hierarchy until we find a typedef that defined these values.
while (enm.empty()) {
type = type->der()->type();
enm = type->info()->enums()->enm();
std::vector<libyang::S_Type_Enum> enabled;
std::copy_if(enm.begin(), enm.end(), std::back_inserter(enabled), [](const libyang::S_Type_Enum& it) {
auto iffeatures = it->iffeature();
return std::all_of(iffeatures.begin(), iffeatures.end(), [](auto it) { return it->value(); });
std::set<std::string> enumSet;
std::transform(enabled.begin(), enabled.end(), std::inserter(enumSet, enumSet.end()), [](auto it) { return it->name(); });
return enumSet;
const std::set<std::string> YangSchema::validIdentities(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node, const Prefixes prefixes) const
if (!isLeaf(location, node) || leafType(location, node) != yang::LeafDataTypes::IdentityRef)
return {};
std::set<std::string> identSet;
auto topLevelModule = location.m_nodes.empty() ? node.first.get() : location.m_nodes.front().m_prefix.get().m_name;
auto insertToSet = [&identSet, prefixes, topLevelModule](auto module, auto name) {
std::string stringIdent;
if (prefixes == Prefixes::Always || topLevelModule != module) {
stringIdent += module;
stringIdent += ":";
stringIdent += name;
auto leaf = std::make_shared<libyang::Schema_Node_Leaf>(getSchemaNode(location, node));
auto info = leaf->type()->info();
for (auto base : info->ident()->ref()) { // Iterate over all bases
insertToSet(base->module()->name(), base->name());
// Iterate over derived identities (this is recursive!)
for (auto derived : base->der()->schema()) {
insertToSet(derived->module()->name(), derived->name());
return identSet;
bool YangSchema::leafIdentityIsValid(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node, const ModuleValuePair& value) const
auto identities = validIdentities(location, node, Prefixes::Always);
auto topLevelModule = location.m_nodes.empty() ? node.first.get() : location.m_nodes.front().m_prefix.get().m_name;
auto identModule = value.first ? value.first.value() : topLevelModule;
return std::any_of(identities.begin(), identities.end(), [toFind = identModule + ":" + value.second](const auto& x) { return x == toFind; });
bool YangSchema::listHasKey(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node, const std::string& key) const
if (!isList(location, node))
return false;
const auto keys = listKeys(location, node);
return keys.find(key) != keys.end();
libyang::S_Schema_Node YangSchema::impl_getSchemaNode(const std::string& node) const
// If no node is found find_path prints an error message, so we have to
// disable logging
int oldOptions;
auto logBlocker = make_unique_resource(
[&oldOptions]() {
oldOptions = libyang::set_log_options(0);
[&oldOptions]() {
return m_context->get_node(nullptr, node.c_str());
libyang::S_Schema_Node YangSchema::getSchemaNode(const std::string& node) const
return impl_getSchemaNode(node);
libyang::S_Schema_Node YangSchema::getSchemaNode(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
std::string absPath = location.m_nodes.empty() ? "" : "/";
absPath += pathToAbsoluteSchemaString(location) + "/" + fullNodeName(location, node);
return impl_getSchemaNode(absPath);
const std::set<std::string> YangSchema::listKeys(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
std::set<std::string> keys;
if (!isList(location, node))
return keys;
libyang::Schema_Node_List list(getSchemaNode(location, node));
const auto& keysVec = list.keys();
std::transform(keysVec.begin(), keysVec.end(), std::inserter(keys, keys.begin()), [](const auto& it) { return it->name(); });
return keys;
yang::LeafDataTypes lyTypeToLeafDataTypes(LY_DATA_TYPE type)
switch (type) {
return yang::LeafDataTypes::String;
case LY_TYPE_DEC64:
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Decimal;
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Bool;
case LY_TYPE_INT8:
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Int8;
case LY_TYPE_INT16:
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Int16;
case LY_TYPE_INT32:
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Int32;
case LY_TYPE_INT64:
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Int64;
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Uint8;
case LY_TYPE_UINT16:
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Uint16;
case LY_TYPE_UINT32:
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Uint32;
case LY_TYPE_UINT64:
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Uint64;
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Enum;
return yang::LeafDataTypes::Binary;
return yang::LeafDataTypes::IdentityRef;
return yang::LeafDataTypes::LeafRef;
using namespace std::string_literals;
throw std::logic_error{"internal error: unsupported libyang data type "s + std::to_string(type)};
yang::LeafDataTypes YangSchema::leafType(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
using namespace std::string_literals;
if (!isLeaf(location, node))
throw InvalidSchemaQueryException(fullNodeName(location, node) + " is not a leaf");
libyang::Schema_Node_Leaf leaf(getSchemaNode(location, node));
auto baseType{leaf.type()->base()};
try {
return lyTypeToLeafDataTypes(baseType);
} catch (std::logic_error& ex) {
throw UnsupportedYangTypeException("the type of "s + fullNodeName(location, node) + " is not supported: " + ex.what());
yang::LeafDataTypes YangSchema::leafrefBase(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const
using namespace std::string_literals;
libyang::Schema_Node_Leaf leaf(getSchemaNode(location, node));
try {
return lyTypeToLeafDataTypes(leaf.type()->info()->lref()->target()->type()->base());
} catch (std::logic_error& ex) {
throw UnsupportedYangTypeException("the type of "s + fullNodeName(location, node) + " is not supported: " + ex.what());
std::set<std::string> YangSchema::modules() const
const auto& modules = m_context->get_module_iter();
std::set<std::string> res;
std::transform(modules.begin(), modules.end(), std::inserter(res, res.end()), [](const auto module) { return module->name(); });
return res;
std::set<std::string> YangSchema::childNodes(const schemaPath_& path, const Recursion recursion) const
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
std::set<std::string> res;
std::vector<libyang::S_Schema_Node> nodes;
if (path.m_nodes.empty()) {
nodes = m_context->data_instantiables(0);
} else {
const auto absolutePath = "/" + pathToAbsoluteSchemaString(path);
const auto node = getSchemaNode(absolutePath);
nodes = node->child_instantiables(0);
for (const auto node : nodes) {
if (node->module()->name() == "ietf-yang-library"sv)
if (recursion == Recursion::Recursive) {
for (auto it : node->tree_dfs()) {
} else {
std::string toInsert;
if (path.m_nodes.empty() || path.m_nodes.front().m_prefix.get().m_name != node->module()->name()) {
toInsert += node->module()->name();
toInsert += ":";
toInsert += node->name();
return res;
std::set<std::string> YangSchema::moduleNodes(const module_& module, const Recursion recursion) const
std::set<std::string> res;
const auto yangModule = m_context->get_module(module.m_name.c_str());
std::vector<libyang::S_Schema_Node> nodes;
for (const auto node : yangModule->data_instantiables(0)) {
if (recursion == Recursion::Recursive) {
for (const auto it : node->tree_dfs()) {
} else {
res.insert(module.m_name + ":" + node->name());
return res;
void YangSchema::loadModule(const std::string& moduleName)
void YangSchema::enableFeature(const std::string& moduleName, const std::string& featureName)
void YangSchema::registerModuleCallback(const std::function<std::string(const char*, const char*, const char*)>& clb)
auto lambda = [clb](const char* mod_name, const char* mod_revision, const char* submod_name, const char* submod_revision) {
auto moduleSource = clb(mod_name, mod_revision, submod_name);
if (moduleSource.empty()) {
return libyang::Context::mod_missing_cb_return{LYS_IN_YANG, nullptr};
return libyang::Context::mod_missing_cb_return{LYS_IN_YANG, strdup(moduleSource.c_str())};
auto deleter = [](void* data) {
m_context->add_missing_module_callback(lambda, deleter);
std::shared_ptr<libyang::Data_Node> YangSchema::dataNodeFromPath(const std::string& path, const std::optional<const std::string> value) const
return std::make_shared<libyang::Data_Node>(m_context,
value ? value.value().c_str() : nullptr,
std::shared_ptr<libyang::Module> YangSchema::getYangModule(const std::string& name)
return m_context->get_module(name.c_str(), nullptr, 0);