blob: b33d4c1c6d832317ac2d5e0aabdd5af523f9438b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 CESNET,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#pragma once
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include "ast_handlers.hpp"
#include "common_parsers.hpp"
#include "leaf_data_type.hpp"
#include "schema.hpp"
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
template <typename TYPE>
struct leaf_data_class;
x3::rule<struct leaf_data_class<yang::Enum>, enum_> const leaf_data_enum = "leaf_data_enum";
x3::rule<struct leaf_data_class<yang::IdentityRef>, identityRef_> const leaf_data_identityRef = "leaf_data_identityRef";
x3::rule<struct leaf_data_class<yang::Binary>, binary_> const leaf_data_binary = "leaf_data_binary";
x3::rule<struct leaf_data_class<yang::Decimal>, double> const leaf_data_decimal = "leaf_data_decimal";
x3::rule<struct leaf_data_class<yang::String>, std::string> const leaf_data_string = "leaf_data_string";
x3::rule<struct leaf_data_class_binary, std::string> const leaf_data_binary_data = "leaf_data_binary_data";
x3::rule<struct leaf_data_identityRef_data_class, identityRef_> const leaf_data_identityRef_data = "leaf_data_identityRef_data";
using x3::char_;
auto const leaf_data_enum_def =
struct bool_symbol_table : x3::symbols<bool> {
("true", true)
("false", false);
} const bool_symbols;
auto const leaf_data_string_def =
'\'' >> *(char_-'\'') >> '\'' |
'\"' >> *(char_-'\"') >> '\"';
// This intermediate rule is neccessary for coercing to std::string.
// TODO: check if I can do the coercing right in the grammar with `as{}` from
// This would shave off some more lines.
auto const leaf_data_binary_data_def =
+(x3::alnum | char_('+') | char_('/')) >> -char_('=') >> -char_('=');
auto const leaf_data_binary_def =
auto const leaf_data_identityRef_data_def =
-module >> node_identifier;
// TODO: get rid of this and use leaf_data_identityRef_data directly
auto const leaf_data_identityRef_def =
template <typename It, typename Ctx, typename RCtx, typename Attr>
struct impl_LeafData {
It& first;
It last;
Ctx const& ctx;
RCtx& rctx;
Attr& attr;
ParserContext& parserContext;
bool operator()(const yang::Binary&) const
return leaf_data_binary.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Bool&) const
return bool_symbols.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Decimal&) const
return x3::double_.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Uint8&) const
return x3::uint8.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Uint16&) const
return x3::uint16.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Uint32&) const
return x3::uint32.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Uint64&) const
return x3::uint64.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Int8&) const
return x3::int8.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Int16&) const
return x3::int16.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Int32&) const
return x3::int32.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::Int64&) const
return x3::int64.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
bool operator()(const yang::String&) const
return leaf_data_string.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
template <typename Type>
void createSetSuggestions(const Type& type) const
std::inserter(parserContext.m_suggestions, parserContext.m_suggestions.end()),
[](auto it) {
std::string res;
if constexpr (std::is_same<Type, yang::IdentityRef>()) {
res = it.m_prefix ? it.m_prefix->m_name + ":" : "";
res += it.m_value;
return Completion{res};
parserContext.m_completionIterator = first;
bool operator()(const yang::Enum& type) const
// leaf_data_enum will advance the iterator if it succeeds, so I have
// to save the iterator here, to roll it back in case the enum is
// invalid.
auto saveIter = first;
auto pass = leaf_data_enum.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
if (!pass) {
return false;
auto isValidEnum = type.m_allowedValues.count(boost::get<enum_>(attr)) != 0;
if (!isValidEnum) {
first = saveIter;
parserContext.m_errorMsg = "leaf data type mismatch: Expected an enum here. Allowed values:";
for (const auto& it : type.m_allowedValues) {
parserContext.m_errorMsg += " " + it.m_value;
return isValidEnum;
bool operator()(const yang::IdentityRef& type) const
// leaf_data_identityRef will advance the iterator if it succeeds, so I have
// to save the iterator here, to roll it back in case the enum is
// invalid.
auto saveIter = first;
auto pass = leaf_data_identityRef.parse(first, last, ctx, rctx, attr);
if (!pass) {
return false;
identityRef_ pair{boost::get<identityRef_>(attr)};
if (!pair.m_prefix) {
pair.m_prefix = module_{parserContext.currentSchemaPath().m_nodes.front().m_prefix.get().m_name};
auto isValidIdentity = type.m_allowedValues.count(pair) != 0;
if (!isValidIdentity) {
first = saveIter;
return isValidIdentity;
bool operator()(const yang::LeafRef& leafRef) const
return std::visit(*this, leafRef.m_targetType->m_type);
bool operator()(const yang::Union& unionInfo) const
return std::any_of(unionInfo.m_unionTypes.begin(), unionInfo.m_unionTypes.end(), [this](const auto& type) {
return std::visit(*this, type.m_type);
struct LeafData : x3::parser<LeafData> {
using attribute_type = leaf_data_;
// TODO: Can this be placed in a .cpp file?
template <typename It, typename Ctx, typename RCtx, typename Attr>
bool parse(It& first, It last, Ctx const& ctx, RCtx& rctx, Attr& attr) const
ParserContext& parserContext = x3::get<parser_context_tag>(ctx);
const Schema& schema = parserContext.m_schema;
auto type = schema.leafType(parserContext.m_tmpListKeyLeafPath.m_location, parserContext.m_tmpListKeyLeafPath.m_node).m_type;
auto pass = std::visit(impl_LeafData<It, Ctx, RCtx, Attr>{first, last, ctx, rctx, attr, parserContext}, type);
if (!pass) {
if (parserContext.m_errorMsg.empty()) {
parserContext.m_errorMsg = "leaf data type mismatch: Expected " + leafDataTypeToString(type) + " here:";
return pass;
auto const leaf_data = x3::no_skip[std::move(LeafData())];