blob: 0334d12471be7a4fd5e080e4ad1fa47a1e192c40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 CESNET,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#pragma once
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include "ast_handlers.hpp"
#include "common_parsers.hpp"
#include "leaf_data.hpp"
namespace x3 = boost::spirit::x3;
x3::rule<dataNodeList_class, decltype(dataPath_::m_nodes)::value_type> const dataNodeList = "dataNodeList";
x3::rule<dataNodesListEnd_class, decltype(dataPath_::m_nodes)> const dataNodesListEnd = "dataNodesListEnd";
x3::rule<dataPathListEnd_class, dataPath_> const dataPathListEnd = "dataPathListEnd";
x3::rule<leaf_path_class, dataPath_> const leafPath = "leafPath";
x3::rule<presenceContainerPath_class, dataPath_> const presenceContainerPath = "presenceContainerPath";
x3::rule<listInstancePath_class, dataPath_> const listInstancePath = "listInstancePath";
x3::rule<initializePath_class, x3::unused_type> const initializePath = "initializePath";
x3::rule<createPathSuggestions_class, x3::unused_type> const createPathSuggestions = "createPathSuggestions";
x3::rule<trailingSlash_class, TrailingSlash> const trailingSlash = "trailingSlash";
x3::rule<absoluteStart_class, Scope> const absoluteStart = "absoluteStart";
x3::rule<keyValue_class, keyValue_> const keyValue = "keyValue";
x3::rule<key_identifier_class, std::string> const key_identifier = "key_identifier";
x3::rule<listSuffix_class, std::vector<keyValue_>> const listSuffix = "listSuffix";
x3::rule<list_class, list_> const list = "list";
x3::rule<createKeySuggestions_class, x3::unused_type> const createKeySuggestions = "createKeySuggestions";
x3::rule<createValueSuggestions_class, x3::unused_type> const createValueSuggestions = "createValueSuggestions";
x3::rule<suggestKeysEnd_class, x3::unused_type> const suggestKeysEnd = "suggestKeysEnd";
template <typename NodeType>
struct NodeParser : x3::parser<NodeParser<NodeType>> {
using attribute_type = NodeType;
template <typename It, typename Ctx, typename RCtx, typename Attr>
bool parse(It& begin, It end, Ctx const& ctx, RCtx& rctx, Attr& attr) const
std::string tableName;
if constexpr (std::is_same<NodeType, schemaNode_>()) {
tableName = "schemaNode";
} else {
tableName = "dataNode";
x3::symbols<NodeType> table(tableName);
ParserContext& parserContext = x3::get<parser_context_tag>(ctx);
for (const auto& child : parserContext.m_schema.availableNodes(parserContext.currentSchemaPath(), Recursion::NonRecursive)) {
NodeType out;
std::string parseString;
if (child.first) {
out.m_prefix = module_{*child.first};
parseString = *child.first + ":";
parseString += child.second;
switch (parserContext.m_schema.nodeType(parserContext.currentSchemaPath(), child)) {
case yang::NodeTypes::Container:
case yang::NodeTypes::PresenceContainer:
out.m_suffix = container_{child.second};
parserContext.m_suggestions.emplace(Completion{parseString + "/"});
case yang::NodeTypes::Leaf:
out.m_suffix = leaf_{child.second};
parserContext.m_suggestions.emplace(Completion{parseString + " "});
case yang::NodeTypes::List:
if constexpr (std::is_same<NodeType, schemaNode_>()) {
out.m_suffix = list_{child.second};
} else {
out.m_suffix = listElement_{child.second, {}};
parserContext.m_suggestions.emplace(Completion{parseString, "[", Completion::WhenToAdd::IfFullMatch});
case yang::NodeTypes::Action:
case yang::NodeTypes::AnyXml:
case yang::NodeTypes::LeafList:
case yang::NodeTypes::Notification:
case yang::NodeTypes::Rpc:
table.add(parseString, out);
table.add("..", NodeType{nodeup_{}});
if (!child.first) {
auto topLevelModule = parserContext.currentSchemaPath().m_nodes.begin()->m_prefix;
out.m_prefix = topLevelModule;
table.add(topLevelModule->m_name + ":" + parseString, out);
parserContext.m_completionIterator = begin;
auto res = table.parse(begin, end, ctx, rctx, attr);
if (attr.m_prefix) {
parserContext.m_curModule = attr.m_prefix->m_name;
if (attr.m_suffix.type() == typeid(leaf_)) {
parserContext.m_tmpListKeyLeafPath.m_location = parserContext.currentSchemaPath();
ModuleNodePair node{attr.m_prefix.flat_map([](const auto& it) {
return boost::optional<std::string>{it.m_name};
}), boost::get<leaf_>(attr.m_suffix).m_name};
parserContext.m_tmpListKeyLeafPath.m_node = node;
if constexpr (std::is_same<NodeType, dataNode_>()) {
if (attr.m_suffix.type() == typeid(listElement_)) {
parserContext.m_tmpListName = boost::get<listElement_>(attr.m_suffix).m_name;
res = listSuffix.parse(begin, end, ctx, rctx, boost::get<listElement_>(attr.m_suffix).m_keys);
if (res) {
parserContext.m_topLevelModulePresent = true;
if (attr.m_prefix) {
parserContext.m_curModule = boost::none;
return res;
NodeParser<schemaNode_> schemaNode;
NodeParser<dataNode_> dataNode;
using AnyPath = boost::variant<schemaPath_, dataPath_>;
struct PathParser : x3::parser<PathParser> {
template <typename It, typename Ctx, typename RCtx, typename Attr>
bool parse(It& begin, It end, Ctx const& ctx, RCtx& rctx, Attr& attr) const
initializePath.parse(begin, end, ctx, rctx, attr);
dataPath_ attrData;
// absoluteStart has to be separate from the dataPath parser,
// otherwise, if the "dataNode % '/'" parser fails, the begin iterator
// gets reverted to before the starting slash.
auto res = -absoluteStart.parse(begin, end, ctx, rctx, attrData.m_scope);
auto dataPath = x3::attr(attrData.m_scope) >> dataNode % '/' >> -trailingSlash;
res = dataPath.parse(begin, end, ctx, rctx, attrData);
attr = attrData;
if constexpr (std::is_same<Attr, AnyPath>()) {
auto pathEnd = x3::rule<class PathEnd>{"pathEnd"} = &space_separator | x3::eoi;
// If parsing failed, or if there's more input we try parsing schema nodes
if (!res || !pathEnd.parse(begin, end, ctx, rctx, x3::unused)) {
// If dataPath parsed some nodes, they will be saved in `attrData`. We have to keep these.
schemaPath_ attrSchema = dataPathToSchemaPath(attrData);
auto schemaPath = schemaNode % '/';
// The schemaPath parser continues where the dataPath parser ended.
res = schemaPath.parse(begin, end, ctx, rctx, attrSchema.m_nodes);
auto trailing = -trailingSlash >> pathEnd;
res = trailing.parse(begin, end, ctx, rctx, attrSchema.m_trailingSlash);
attr = attrSchema;
return res;
} const pathParser;
// Need to use these wrappers so that my PathParser class gets the proper
// attribute. Otherwise, Spirit injects the attribute of the outer parser that
// uses my PathParser.
// Example grammar: anyPath | module.
// The PathParser class would get a boost::variant as the attribute, but I
// don't want to deal with that, so I use these wrappers to ensure the
// attribute I want (and let Spirit deal with boost::variant). Also, the
// attribute gets passed to PathParser::parse via a template argument, so the
// class doesn't even to need to be a template. Convenient!
auto const anyPath = x3::rule<class anyPath_class, AnyPath>{"anyPath"} = pathParser;
auto const dataPath = x3::rule<class dataPath_class, dataPath_>{"dataPath"} = pathParser;
#if __clang__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Woverloaded-shift-op-parentheses"
auto const rest =
x3::omit[x3::no_skip[+(x3::char_ - '/' - space_separator)]];
auto const key_identifier_def =
((x3::alpha | char_("_")) >> *(x3::alnum | char_("_") | char_("-") | char_(".")))
auto const createKeySuggestions_def =
auto const createValueSuggestions_def =
auto const suggestKeysEnd_def =
auto const keyValue_def =
key_identifier > '=' > createValueSuggestions > leaf_data;
auto const keyValueWrapper =
x3::lexeme['[' > createKeySuggestions > keyValue > suggestKeysEnd > ']'];
// even though we don't allow no keys to be supplied, the star allows me to check which keys are missing
auto const listSuffix_def =
auto const list_def =
node_identifier >> !char_('[');
auto const absoluteStart_def =
x3::omit['/'] >> x3::attr(Scope::Absolute);
auto const trailingSlash_def =
x3::omit['/'] >> x3::attr(TrailingSlash::Present);
auto const createPathSuggestions_def =
auto const dataNodeList_def =
createPathSuggestions >> -(module) >> list;
// This intermediate rule is mandatory, because we need the first alternative
// to be collapsed to a vector. If we didn't use the intermediate rule,
// Spirit wouldn't know we want it to collapse.
auto const dataNodesListEnd_def =
dataNode % '/' >> '/' >> dataNodeList >> -(&char_('/') >> createPathSuggestions) |
x3::attr(decltype(dataPath_::m_nodes)()) >> dataNodeList;
auto const dataPathListEnd_def = initializePath >> absoluteStart >> createPathSuggestions >> x3::attr(decltype(dataPath_::m_nodes)()) >> x3::attr(TrailingSlash::NonPresent) >> x3::eoi | initializePath >> -(absoluteStart >> createPathSuggestions) >> dataNodesListEnd >> (-(trailingSlash >> createPathSuggestions) >> -(completing >> rest) >> (&space_separator | x3::eoi));
auto const leafPath_def =
auto const presenceContainerPath_def =
auto const listInstancePath_def =
// A "nothing" parser, which is used to indicate we tried to parse a path
auto const initializePath_def =
#if __clang__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop