blob: 719f28b72a44906c7658fdaf68a269c926776ca0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 CESNET,
* Copyright (C) 2018 FIT CVUT,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#include <sstream>
#include "completion.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
std::string joinPaths(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& suffix)
// These two if statements are essential for the algorithm:
// The first one solves joining nothing and a relative path - the algorithm
// down below adds a leading slash, turning it into an absolute path.
// The second one would always add a trailing slash to the path.
if (prefix.empty()) {
return suffix;
if (suffix.empty()) {
return prefix;
// Otherwise, strip slashes where the join is going to happen. This will
// also change "/" to "", but the return statement takes care of that and
// inserts the slash again.
auto prefixWithoutTrailingSlash = !prefix.empty() && prefix.back() == '/' ? prefix.substr(0, prefix.length() - 1) : prefix;
auto suffixWithoutLeadingSlash = !suffix.empty() && suffix.front() == '/' ? suffix.substr(1) : suffix;
// And join the result with a slash.
return prefixWithoutTrailingSlash + '/' + suffixWithoutLeadingSlash;
std::string stripLastNodeFromPath(const std::string& path)
std::string res = path;
auto pos = res.find_last_of('/');
if (pos == res.npos) { // path has no backslash - it's either empty, or is a relative path with one fragment
} else if (pos == 0) { // path has one backslash at the start - it's either "/" or "/one-path-fragment"
return "/";
} else {
return res;
schemaPath_ pathWithoutLastNode(const schemaPath_& path)
return schemaPath_{path.m_scope, decltype(schemaPath_::m_nodes)(path.m_nodes.begin(), path.m_nodes.end() - 1)};
struct impl_leafDataTypeToString {
std::string operator()(const yang::String)
return "a string";
std::string operator()(const yang::Decimal)
return "a decimal";
std::string operator()(const yang::Bool)
return "a boolean";
std::string operator()(const yang::Int8)
return "an 8-bit integer";
std::string operator()(const yang::Uint8)
return "an 8-bit unsigned integer";
std::string operator()(const yang::Int16)
return "a 16-bit integer";
std::string operator()(const yang::Uint16)
return "a 16-bit unsigned integer";
std::string operator()(const yang::Int32)
return "a 32-bit integer";
std::string operator()(const yang::Uint32)
return "a 32-bit unsigned integer";
std::string operator()(const yang::Int64)
return "a 64-bit integer";
std::string operator()(const yang::Uint64)
return "a 64-bit unsigned integer";
std::string operator()(const yang::Binary)
return "a base64-encoded binary value";
std::string operator()(const yang::Enum&)
return "an enum";
std::string operator()(const yang::IdentityRef&)
return "an identity";
std::string operator()(const yang::LeafRef&)
return "a leafref";
std::string leafDataTypeToString(const yang::LeafDataType& type)
return std::visit(impl_leafDataTypeToString{}, type);
std::string fullNodeName(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& pair)
if (!pair.first) {
return + ":" + pair.second;
} else {
return pair.first.value() + ":" + pair.second;
std::string fullNodeName(const dataPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& pair)
return fullNodeName(dataPathToSchemaPath(location), pair);
struct leafDataToStringVisitor : boost::static_visitor<std::string> {
std::string operator()(const enum_& data) const
return data.m_value;
std::string operator()(const binary_& data) const
return data.m_value;
std::string operator()(const identityRef_& data) const
return data.m_prefix.value().m_name + ":" + data.m_value;
std::string operator()(const special_& data) const
return specialValueToString(data);
std::string operator()(const std::string& data) const
return data;
std::string operator()(const bool& data) const
if (data)
return "true";
return "false";
template <typename T>
std::string operator()(const T& data) const
return std::to_string(data);
std::string leafDataToString(const leaf_data_ value)
return boost::apply_visitor(leafDataToStringVisitor(), value);