blob: c862980f15ccd618c0ac114b39c6ab976f84bf76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 CESNET,
* Copyright (C) 2018 FIT CVUT,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#include "trompeloeil_doctest.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
std::set<std::string> set{"ahoj", "coze", "copak", "aha", "polivka"};
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "a") == std::set<std::string>{"ahoj", "aha"}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "ah") == std::set<std::string>{"ahoj", "aha"}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "aho") == std::set<std::string>{"ahoj"}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "polivka") == std::set<std::string>{"polivka"}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "polivkax") == std::set<std::string>{}));
REQUIRE((filterByPrefix(set, "co") == std::set<std::string>{"copak", "coze"}));
SECTION("joinPaths") {
std::string prefix, suffix, result;
SECTION("regular") {
prefix = "/example:a";
suffix = "leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("no prefix - absolute path") {
suffix = "/example:a/leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("no prefix - relative path") {
suffix = "example:a/leaf";
result = "example:a/leaf";
SECTION("no suffix") {
prefix = "/example:a/leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("at root") {
prefix = "/";
suffix = "example:a";
result = "/example:a";
SECTION("trailing slash") {
prefix = "/example:a";
suffix = "/";
result = "/example:a/";
SECTION("prefix ends with slash") {
prefix = "/example:a/";
suffix = "leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("suffix starts with slash") {
prefix = "/example:a";
suffix = "/leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
SECTION("slashes all the way to eleven") {
prefix = "/example:a/";
suffix = "/leaf";
result = "/example:a/leaf";
REQUIRE(joinPaths(prefix, suffix) == result);