blob: aaa0595e93411bb73c049e3db7b510ba5bf259c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 CESNET,
* Copyright (C) 2018 FIT CVUT,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "datastore_access.hpp"
#include "interpreter.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
struct pathToStringVisitor : boost::static_visitor<std::string> {
std::string operator()(const module_& path) const
using namespace std::string_literals;
return "/"s + boost::get<module_>(path).m_name + ":*";
std::string operator()(const schemaPath_& path) const
return pathToSchemaString(path, Prefixes::WhenNeeded);
std::string operator()(const dataPath_& path) const
return pathToDataString(path, Prefixes::WhenNeeded);
namespace {
void printTree(const DatastoreAccess::Tree tree)
for (auto it = tree.begin(); it != tree.end(); it++) {
auto [path, value] = *it;
if (value.type() == typeid(special_) && boost::get<special_>(value).m_value == SpecialValue::LeafList) {
auto leafListPrefix = path;
std::cout << path << " = " << leafDataToString(value) << std::endl;
while (it + 1 != tree.end() && boost::starts_with((it + 1)->first, leafListPrefix)) {
std::cout << stripLeafListValueFromPath(it->first) << " = " << leafDataToString(it->second) << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << path << " = " << leafDataToString(value) << std::endl;
template <typename PathType>
std::string pathToString(const PathType& path)
return boost::apply_visitor(pathToStringVisitor(), path);
void Interpreter::operator()(const commit_&) const
void Interpreter::operator()(const discard_&) const
void Interpreter::operator()(const set_& set) const
auto data = set.m_data;
// If the user didn't supply a module prefix for identityref, we need to add it ourselves
if (data.type() == typeid(identityRef_)) {
auto identityRef = boost::get<identityRef_>(data);
if (!identityRef.m_prefix) {
identityRef.m_prefix = set.m_path.m_nodes.front().m_prefix.value();
data = identityRef;
m_datastore.setLeaf(pathToString(toCanonicalPath(set.m_path)), data);
void Interpreter::operator()(const get_& get) const
auto items = m_datastore.getItems(pathToString(toCanonicalPath(get.m_path)));
void Interpreter::operator()(const cd_& cd) const
void Interpreter::operator()(const create_& create) const
void Interpreter::operator()(const delete_& delet) const
void Interpreter::operator()(const ls_& ls) const
std::cout << "Possible nodes:" << std::endl;
auto recursion{Recursion::NonRecursive};
for (auto it : ls.m_options) {
if (it == LsOption::Recursive) {
recursion = Recursion::Recursive;
auto toPrint = m_datastore.schema()->availableNodes(toCanonicalPath(ls.m_path), recursion);
for (const auto& it : toPrint) {
std::cout << (it.first ? *it.first + ":" : "") + it.second << std::endl;
void Interpreter::operator()(const copy_& copy) const
m_datastore.copyConfig(copy.m_source, copy.m_destination);
std::string Interpreter::buildTypeInfo(const std::string& path) const
std::ostringstream ss;
std::string typeDescription;
switch (m_datastore.schema()->nodeType(path)) {
case yang::NodeTypes::Container:
ss << "container";
case yang::NodeTypes::PresenceContainer:
ss << "presence container";
case yang::NodeTypes::Leaf: {
auto leafType = m_datastore.schema()->leafType(path);
auto typedefName = m_datastore.schema()->leafTypeName(path);
std::string baseTypeStr;
if (std::holds_alternative<yang::LeafRef>(leafType.m_type)) {
ss << "-> ";
ss << m_datastore.schema()->leafrefPath(path) << " ";
baseTypeStr = leafDataTypeToString(std::get<yang::LeafRef>(leafType.m_type).m_targetType->m_type);
} else {
baseTypeStr = leafDataTypeToString(leafType.m_type);
if (typedefName) {
ss << *typedefName << " (" << baseTypeStr << ")";
} else {
ss << baseTypeStr;
if (leafType.m_units) {
ss << " [" + *leafType.m_units + "]";
if (leafType.m_description) {
typeDescription = "\nType description: " + *leafType.m_description;
if (m_datastore.schema()->leafIsKey(path)) {
ss << " (key)";
if (auto defaultValue = m_datastore.schema()->defaultValue(path)) {
ss << " default: " << leafDataToString(*defaultValue);
case yang::NodeTypes::List:
ss << "list";
case yang::NodeTypes::Rpc:
ss << "RPC";
case yang::NodeTypes::LeafList:
ss << "leaf-list";
case yang::NodeTypes::Action:
ss << "action";
case yang::NodeTypes::AnyXml:
throw std::logic_error("Sorry, anyxml isn't supported yet.");
case yang::NodeTypes::Notification:
throw std::logic_error("Sorry, notifications aren't supported yet.");
if (!m_datastore.schema()->isConfig(path)) {
ss << " (ro)\n";
auto status = m_datastore.schema()->status(path);
auto statusStr = status == yang::Status::Deprecated ? " (deprecated)" :
status == yang::Status::Obsolete ? " (obsolete)" :
ss << statusStr;
if (auto description = m_datastore.schema()->description(path)) {
ss << std::endl << *description << std::endl;
ss << typeDescription;
return ss.str();
void Interpreter::operator()(const describe_& describe) const
auto fullPath = pathToString(toCanonicalPath(describe.m_path));
std::cout << pathToString(describe.m_path) << ": " << buildTypeInfo(fullPath) << std::endl;
void Interpreter::operator()(const move_& move) const
m_datastore.moveItem(pathToDataString(move.m_source, Prefixes::WhenNeeded), move.m_destination);
void Interpreter::operator()(const dump_& dump) const
std::cout << m_datastore.dump(dump.m_format) << "\n";
void Interpreter::operator()(const prepare_& prepare) const
if (std::holds_alternative<rpcNode_>(prepare.m_path.m_nodes.back().m_suffix)) {
} else {
void Interpreter::operator()(const exec_&) const
m_parser.changeNode({Scope::Absolute, {}});
auto output = m_datastore.execute();
std::cout << "RPC/action output:\n";
void Interpreter::operator()(const cancel_&) const
m_parser.changeNode({Scope::Absolute, {}});
struct commandLongHelpVisitor : boost::static_visitor<const char*> {
template <typename T>
auto constexpr operator()(boost::type<T>) const
return T::longHelp;
struct commandShortHelpVisitor : boost::static_visitor<const char*> {
template <typename T>
auto constexpr operator()(boost::type<T>) const
return T::shortHelp;
void Interpreter::operator()(const help_& help) const
if (help.m_cmd) {
std::cout << boost::apply_visitor(commandLongHelpVisitor(), help.m_cmd.get()) << std::endl;
} else {
boost::mpl::for_each<CommandTypes, boost::type<boost::mpl::_>>([](auto cmd) {
std::cout << commandShortHelpVisitor()(cmd) << std::endl;
template <typename PathType>
boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_, module_> Interpreter::toCanonicalPath(const boost::optional<PathType>& optPath) const
if (!optPath) {
return m_parser.currentPath();
return toCanonicalPath(*optPath);
struct impl_toCanonicalPath {
const dataPath_& m_parserPath;
using ReturnType = boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_, module_>;
impl_toCanonicalPath(const dataPath_& parserPath)
: m_parserPath(parserPath)
ReturnType operator()(const module_& path) const
return path;
ReturnType operator()(const schemaPath_& path) const
return impl(path);
ReturnType operator()(const dataPath_& path) const
return impl(path);
template <typename PathType>
[[nodiscard]] ReturnType impl(const PathType& suffix) const
PathType res = [this] {
if constexpr (std::is_same<PathType, schemaPath_>()) {
return dataPathToSchemaPath(m_parserPath);
} else {
return m_parserPath;
if (suffix.m_scope == Scope::Absolute) {
res = {Scope::Absolute, {}};
for (const auto& fragment : suffix.m_nodes) {
return res;
template <typename PathType>
boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_, module_> Interpreter::toCanonicalPath(const PathType& path) const
if constexpr (std::is_same<PathType, dataPath_>()) {
return impl_toCanonicalPath(m_parser.currentPath())(path);
} else {
return boost::apply_visitor(impl_toCanonicalPath(m_parser.currentPath()), path);
Interpreter::Interpreter(Parser& parser, ProxyDatastore& datastore)
: m_parser(parser)
, m_datastore(datastore)