blob: 9395ba25591cdff2eca42d821297b4eb93937a96 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 CESNET,
* Copyright (C) 2018 FIT CVUT,
* Written by Václav Kubernát <>
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include "ast_path.hpp"
#include "schema.hpp"
namespace libyang {
class Context;
class Schema_Node;
class Schema_Node_Leaf;
class Data_Node;
class Module;
/*! \class YangSchema
* \brief A schema class, which uses libyang for queries.
* */
class YangSchema : public Schema {
YangSchema(std::shared_ptr<libyang::Context> lyCtx);
~YangSchema() override;
yang::NodeTypes nodeType(const std::string& path) const override;
yang::NodeTypes nodeType(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const override;
bool isModule(const std::string& name) const override;
bool listHasKey(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node, const std::string& key) const override;
bool leafIsKey(const std::string& leafPath) const override;
bool isConfig(const std::string& path) const override;
std::optional<std::string> defaultValue(const std::string& leafPath) const override;
const std::set<std::string> listKeys(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const override;
yang::TypeInfo leafType(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const override;
yang::TypeInfo leafType(const std::string& path) const override;
std::optional<std::string> leafTypeName(const std::string& path) const override;
std::string leafrefPath(const std::string& leafrefPath) const override;
std::set<std::string> availableNodes(const boost::variant<dataPath_, schemaPath_, module_>& path, const Recursion recursion) const override;
std::optional<std::string> description(const std::string& path) const override;
yang::Status status(const std::string& location) const override;
void registerModuleCallback(const std::function<std::string(const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*)>& clb);
/** @short Loads a module called moduleName. */
void loadModule(const std::string& moduleName);
/** @short Enables a feature called featureName on a module called moduleName. */
void enableFeature(const std::string& moduleName, const std::string& featureName);
/** @short Adds a new module passed as a YANG string. */
void addSchemaString(const char* schema);
/** @short Adds a new module from a file. */
void addSchemaFile(const char* filename);
/** @short Adds a new directory for schema lookup. */
void addSchemaDirectory(const char* directoryName);
/** @short Creates a new data node from a path (to be used with NETCONF edit-config) */
std::shared_ptr<libyang::Data_Node> dataNodeFromPath(const std::string& path, const std::optional<const std::string> value = std::nullopt) const;
std::shared_ptr<libyang::Module> getYangModule(const std::string& name);
yang::TypeInfo impl_leafType(const std::shared_ptr<libyang::Schema_Node>& node) const;
std::set<std::string> modules() const;
/** @short Returns a set of nodes, that match the location and name criteria. */
/** @short Returns a single Schema_Node if the criteria matches only one, otherwise nullptr. */
std::shared_ptr<libyang::Schema_Node> getSchemaNode(const std::string& node) const;
/** @short Returns a single Schema_Node if the criteria matches only one, otherwise nullptr. */
std::shared_ptr<libyang::Schema_Node> getSchemaNode(const schemaPath_& location, const ModuleNodePair& node) const;
std::shared_ptr<libyang::Context> m_context;
std::shared_ptr<libyang::Schema_Node> impl_getSchemaNode(const std::string& node) const;