Patch by Yuli Barcohen, 14 Aug 2003:
add support for bzip2 uncompression
diff --git a/lib_generic/bzlib.c b/lib_generic/bzlib.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4139c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib_generic/bzlib.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1597 @@
+#include <config.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_BZIP2
+ * This file is a modified version of bzlib.c from the bzip2-1.0.2
+ * distribution which can be found at
+ */
+/*--- Library top-level functions.                          ---*/
+/*---                                               bzlib.c ---*/
+  This file is a part of bzip2 and/or libbzip2, a program and
+  library for lossless, block-sorting data compression.
+  Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Julian R Seward.  All rights reserved.
+  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+  are met:
+  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
+     not claim that you wrote the original software.  If you use this
+     software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
+     documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+  3. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
+     not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+  4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
+     products derived from this software without specific prior written
+     permission.
+  Julian Seward, Cambridge, UK.
+  bzip2/libbzip2 version 1.0 of 21 March 2000
+  This program is based on (at least) the work of:
+     Mike Burrows
+     David Wheeler
+     Peter Fenwick
+     Alistair Moffat
+     Radford Neal
+     Ian H. Witten
+     Robert Sedgewick
+     Jon L. Bentley
+  For more information on these sources, see the manual.
+   ~~~~~~~
+   0.9.0 -- original version.
+   0.9.0a/b -- no changes in this file.
+   0.9.0c
+      * made zero-length BZ_FLUSH work correctly in bzCompress().
+      * fixed bzWrite/bzRead to ignore zero-length requests.
+      * fixed bzread to correctly handle read requests after EOF.
+      * wrong parameter order in call to bzDecompressInit in
+        bzBuffToBuffDecompress.  Fixed.
+#include "bzlib_private.h"
+/*--- Compression stuff                           ---*/
+#ifndef BZ_NO_STDIO
+void BZ2_bz__AssertH__fail ( int errcode )
+   fprintf(stderr,
+      "\n\nbzip2/libbzip2: internal error number %d.\n"
+      "This is a bug in bzip2/libbzip2, %s.\n"
+      "Please report it to me at:  If this happened\n"
+      "when you were using some program which uses libbzip2 as a\n"
+      "component, you should also report this bug to the author(s)\n"
+      "of that program.  Please make an effort to report this bug;\n"
+      "timely and accurate bug reports eventually lead to higher\n"
+      "quality software.  Thanks.  Julian Seward, 30 December 2001.\n\n",
+      errcode,
+      BZ2_bzlibVersion()
+   );
+   if (errcode == 1007) {
+   fprintf(stderr,
+      "\n*** A special note about internal error number 1007 ***\n"
+      "\n"
+      "Experience suggests that a common cause of i.e. 1007\n"
+      "is unreliable memory or other hardware.  The 1007 assertion\n"
+      "just happens to cross-check the results of huge numbers of\n"
+      "memory reads/writes, and so acts (unintendedly) as a stress\n"
+      "test of your memory system.\n"
+      "\n"
+      "I suggest the following: try compressing the file again,\n"
+      "possibly monitoring progress in detail with the -vv flag.\n"
+      "\n"
+      "* If the error cannot be reproduced, and/or happens at different\n"
+      "  points in compression, you may have a flaky memory system.\n"
+      "  Try a memory-test program.  I have used Memtest86\n"
+      "  (  At the time of writing it is free (GPLd).\n"
+      "  Memtest86 tests memory much more thorougly than your BIOSs\n"
+      "  power-on test, and may find failures that the BIOS doesn't.\n"
+      "\n"
+      "* If the error can be repeatably reproduced, this is a bug in\n"
+      "  bzip2, and I would very much like to hear about it.  Please\n"
+      "  let me know, and, ideally, save a copy of the file causing the\n"
+      "  problem -- without which I will be unable to investigate it.\n"
+      "\n"
+   );
+   }
+   exit(3);
+int bz_config_ok ( void )
+   if (sizeof(int)   != 4) return 0;
+   if (sizeof(short) != 2) return 0;
+   if (sizeof(char)  != 1) return 0;
+   return 1;
+void* default_bzalloc ( void* opaque, Int32 items, Int32 size )
+   void* v = malloc ( items * size );
+   return v;
+void default_bzfree ( void* opaque, void* addr )
+   if (addr != NULL) free ( addr );
+void prepare_new_block ( EState* s )
+   Int32 i;
+   s->nblock = 0;
+   s->numZ = 0;
+   s->state_out_pos = 0;
+   BZ_INITIALISE_CRC ( s->blockCRC );
+   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) s->inUse[i] = False;
+   s->blockNo++;
+void init_RL ( EState* s )
+   s->state_in_ch  = 256;
+   s->state_in_len = 0;
+Bool isempty_RL ( EState* s )
+   if (s->state_in_ch < 256 && s->state_in_len > 0)
+      return False; else
+      return True;
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzCompressInit)
+                    ( bz_stream* strm,
+                     int        blockSize100k,
+                     int        verbosity,
+                     int        workFactor )
+   Int32   n;
+   EState* s;
+   if (!bz_config_ok()) return BZ_CONFIG_ERROR;
+   if (strm == NULL ||
+       blockSize100k < 1 || blockSize100k > 9 ||
+       workFactor < 0 || workFactor > 250)
+     return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (workFactor == 0) workFactor = 30;
+   if (strm->bzalloc == NULL) strm->bzalloc = default_bzalloc;
+   if (strm->bzfree == NULL) strm->bzfree = default_bzfree;
+   s = BZALLOC( sizeof(EState) );
+   if (s == NULL) return BZ_MEM_ERROR;
+   s->strm = strm;
+   s->arr1 = NULL;
+   s->arr2 = NULL;
+   s->ftab = NULL;
+   n       = 100000 * blockSize100k;
+   s->arr1 = BZALLOC( n                  * sizeof(UInt32) );
+   s->arr2 = BZALLOC( (n+BZ_N_OVERSHOOT) * sizeof(UInt32) );
+   s->ftab = BZALLOC( 65537              * sizeof(UInt32) );
+   if (s->arr1 == NULL || s->arr2 == NULL || s->ftab == NULL) {
+      if (s->arr1 != NULL) BZFREE(s->arr1);
+      if (s->arr2 != NULL) BZFREE(s->arr2);
+      if (s->ftab != NULL) BZFREE(s->ftab);
+      if (s       != NULL) BZFREE(s);
+      return BZ_MEM_ERROR;
+   }
+   s->blockNo           = 0;
+   s->state             = BZ_S_INPUT;
+   s->mode              = BZ_M_RUNNING;
+   s->combinedCRC       = 0;
+   s->blockSize100k     = blockSize100k;
+   s->nblockMAX         = 100000 * blockSize100k - 19;
+   s->verbosity         = verbosity;
+   s->workFactor        = workFactor;
+   s->block             = (UChar*)s->arr2;
+   s->mtfv              = (UInt16*)s->arr1;
+   s->zbits             = NULL;
+   s->ptr               = (UInt32*)s->arr1;
+   strm->state          = s;
+   strm->total_in_lo32  = 0;
+   strm->total_in_hi32  = 0;
+   strm->total_out_lo32 = 0;
+   strm->total_out_hi32 = 0;
+   init_RL ( s );
+   prepare_new_block ( s );
+   return BZ_OK;
+void add_pair_to_block ( EState* s )
+   Int32 i;
+   UChar ch = (UChar)(s->state_in_ch);
+   for (i = 0; i < s->state_in_len; i++) {
+      BZ_UPDATE_CRC( s->blockCRC, ch );
+   }
+   s->inUse[s->state_in_ch] = True;
+   switch (s->state_in_len) {
+      case 1:
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         break;
+      case 2:
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         break;
+      case 3:
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         break;
+      default:
+         s->inUse[s->state_in_len-4] = True;
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         s->block[s->nblock] = (UChar)ch; s->nblock++;
+         s->block[s->nblock] = ((UChar)(s->state_in_len-4));
+         s->nblock++;
+         break;
+   }
+void flush_RL ( EState* s )
+   if (s->state_in_ch < 256) add_pair_to_block ( s );
+   init_RL ( s );
+#define ADD_CHAR_TO_BLOCK(zs,zchh0)               \
+{                                                 \
+   UInt32 zchh = (UInt32)(zchh0);                 \
+   /*-- fast track the common case --*/           \
+   if (zchh != zs->state_in_ch &&                 \
+       zs->state_in_len == 1) {                   \
+      UChar ch = (UChar)(zs->state_in_ch);        \
+      BZ_UPDATE_CRC( zs->blockCRC, ch );          \
+      zs->inUse[zs->state_in_ch] = True;          \
+      zs->block[zs->nblock] = (UChar)ch;          \
+      zs->nblock++;                               \
+      zs->state_in_ch = zchh;                     \
+   }                                              \
+   else                                           \
+   /*-- general, uncommon cases --*/              \
+   if (zchh != zs->state_in_ch ||                 \
+      zs->state_in_len == 255) {                  \
+      if (zs->state_in_ch < 256)                  \
+         add_pair_to_block ( zs );                \
+      zs->state_in_ch = zchh;                     \
+      zs->state_in_len = 1;                       \
+   } else {                                       \
+      zs->state_in_len++;                         \
+   }                                              \
+Bool copy_input_until_stop ( EState* s )
+   Bool progress_in = False;
+   if (s->mode == BZ_M_RUNNING) {
+      /*-- fast track the common case --*/
+      while (True) {
+         /*-- block full? --*/
+         if (s->nblock >= s->nblockMAX) break;
+         /*-- no input? --*/
+         if (s->strm->avail_in == 0) break;
+         progress_in = True;
+         ADD_CHAR_TO_BLOCK ( s, (UInt32)(*((UChar*)(s->strm->next_in))) );
+         s->strm->next_in++;
+         s->strm->avail_in--;
+         s->strm->total_in_lo32++;
+         if (s->strm->total_in_lo32 == 0) s->strm->total_in_hi32++;
+      }
+   } else {
+      /*-- general, uncommon case --*/
+      while (True) {
+         /*-- block full? --*/
+         if (s->nblock >= s->nblockMAX) break;
+         /*-- no input? --*/
+         if (s->strm->avail_in == 0) break;
+         /*-- flush/finish end? --*/
+         if (s->avail_in_expect == 0) break;
+         progress_in = True;
+         ADD_CHAR_TO_BLOCK ( s, (UInt32)(*((UChar*)(s->strm->next_in))) );
+         s->strm->next_in++;
+         s->strm->avail_in--;
+         s->strm->total_in_lo32++;
+         if (s->strm->total_in_lo32 == 0) s->strm->total_in_hi32++;
+         s->avail_in_expect--;
+      }
+   }
+   return progress_in;
+Bool copy_output_until_stop ( EState* s )
+   Bool progress_out = False;
+   while (True) {
+      /*-- no output space? --*/
+      if (s->strm->avail_out == 0) break;
+      /*-- block done? --*/
+      if (s->state_out_pos >= s->numZ) break;
+      progress_out = True;
+      *(s->strm->next_out) = s->zbits[s->state_out_pos];
+      s->state_out_pos++;
+      s->strm->avail_out--;
+      s->strm->next_out++;
+      s->strm->total_out_lo32++;
+      if (s->strm->total_out_lo32 == 0) s->strm->total_out_hi32++;
+   }
+   return progress_out;
+Bool handle_compress ( bz_stream* strm )
+   Bool progress_in  = False;
+   Bool progress_out = False;
+   EState* s = strm->state;
+   while (True) {
+      if (s->state == BZ_S_OUTPUT) {
+         progress_out |= copy_output_until_stop ( s );
+         if (s->state_out_pos < s->numZ) break;
+         if (s->mode == BZ_M_FINISHING &&
+             s->avail_in_expect == 0 &&
+             isempty_RL(s)) break;
+         prepare_new_block ( s );
+         s->state = BZ_S_INPUT;
+         if (s->mode == BZ_M_FLUSHING &&
+             s->avail_in_expect == 0 &&
+             isempty_RL(s)) break;
+      }
+      if (s->state == BZ_S_INPUT) {
+         progress_in |= copy_input_until_stop ( s );
+         if (s->mode != BZ_M_RUNNING && s->avail_in_expect == 0) {
+            flush_RL ( s );
+            BZ2_compressBlock ( s, (Bool)(s->mode == BZ_M_FINISHING) );
+            s->state = BZ_S_OUTPUT;
+         }
+         else
+         if (s->nblock >= s->nblockMAX) {
+            BZ2_compressBlock ( s, False );
+            s->state = BZ_S_OUTPUT;
+         }
+         else
+         if (s->strm->avail_in == 0) {
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return progress_in || progress_out;
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzCompress) ( bz_stream *strm, int action )
+   Bool progress;
+   EState* s;
+   if (strm == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   s = strm->state;
+   if (s == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (s->strm != strm) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   preswitch:
+   switch (s->mode) {
+      case BZ_M_IDLE:
+         return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
+      case BZ_M_RUNNING:
+         if (action == BZ_RUN) {
+            progress = handle_compress ( strm );
+            return progress ? BZ_RUN_OK : BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+         }
+         else
+	 if (action == BZ_FLUSH) {
+            s->avail_in_expect = strm->avail_in;
+            s->mode = BZ_M_FLUSHING;
+            goto preswitch;
+         }
+         else
+         if (action == BZ_FINISH) {
+            s->avail_in_expect = strm->avail_in;
+            s->mode = BZ_M_FINISHING;
+            goto preswitch;
+         }
+         else
+            return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+      case BZ_M_FLUSHING:
+         if (action != BZ_FLUSH) return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
+         if (s->avail_in_expect != s->strm->avail_in)
+            return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
+         progress = handle_compress ( strm );
+         if (s->avail_in_expect > 0 || !isempty_RL(s) ||
+             s->state_out_pos < s->numZ) return BZ_FLUSH_OK;
+         s->mode = BZ_M_RUNNING;
+         return BZ_RUN_OK;
+      case BZ_M_FINISHING:
+         if (action != BZ_FINISH) return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
+         if (s->avail_in_expect != s->strm->avail_in)
+            return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
+         progress = handle_compress ( strm );
+         if (!progress) return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
+         if (s->avail_in_expect > 0 || !isempty_RL(s) ||
+             s->state_out_pos < s->numZ) return BZ_FINISH_OK;
+         s->mode = BZ_M_IDLE;
+         return BZ_STREAM_END;
+   }
+   return BZ_OK; /*--not reached--*/
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzCompressEnd)  ( bz_stream *strm )
+   EState* s;
+   if (strm == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   s = strm->state;
+   if (s == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (s->strm != strm) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (s->arr1 != NULL) BZFREE(s->arr1);
+   if (s->arr2 != NULL) BZFREE(s->arr2);
+   if (s->ftab != NULL) BZFREE(s->ftab);
+   BZFREE(strm->state);
+   strm->state = NULL;
+   return BZ_OK;
+#endif /* BZ_NO_COMPRESS */
+/*--- Decompression stuff                         ---*/
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzDecompressInit)
+                     ( bz_stream* strm,
+                       int        verbosity,
+                       int        small )
+   DState* s;
+   if (!bz_config_ok()) return BZ_CONFIG_ERROR;
+   if (strm == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (small != 0 && small != 1) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (verbosity < 0 || verbosity > 4) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (strm->bzalloc == NULL) strm->bzalloc = default_bzalloc;
+   if (strm->bzfree == NULL) strm->bzfree = default_bzfree;
+   s = BZALLOC( sizeof(DState) );
+   if (s == NULL) return BZ_MEM_ERROR;
+   s->strm                  = strm;
+   strm->state              = s;
+   s->state                 = BZ_X_MAGIC_1;
+   s->bsLive                = 0;
+   s->bsBuff                = 0;
+   s->calculatedCombinedCRC = 0;
+   strm->total_in_lo32      = 0;
+   strm->total_in_hi32      = 0;
+   strm->total_out_lo32     = 0;
+   strm->total_out_hi32     = 0;
+   s->smallDecompress       = (Bool)small;
+   s->ll4                   = NULL;
+   s->ll16                  = NULL;
+   s->tt                    = NULL;
+   s->currBlockNo           = 0;
+   s->verbosity             = verbosity;
+   return BZ_OK;
+void unRLE_obuf_to_output_FAST ( DState* s )
+   UChar k1;
+   if (s->blockRandomised) {
+      while (True) {
+         /* try to finish existing run */
+         while (True) {
+            if (s->strm->avail_out == 0) return;
+            if (s->state_out_len == 0) break;
+            *( (UChar*)(s->strm->next_out) ) = s->state_out_ch;
+            BZ_UPDATE_CRC ( s->calculatedBlockCRC, s->state_out_ch );
+            s->state_out_len--;
+            s->strm->next_out++;
+            s->strm->avail_out--;
+            s->strm->total_out_lo32++;
+            if (s->strm->total_out_lo32 == 0) s->strm->total_out_hi32++;
+         }
+         /* can a new run be started? */
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) return;
+         s->state_out_len = 1;
+         s->state_out_ch = s->k0;
+         BZ_GET_FAST(k1); BZ_RAND_UPD_MASK;
+         k1 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         s->state_out_len = 2;
+         BZ_GET_FAST(k1); BZ_RAND_UPD_MASK;
+         k1 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         s->state_out_len = 3;
+         BZ_GET_FAST(k1); BZ_RAND_UPD_MASK;
+         k1 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         BZ_GET_FAST(k1); BZ_RAND_UPD_MASK;
+         k1 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+         s->state_out_len = ((Int32)k1) + 4;
+         BZ_GET_FAST(s->k0); BZ_RAND_UPD_MASK;
+         s->k0 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+      }
+   } else {
+      /* restore */
+      UInt32        c_calculatedBlockCRC = s->calculatedBlockCRC;
+      UChar         c_state_out_ch       = s->state_out_ch;
+      Int32         c_state_out_len      = s->state_out_len;
+      Int32         c_nblock_used        = s->nblock_used;
+      Int32         c_k0                 = s->k0;
+      UInt32*       c_tt                 = s->tt;
+      UInt32        c_tPos               = s->tPos;
+      char*         cs_next_out          = s->strm->next_out;
+      unsigned int  cs_avail_out         = s->strm->avail_out;
+      /* end restore */
+      UInt32       avail_out_INIT = cs_avail_out;
+      Int32        s_save_nblockPP = s->save_nblock+1;
+      unsigned int total_out_lo32_old;
+      while (True) {
+         /* try to finish existing run */
+         if (c_state_out_len > 0) {
+            while (True) {
+               if (cs_avail_out == 0) goto return_notr;
+               if (c_state_out_len == 1) break;
+               *( (UChar*)(cs_next_out) ) = c_state_out_ch;
+               BZ_UPDATE_CRC ( c_calculatedBlockCRC, c_state_out_ch );
+               c_state_out_len--;
+               cs_next_out++;
+               cs_avail_out--;
+            }
+            s_state_out_len_eq_one:
+            {
+               if (cs_avail_out == 0) {
+                  c_state_out_len = 1; goto return_notr;
+               };
+               *( (UChar*)(cs_next_out) ) = c_state_out_ch;
+               BZ_UPDATE_CRC ( c_calculatedBlockCRC, c_state_out_ch );
+               cs_next_out++;
+               cs_avail_out--;
+            }
+         }
+         /* can a new run be started? */
+         if (c_nblock_used == s_save_nblockPP) {
+            c_state_out_len = 0; goto return_notr;
+         };
+         c_state_out_ch = c_k0;
+         BZ_GET_FAST_C(k1); c_nblock_used++;
+         if (k1 != c_k0) {
+            c_k0 = k1; goto s_state_out_len_eq_one;
+         };
+         if (c_nblock_used == s_save_nblockPP)
+            goto s_state_out_len_eq_one;
+         c_state_out_len = 2;
+         BZ_GET_FAST_C(k1); c_nblock_used++;
+         if (c_nblock_used == s_save_nblockPP) continue;
+         if (k1 != c_k0) { c_k0 = k1; continue; };
+         c_state_out_len = 3;
+         BZ_GET_FAST_C(k1); c_nblock_used++;
+         if (c_nblock_used == s_save_nblockPP) continue;
+         if (k1 != c_k0) { c_k0 = k1; continue; };
+         BZ_GET_FAST_C(k1); c_nblock_used++;
+         c_state_out_len = ((Int32)k1) + 4;
+         BZ_GET_FAST_C(c_k0); c_nblock_used++;
+      }
+      return_notr:
+      total_out_lo32_old = s->strm->total_out_lo32;
+      s->strm->total_out_lo32 += (avail_out_INIT - cs_avail_out);
+      if (s->strm->total_out_lo32 < total_out_lo32_old)
+         s->strm->total_out_hi32++;
+      /* save */
+      s->calculatedBlockCRC = c_calculatedBlockCRC;
+      s->state_out_ch       = c_state_out_ch;
+      s->state_out_len      = c_state_out_len;
+      s->nblock_used        = c_nblock_used;
+      s->k0                 = c_k0;
+      s->tt                 = c_tt;
+      s->tPos               = c_tPos;
+      s->strm->next_out     = cs_next_out;
+      s->strm->avail_out    = cs_avail_out;
+      /* end save */
+   }
+__inline__ Int32 BZ2_indexIntoF ( Int32 indx, Int32 *cftab )
+   Int32 nb, na, mid;
+   nb = 0;
+   na = 256;
+   do {
+      mid = (nb + na) >> 1;
+      if (indx >= cftab[mid]) nb = mid; else na = mid;
+   }
+   while (na - nb != 1);
+   return nb;
+void unRLE_obuf_to_output_SMALL ( DState* s )
+   UChar k1;
+   if (s->blockRandomised) {
+      while (True) {
+         /* try to finish existing run */
+         while (True) {
+            if (s->strm->avail_out == 0) return;
+            if (s->state_out_len == 0) break;
+            *( (UChar*)(s->strm->next_out) ) = s->state_out_ch;
+            BZ_UPDATE_CRC ( s->calculatedBlockCRC, s->state_out_ch );
+            s->state_out_len--;
+            s->strm->next_out++;
+            s->strm->avail_out--;
+            s->strm->total_out_lo32++;
+            if (s->strm->total_out_lo32 == 0) s->strm->total_out_hi32++;
+         }
+         /* can a new run be started? */
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) return;
+         s->state_out_len = 1;
+         s->state_out_ch = s->k0;
+         k1 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         s->state_out_len = 2;
+         k1 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         s->state_out_len = 3;
+         k1 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         k1 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+         s->state_out_len = ((Int32)k1) + 4;
+         BZ_GET_SMALL(s->k0); BZ_RAND_UPD_MASK;
+         s->k0 ^= BZ_RAND_MASK; s->nblock_used++;
+      }
+   } else {
+      while (True) {
+         /* try to finish existing run */
+         while (True) {
+            if (s->strm->avail_out == 0) return;
+            if (s->state_out_len == 0) break;
+            *( (UChar*)(s->strm->next_out) ) = s->state_out_ch;
+            BZ_UPDATE_CRC ( s->calculatedBlockCRC, s->state_out_ch );
+            s->state_out_len--;
+            s->strm->next_out++;
+            s->strm->avail_out--;
+            s->strm->total_out_lo32++;
+            if (s->strm->total_out_lo32 == 0) s->strm->total_out_hi32++;
+         }
+         /* can a new run be started? */
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) return;
+         s->state_out_len = 1;
+         s->state_out_ch = s->k0;
+         BZ_GET_SMALL(k1); s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         s->state_out_len = 2;
+         BZ_GET_SMALL(k1); s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         s->state_out_len = 3;
+         BZ_GET_SMALL(k1); s->nblock_used++;
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1) continue;
+         if (k1 != s->k0) { s->k0 = k1; continue; };
+         BZ_GET_SMALL(k1); s->nblock_used++;
+         s->state_out_len = ((Int32)k1) + 4;
+         BZ_GET_SMALL(s->k0); s->nblock_used++;
+      }
+   }
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzDecompress) ( bz_stream *strm )
+   DState* s;
+   if (strm == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   s = strm->state;
+   if (s == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (s->strm != strm) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   while (True) {
+      if (s->state == BZ_X_IDLE) return BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR;
+      if (s->state == BZ_X_OUTPUT) {
+         if (s->smallDecompress)
+            unRLE_obuf_to_output_SMALL ( s ); else
+            unRLE_obuf_to_output_FAST  ( s );
+         if (s->nblock_used == s->save_nblock+1 && s->state_out_len == 0) {
+            BZ_FINALISE_CRC ( s->calculatedBlockCRC );
+            if (s->verbosity >= 3)
+               VPrintf2 ( " {0x%x, 0x%x}", s->storedBlockCRC,
+                          s->calculatedBlockCRC );
+            if (s->verbosity >= 2) VPrintf0 ( "]" );
+            if (s->calculatedBlockCRC != s->storedBlockCRC)
+               return BZ_DATA_ERROR;
+            s->calculatedCombinedCRC
+               = (s->calculatedCombinedCRC << 1) |
+                    (s->calculatedCombinedCRC >> 31);
+            s->calculatedCombinedCRC ^= s->calculatedBlockCRC;
+            s->state = BZ_X_BLKHDR_1;
+         } else {
+            return BZ_OK;
+         }
+      }
+      if (s->state >= BZ_X_MAGIC_1) {
+         Int32 r = BZ2_decompress ( s );
+         if (r == BZ_STREAM_END) {
+            if (s->verbosity >= 3)
+               VPrintf2 ( "\n    combined CRCs: stored = 0x%x, computed = 0x%x",
+                          s->storedCombinedCRC, s->calculatedCombinedCRC );
+            if (s->calculatedCombinedCRC != s->storedCombinedCRC)
+               return BZ_DATA_ERROR;
+            return r;
+         }
+         if (s->state != BZ_X_OUTPUT) return r;
+      }
+   }
+   AssertH ( 0, 6001 );
+   return 0;  /*NOTREACHED*/
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzDecompressEnd)  ( bz_stream *strm )
+   DState* s;
+   if (strm == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   s = strm->state;
+   if (s == NULL) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (s->strm != strm) return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (s->tt   != NULL) BZFREE(s->tt);
+   if (s->ll16 != NULL) BZFREE(s->ll16);
+   if (s->ll4  != NULL) BZFREE(s->ll4);
+   BZFREE(strm->state);
+   strm->state = NULL;
+   return BZ_OK;
+#ifndef BZ_NO_STDIO
+/*--- File I/O stuff                              ---*/
+#define BZ_SETERR(eee)                    \
+{                                         \
+   if (bzerror != NULL) *bzerror = eee;   \
+   if (bzf != NULL) bzf->lastErr = eee;   \
+   struct {
+      FILE*     handle;
+      Char      buf[BZ_MAX_UNUSED];
+      Int32     bufN;
+      Bool      writing;
+      bz_stream strm;
+      Int32     lastErr;
+      Bool      initialisedOk;
+   }
+   bzFile;
+static Bool myfeof ( FILE* f )
+   Int32 c = fgetc ( f );
+   if (c == EOF) return True;
+   ungetc ( c, f );
+   return False;
+BZFILE* BZ_API(BZ2_bzWriteOpen)
+                    ( int*  bzerror,
+                      FILE* f,
+                      int   blockSize100k,
+                      int   verbosity,
+                      int   workFactor )
+   Int32   ret;
+   bzFile* bzf = NULL;
+   if (f == NULL ||
+       (blockSize100k < 1 || blockSize100k > 9) ||
+       (workFactor < 0 || workFactor > 250) ||
+       (verbosity < 0 || verbosity > 4))
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_PARAM_ERROR); return NULL; };
+   if (ferror(f))
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return NULL; };
+   bzf = malloc ( sizeof(bzFile) );
+   if (bzf == NULL)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_MEM_ERROR); return NULL; };
+   bzf->initialisedOk = False;
+   bzf->bufN          = 0;
+   bzf->handle        = f;
+   bzf->writing       = True;
+   bzf->strm.bzalloc  = NULL;
+   bzf->strm.bzfree   = NULL;
+   bzf->strm.opaque   = NULL;
+   if (workFactor == 0) workFactor = 30;
+   ret = BZ2_bzCompressInit ( &(bzf->strm), blockSize100k,
+                              verbosity, workFactor );
+   if (ret != BZ_OK)
+      { BZ_SETERR(ret); free(bzf); return NULL; };
+   bzf->strm.avail_in = 0;
+   bzf->initialisedOk = True;
+   return bzf;
+void BZ_API(BZ2_bzWrite)
+             ( int*    bzerror,
+               BZFILE* b,
+               void*   buf,
+               int     len )
+   Int32 n, n2, ret;
+   bzFile* bzf = (bzFile*)b;
+   if (bzf == NULL || buf == NULL || len < 0)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_PARAM_ERROR); return; };
+   if (!(bzf->writing))
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR); return; };
+   if (ferror(bzf->handle))
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return; };
+   if (len == 0)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_OK); return; };
+   bzf->strm.avail_in = len;
+   bzf->strm.next_in  = buf;
+   while (True) {
+      bzf->strm.avail_out = BZ_MAX_UNUSED;
+      bzf->strm.next_out = bzf->buf;
+      ret = BZ2_bzCompress ( &(bzf->strm), BZ_RUN );
+      if (ret != BZ_RUN_OK)
+         { BZ_SETERR(ret); return; };
+      if (bzf->strm.avail_out < BZ_MAX_UNUSED) {
+         n = BZ_MAX_UNUSED - bzf->strm.avail_out;
+         n2 = fwrite ( (void*)(bzf->buf), sizeof(UChar),
+                       n, bzf->handle );
+         if (n != n2 || ferror(bzf->handle))
+            { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return; };
+      }
+      if (bzf->strm.avail_in == 0)
+         { BZ_SETERR(BZ_OK); return; };
+   }
+void BZ_API(BZ2_bzWriteClose)
+                  ( int*          bzerror,
+                    BZFILE*       b,
+                    int           abandon,
+                    unsigned int* nbytes_in,
+                    unsigned int* nbytes_out )
+   BZ2_bzWriteClose64 ( bzerror, b, abandon,
+                        nbytes_in, NULL, nbytes_out, NULL );
+void BZ_API(BZ2_bzWriteClose64)
+                  ( int*          bzerror,
+                    BZFILE*       b,
+                    int           abandon,
+                    unsigned int* nbytes_in_lo32,
+                    unsigned int* nbytes_in_hi32,
+                    unsigned int* nbytes_out_lo32,
+                    unsigned int* nbytes_out_hi32 )
+   Int32   n, n2, ret;
+   bzFile* bzf = (bzFile*)b;
+   if (bzf == NULL)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_OK); return; };
+   if (!(bzf->writing))
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR); return; };
+   if (ferror(bzf->handle))
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return; };
+   if (nbytes_in_lo32 != NULL) *nbytes_in_lo32 = 0;
+   if (nbytes_in_hi32 != NULL) *nbytes_in_hi32 = 0;
+   if (nbytes_out_lo32 != NULL) *nbytes_out_lo32 = 0;
+   if (nbytes_out_hi32 != NULL) *nbytes_out_hi32 = 0;
+   if ((!abandon) && bzf->lastErr == BZ_OK) {
+      while (True) {
+         bzf->strm.avail_out = BZ_MAX_UNUSED;
+         bzf->strm.next_out = bzf->buf;
+         ret = BZ2_bzCompress ( &(bzf->strm), BZ_FINISH );
+         if (ret != BZ_FINISH_OK && ret != BZ_STREAM_END)
+            { BZ_SETERR(ret); return; };
+         if (bzf->strm.avail_out < BZ_MAX_UNUSED) {
+            n = BZ_MAX_UNUSED - bzf->strm.avail_out;
+            n2 = fwrite ( (void*)(bzf->buf), sizeof(UChar),
+                          n, bzf->handle );
+            if (n != n2 || ferror(bzf->handle))
+               { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return; };
+         }
+         if (ret == BZ_STREAM_END) break;
+      }
+   }
+   if ( !abandon && !ferror ( bzf->handle ) ) {
+      fflush ( bzf->handle );
+      if (ferror(bzf->handle))
+         { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return; };
+   }
+   if (nbytes_in_lo32 != NULL)
+      *nbytes_in_lo32 = bzf->strm.total_in_lo32;
+   if (nbytes_in_hi32 != NULL)
+      *nbytes_in_hi32 = bzf->strm.total_in_hi32;
+   if (nbytes_out_lo32 != NULL)
+      *nbytes_out_lo32 = bzf->strm.total_out_lo32;
+   if (nbytes_out_hi32 != NULL)
+      *nbytes_out_hi32 = bzf->strm.total_out_hi32;
+   BZ2_bzCompressEnd ( &(bzf->strm) );
+   free ( bzf );
+BZFILE* BZ_API(BZ2_bzReadOpen)
+                   ( int*  bzerror,
+                     FILE* f,
+                     int   verbosity,
+                     int   small,
+                     void* unused,
+                     int   nUnused )
+   bzFile* bzf = NULL;
+   int     ret;
+   if (f == NULL ||
+       (small != 0 && small != 1) ||
+       (verbosity < 0 || verbosity > 4) ||
+       (unused == NULL && nUnused != 0) ||
+       (unused != NULL && (nUnused < 0 || nUnused > BZ_MAX_UNUSED)))
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_PARAM_ERROR); return NULL; };
+   if (ferror(f))
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return NULL; };
+   bzf = malloc ( sizeof(bzFile) );
+   if (bzf == NULL)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_MEM_ERROR); return NULL; };
+   bzf->initialisedOk = False;
+   bzf->handle        = f;
+   bzf->bufN          = 0;
+   bzf->writing       = False;
+   bzf->strm.bzalloc  = NULL;
+   bzf->strm.bzfree   = NULL;
+   bzf->strm.opaque   = NULL;
+   while (nUnused > 0) {
+      bzf->buf[bzf->bufN] = *((UChar*)(unused)); bzf->bufN++;
+      unused = ((void*)( 1 + ((UChar*)(unused))  ));
+      nUnused--;
+   }
+   ret = BZ2_bzDecompressInit ( &(bzf->strm), verbosity, small );
+   if (ret != BZ_OK)
+      { BZ_SETERR(ret); free(bzf); return NULL; };
+   bzf->strm.avail_in = bzf->bufN;
+   bzf->strm.next_in  = bzf->buf;
+   bzf->initialisedOk = True;
+   return bzf;
+void BZ_API(BZ2_bzReadClose) ( int *bzerror, BZFILE *b )
+   bzFile* bzf = (bzFile*)b;
+   if (bzf == NULL)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_OK); return; };
+   if (bzf->writing)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR); return; };
+   if (bzf->initialisedOk)
+      (void)BZ2_bzDecompressEnd ( &(bzf->strm) );
+   free ( bzf );
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzRead)
+           ( int*    bzerror,
+             BZFILE* b,
+             void*   buf,
+             int     len )
+   Int32   n, ret;
+   bzFile* bzf = (bzFile*)b;
+   if (bzf == NULL || buf == NULL || len < 0)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_PARAM_ERROR); return 0; };
+   if (bzf->writing)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR); return 0; };
+   if (len == 0)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_OK); return 0; };
+   bzf->strm.avail_out = len;
+   bzf->strm.next_out = buf;
+   while (True) {
+      if (ferror(bzf->handle))
+         { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return 0; };
+      if (bzf->strm.avail_in == 0 && !myfeof(bzf->handle)) {
+         n = fread ( bzf->buf, sizeof(UChar),
+                     BZ_MAX_UNUSED, bzf->handle );
+         if (ferror(bzf->handle))
+            { BZ_SETERR(BZ_IO_ERROR); return 0; };
+         bzf->bufN = n;
+         bzf->strm.avail_in = bzf->bufN;
+         bzf->strm.next_in = bzf->buf;
+      }
+      ret = BZ2_bzDecompress ( &(bzf->strm) );
+      if (ret != BZ_OK && ret != BZ_STREAM_END)
+         { BZ_SETERR(ret); return 0; };
+      if (ret == BZ_OK && myfeof(bzf->handle) &&
+          bzf->strm.avail_in == 0 && bzf->strm.avail_out > 0)
+         { BZ_SETERR(BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF); return 0; };
+      if (ret == BZ_STREAM_END)
+           return len - bzf->strm.avail_out; };
+      if (bzf->strm.avail_out == 0)
+         { BZ_SETERR(BZ_OK); return len; };
+   }
+   return 0; /*not reached*/
+void BZ_API(BZ2_bzReadGetUnused)
+                     ( int*    bzerror,
+                       BZFILE* b,
+                       void**  unused,
+                       int*    nUnused )
+   bzFile* bzf = (bzFile*)b;
+   if (bzf == NULL)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_PARAM_ERROR); return; };
+   if (bzf->lastErr != BZ_STREAM_END)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR); return; };
+   if (unused == NULL || nUnused == NULL)
+      { BZ_SETERR(BZ_PARAM_ERROR); return; };
+   *nUnused = bzf->strm.avail_in;
+   *unused = bzf->strm.next_in;
+/*--- Misc convenience stuff                      ---*/
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress)
+                         ( char*         dest,
+                           unsigned int* destLen,
+                           char*         source,
+                           unsigned int  sourceLen,
+                           int           blockSize100k,
+                           int           verbosity,
+                           int           workFactor )
+   bz_stream strm;
+   int ret;
+   if (dest == NULL || destLen == NULL ||
+       source == NULL ||
+       blockSize100k < 1 || blockSize100k > 9 ||
+       verbosity < 0 || verbosity > 4 ||
+       workFactor < 0 || workFactor > 250)
+      return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   if (workFactor == 0) workFactor = 30;
+   strm.bzalloc = NULL;
+   strm.bzfree = NULL;
+   strm.opaque = NULL;
+   ret = BZ2_bzCompressInit ( &strm, blockSize100k,
+                              verbosity, workFactor );
+   if (ret != BZ_OK) return ret;
+   strm.next_in = source;
+   strm.next_out = dest;
+   strm.avail_in = sourceLen;
+   strm.avail_out = *destLen;
+   ret = BZ2_bzCompress ( &strm, BZ_FINISH );
+   if (ret == BZ_FINISH_OK) goto output_overflow;
+   if (ret != BZ_STREAM_END) goto errhandler;
+   /* normal termination */
+   *destLen -= strm.avail_out;
+   BZ2_bzCompressEnd ( &strm );
+   return BZ_OK;
+   output_overflow:
+   BZ2_bzCompressEnd ( &strm );
+   return BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL;
+   errhandler:
+   BZ2_bzCompressEnd ( &strm );
+   return ret;
+#endif /* BZ_NO_COMPRESS */
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress)
+                           ( char*         dest,
+                             unsigned int* destLen,
+                             char*         source,
+                             unsigned int  sourceLen,
+                             int           small,
+                             int           verbosity )
+   bz_stream strm;
+   int ret;
+   if (destLen == NULL || source == NULL)
+          return BZ_PARAM_ERROR;
+   strm.bzalloc = NULL;
+   strm.bzfree = NULL;
+   strm.opaque = NULL;
+   ret = BZ2_bzDecompressInit ( &strm, verbosity, small );
+   if (ret != BZ_OK) return ret;
+   strm.next_in = source;
+   strm.next_out = dest;
+   strm.avail_in = sourceLen;
+   strm.avail_out = *destLen;
+   ret = BZ2_bzDecompress ( &strm );
+   if (ret == BZ_OK) goto output_overflow_or_eof;
+   if (ret != BZ_STREAM_END) goto errhandler;
+   /* normal termination */
+   *destLen -= strm.avail_out;
+   BZ2_bzDecompressEnd ( &strm );
+   return BZ_OK;
+   output_overflow_or_eof:
+   if (strm.avail_out > 0) {
+      BZ2_bzDecompressEnd ( &strm );
+      return BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF;
+   } else {
+      BZ2_bzDecompressEnd ( &strm );
+      return BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL;
+   };
+   errhandler:
+   BZ2_bzDecompressEnd ( &strm );
+   return ret;
+   Code contributed by Yoshioka Tsuneo
+   (,
+   to support better zlib compatibility.
+   This code is not _officially_ part of libbzip2 (yet);
+   I haven't tested it, documented it, or considered the
+   threading-safeness of it.
+   If this code breaks, please contact both Yoshioka and me.
+   return version like "0.9.0c".
+const char * BZ_API(BZ2_bzlibVersion)(void)
+   return BZ_VERSION;
+#ifndef BZ_NO_STDIO
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(OS2) || defined(MSDOS)
+#   include <fcntl.h>
+#   include <io.h>
+#   define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) setmode(fileno(file),O_BINARY)
+#   define SET_BINARY_MODE(file)
+BZFILE * bzopen_or_bzdopen
+               ( const char *path,   /* no use when bzdopen */
+                 int fd,             /* no use when bzdopen */
+                 const char *mode,
+                 int open_mode)      /* bzopen: 0, bzdopen:1 */
+   int    bzerr;
+   char   unused[BZ_MAX_UNUSED];
+   int    blockSize100k = 9;
+   int    writing       = 0;
+   char   mode2[10]     = "";
+   FILE   *fp           = NULL;
+   BZFILE *bzfp         = NULL;
+   int    verbosity     = 0;
+   int    workFactor    = 30;
+   int    smallMode     = 0;
+   int    nUnused       = 0;
+   if (mode == NULL) return NULL;
+   while (*mode) {
+      switch (*mode) {
+      case 'r':
+         writing = 0; break;
+      case 'w':
+         writing = 1; break;
+      case 's':
+         smallMode = 1; break;
+      default:
+         if (isdigit((int)(*mode))) {
+            blockSize100k = *mode-BZ_HDR_0;
+         }
+      }
+      mode++;
+   }
+   strcat(mode2, writing ? "w" : "r" );
+   strcat(mode2,"b");   /* binary mode */
+   if (open_mode==0) {
+      if (path==NULL || strcmp(path,"")==0) {
+        fp = (writing ? stdout : stdin);
+        SET_BINARY_MODE(fp);
+      } else {
+        fp = fopen(path,mode2);
+      }
+   } else {
+      fp = NULL;
+      fp = fdopen(fd,mode2);
+   }
+   if (fp == NULL) return NULL;
+   if (writing) {
+      /* Guard against total chaos and anarchy -- JRS */
+      if (blockSize100k < 1) blockSize100k = 1;
+      if (blockSize100k > 9) blockSize100k = 9;
+      bzfp = BZ2_bzWriteOpen(&bzerr,fp,blockSize100k,
+                             verbosity,workFactor);
+   } else {
+      bzfp = BZ2_bzReadOpen(&bzerr,fp,verbosity,smallMode,
+                            unused,nUnused);
+   }
+   if (bzfp == NULL) {
+      if (fp != stdin && fp != stdout) fclose(fp);
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   return bzfp;
+   open file for read or write.
+      ex) bzopen("file","w9")
+      case path="" or NULL => use stdin or stdout.
+BZFILE * BZ_API(BZ2_bzopen)
+               ( const char *path,
+                 const char *mode )
+   return bzopen_or_bzdopen(path,-1,mode,/*bzopen*/0);
+BZFILE * BZ_API(BZ2_bzdopen)
+               ( int fd,
+                 const char *mode )
+   return bzopen_or_bzdopen(NULL,fd,mode,/*bzdopen*/1);
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzread) (BZFILE* b, void* buf, int len )
+   int bzerr, nread;
+   if (((bzFile*)b)->lastErr == BZ_STREAM_END) return 0;
+   nread = BZ2_bzRead(&bzerr,b,buf,len);
+   if (bzerr == BZ_OK || bzerr == BZ_STREAM_END) {
+      return nread;
+   } else {
+      return -1;
+   }
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzwrite) (BZFILE* b, void* buf, int len )
+   int bzerr;
+   BZ2_bzWrite(&bzerr,b,buf,len);
+   if(bzerr == BZ_OK){
+      return len;
+   }else{
+      return -1;
+   }
+int BZ_API(BZ2_bzflush) (BZFILE *b)
+   /* do nothing now... */
+   return 0;
+void BZ_API(BZ2_bzclose) (BZFILE* b)
+   int bzerr;
+   FILE *fp = ((bzFile *)b)->handle;
+   if (b==NULL) {return;}
+   if(((bzFile*)b)->writing){
+      BZ2_bzWriteClose(&bzerr,b,0,NULL,NULL);
+      if(bzerr != BZ_OK){
+         BZ2_bzWriteClose(NULL,b,1,NULL,NULL);
+      }
+   }else{
+      BZ2_bzReadClose(&bzerr,b);
+   }
+   if(fp!=stdin && fp!=stdout){
+      fclose(fp);
+   }
+   return last error code
+static char *bzerrorstrings[] = {
+       "OK"
+      ,"PARAM_ERROR"
+      ,"MEM_ERROR"
+      ,"DATA_ERROR"
+      ,"IO_ERROR"
+      ,"OUTBUFF_FULL"
+      ,"CONFIG_ERROR"
+      ,"???"   /* for future */
+      ,"???"   /* for future */
+      ,"???"   /* for future */
+      ,"???"   /* for future */
+      ,"???"   /* for future */
+      ,"???"   /* for future */
+const char * BZ_API(BZ2_bzerror) (BZFILE *b, int *errnum)
+   int err = ((bzFile *)b)->lastErr;
+   if(err>0) err = 0;
+   *errnum = err;
+   return bzerrorstrings[err*-1];
+/*--- end                                           bzlib.c ---*/
+#endif /* CONFIG_BZIP2 */