Reduce Log Size

To reduce the testrepository.subunit output, eliminate debugging logs
from gear.Server and gear.Client.

This is handled via an ENV defined in the tox.ini called `OS_LOG_DEFAULTS`.
Any module can be specified in the typicall python logging format (e.g.
"gear.Server=INFO"). Each entry should be comma separated. For each valid
entry, a fake logger is created with the log level set to that level.

An invalid format will be skipped (expected: `<module name str>=<level_str>`).

An invalid logging level will default to logging.DEBUG.

Specifying OS_LOG_DEFAULT as an ENV var prior to running tox will override
the default values defined in tox.ini.

Change-Id: I893418435c538bfcedb803d12b57832c8111f06f
3 files changed