Docs: reformat tenant config docs

Change-Id: If749e43b21f11144e8b8fdbd90558247e7e9905c
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/tenants.rst b/doc/source/admin/tenants.rst
index b3b2d9c..b518c91 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/tenants.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/tenants.rst
@@ -5,128 +5,163 @@
 Tenant Configuration
-After *zuul.conf* is configured, Zuul component servers will be able
+After ``zuul.conf`` is configured, Zuul component servers will be able
 to start, but a tenant configuration is required in order for Zuul to
 perform any actions.  The tenant configuration file specifies upon
-which projects Zuul should operate.  These repositories are
-grouped into tenants.  The configuration of each tenant is separate
-from the rest (no pipelines, jobs, etc are shared between them).
+which projects Zuul should operate.  These repositories are grouped
+into tenants.  The configuration of each tenant is separate from the
+rest (no pipelines, jobs, etc are shared between them).
 A project may appear in more than one tenant; this may be useful if
 you wish to use common job definitions across multiple tenants.
-The tenant configuration file is specified by the *tenant_config*
-setting in the *scheduler* section of *zuul.yaml*.  It is a YAML file
-which, like other Zuul configuration files, is a list of configuration
-objects, though only one type of object is supported, *tenant*.
+The tenant configuration file is specified by the
+:attr:`scheduler.tenant_config` setting in ``zuul.conf``.  It is a
+YAML file which, like other Zuul configuration files, is a list of
+configuration objects, though only one type of object is supported:
 A tenant is a collection of projects which share a Zuul
-configuration.  An example tenant definition is::
+configuration.  An example tenant definition is:
-  - tenant:
-      name: my-tenant
-      max-nodes-per-job: 5
-      exclude-unprotected-branches: false
-      source:
-        gerrit:
-          config-projects:
-            - common-config
-            - shared-jobs:
-                include: job
-          untrusted-projects:
-            - zuul-jobs:
-                shadow: common-config
-            - project1
-            - project2:
-                exclude-unprotected-branches: true
+.. code-block:: yaml
-The following attributes are supported:
+   - tenant:
+       name: my-tenant
+       max-nodes-per-job: 5
+       exclude-unprotected-branches: false
+       source:
+         gerrit:
+           config-projects:
+             - common-config
+             - shared-jobs:
+                 include: job
+           untrusted-projects:
+             - zuul-jobs:
+                 shadow: common-config
+             - project1
+             - project2:
+                 exclude-unprotected-branches: true
-**name** (required)
-  The name of the tenant.  This may appear in URLs, paths, and
-  monitoring fields, and so should be restricted to URL friendly
-  characters (ASCII letters, numbers, hyphen and underscore) and you
-  should avoid changing it unless necessary.
+.. attr:: tenant
-**max-nodes-per-job** (optional)
-  The maximum number of nodes a job can request, default to 5.
-  A '-1' value removes the limit.
+   The following attributes are supported:
-**exclude-unprotected-branches** (optional)
-  When using a branch and pull model on a shared github repository there are
-  usually one or more protected branches which are gated and a dynamic number of
-  personal/feature branches which are the source for the pull requests. These
-  branches can potentially include broken zuul config and therefore break the
-  global tenant wide configuration. In order to deal with this zuul's operations
-  can be limited to the protected branches which are gated. This is a tenant
-  wide setting and can be overridden per project. If not specified, defaults
-  to ``false``.
+   .. attr:: name
+      :required:
-**source** (required)
-  A dictionary of sources to consult for projects.  A tenant may
-  contain projects from multiple sources; each of those sources must
-  be listed here, along with the projects it supports.  The name of a
-  :ref:`connection<connections>` is used as the dictionary key
-  (e.g. `gerrit` in the example above), and the value is a further
-  dictionary containing the keys below.
+      The name of the tenant.  This may appear in URLs, paths, and
+      monitoring fields, and so should be restricted to URL friendly
+      characters (ASCII letters, numbers, hyphen and underscore) and
+      you should avoid changing it unless necessary.
-  **config-projects**
-    A list of projects to be treated as config projects in this
-    tenant.  The jobs in a config project are trusted, which means
-    they run with extra privileges, do not have their configuration
-    dynamically loaded for proposed changes, and zuul.yaml files are
-    only searched for in the master branch.
+   .. attr:: source
+      :required:
-  **untrusted-projects**
-    A list of projects to be treated as untrusted in this tenant.  An
-    untrusted project is the typical project operated on by Zuul.
-    Their jobs run in a more restrictive environment, they may not
-    define pipelines, their configuration dynamically changes in
-    response to proposed changes, Zuul will read configuration files
-    in all of their branches.
+      A dictionary of sources to consult for projects.  A tenant may
+      contain projects from multiple sources; each of those sources
+      must be listed here, along with the projects it supports.  The
+      name of a :ref:`connection<connections>` is used as the
+      dictionary key (e.g. ``gerrit`` in the example above), and the
+      value is a further dictionary containing the keys below.
-  Each of the projects listed may be either a simple string value, or
-  it may be a dictionary with the following keys:
+   The next two attributes, **config-projects** and
+   **untrusted-projects** provide the bulk of the information for
+   tenant configuration.  They list all of the projects upon which
+   Zuul will act.
-    **include**
-    Normally Zuul will load all of the configuration classes
-    appropriate for the type of project (config or untrusted) in
-    question.  However, if you only want to load some items, the
-    *include* attribute can be used to specify that *only* the
-    specified classes should be loaded.  Supplied as a string, or a
-    list of strings.
+   The order of the projects listed in a tenant is important.  A job
+   which is defined in one project may not be redefined in another
+   project; therefore, once a job appears in one project, a project
+   listed later will be unable to define a job with that name.
+   Further, some aspects of project configuration (such as the merge
+   mode) may only be set on the first appearance of a project
+   definition.
-    **exclude**
-    A list of configuration classes that should not be loaded.
+   Zuul loads the configuration from all **config-projects** in the
+   order listed, followed by all **untrusted-projects** in order.
-    **shadow**
-    A list of projects which this project is permitted to shadow.
-    Normally, only one project in Zuul may contain definitions for a
-    given job.  If a project earlier in the configuration defines a
-    job which a later project redefines, the later definition is
-    considered an error and is not permitted.  The "shadow" attribute
-    of a project indicates that job definitions in this project which
-    conflict with the named projects should be ignored, and those in
-    the named project should be used instead.  The named projects must
-    still appear earlier in the configuration.  In the example above,
-    if a job definition appears in both the "common-config" and
-    "zuul-jobs" projects, the definition in "common-config" will be
-    used.
+   .. attr:: config-projects
-    **exclude-unprotected-branches**
-    Define if unprotected github branches should be processed. Defaults to the
-    tenant wide setting of exclude-unprotected-branches.
+      A list of projects to be treated as :term:`config projects
+      <config-project>` in this tenant.  The jobs in a config project
+      are trusted, which means they run with extra privileges, do not
+      have their configuration dynamically loaded for proposed
+      changes, and Zuul config files are only searched for in the
+      ``master`` branch.
-  The order of the projects listed in a tenant is important.  A job
-  which is defined in one project may not be redefined in another
-  project; therefore, once a job appears in one project, a project
-  listed later will be unable to define a job with that name.
-  Further, some aspects of project configuration (such as the merge
-  mode) may only be set on the first appearance of a project
-  definition.
+      The items in the list follow the same format described in
+      **untrusted-projects**.
-  Zuul loads the configuration from all *config-projects* in the order
-  listed, followed by all *trusted-projects* in order.
+   .. attr:: untrusted-projects
+      A list of projects to be treated as untrusted in this tenant.
+      An :term:`untrusted-project` is the typical project operated on
+      by Zuul.  Their jobs run in a more restrictive environment, they
+      may not define pipelines, their configuration dynamically
+      changes in response to proposed changes, and Zuul will read
+      configuration files in all of their branches.
+      .. attr:: <project>:
+         The items in the list may either be simple string values of
+         the project names, or a dictionary with the project name as
+         key and the following values:
+         .. attr:: include
+            Normally Zuul will load all of the configuration classes
+            appropriate for the type of project (config or untrusted)
+            in question.  However, if you only want to load some
+            items, the **include** attribute can be used to specify
+            that *only* the specified classes should be loaded.
+            Supplied as a string, or a list of strings.
+         .. attr:: exclude
+            A list of configuration classes that should not be loaded.
+         .. attr:: shadow
+            A list of projects which this project is permitted to
+            shadow.  Normally, only one project in Zuul may contain
+            definitions for a given job.  If a project earlier in the
+            configuration defines a job which a later project
+            redefines, the later definition is considered an error and
+            is not permitted.  The **shadow** attribute of a project
+            indicates that job definitions in this project which
+            conflict with the named projects should be ignored, and
+            those in the named project should be used instead.  The
+            named projects must still appear earlier in the
+            configuration.  In the example above, if a job definition
+            appears in both the ``common-config`` and ``zuul-jobs``
+            projects, the definition in ``common-config`` will be
+            used.
+         .. attr:: exclude-unprotected-branches
+            Define if unprotected github branches should be
+            processed. Defaults to the tenant wide setting of
+            exclude-unprotected-branches.
+   .. attr:: max-nodes-per-job
+      :default: 5
+      The maximum number of nodes a job can request.  A value of
+      '-1' value removes the limit.
+   .. attr:: exclude-unprotected-branches
+      :default: false
+      When using a branch and pull model on a shared GitHub repository
+      there are usually one or more protected branches which are gated
+      and a dynamic number of personal/feature branches which are the
+      source for the pull requests. These branches can potentially
+      include broken Zuul config and therefore break the global tenant
+      wide configuration. In order to deal with this Zuul's operations
+      can be limited to the protected branches which are gated. This
+      is a tenant wide setting and can be overridden per project.
+      This currently only affects GitHub projects.