blob: 22c1ed7ba1f3e3983e2c413028181711bd7bda26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Client script for Zuul status page
// Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
// Copyright 2013 Timo Tijhof
// Copyright 2013 Wikimedia Foundation
// Copyright 2014 Rackspace Australia
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
(function ($) {
var $container, $msg, $indicator, $queueInfo, $queueEventsNum,
$queueResultsNum, $pipelines, $jq;
var xhr, zuul,
current_filter = '',
demo =[?&]demo=([^?&]*)/),
source_url =[?&]source_url=([^?&]*)/),
source = demo ?
'./status-' + (demo[1] || 'basic') + '.json-sample' :
source = source_url ? source_url[1] : source;
function set_cookie(name, value) {
document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; path=/";
function read_cookie(name, default_value) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) {
return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
return default_value;
zuul = {
enabled: true,
collapsed_exceptions: [],
schedule: function () {
if (!zuul.enabled) {
setTimeout(zuul.schedule, 5000);
zuul.update().complete(function () {
setTimeout(zuul.schedule, 5000);
/** @return {jQuery.Promise} */
update: function () {
// Cancel the previous update if it hasn't completed yet.
if (xhr) {
xhr = $.getJSON(source)
.done(function (data) {
if ('message' in data) {
} else {
if ('zuul_version' in data) {
if ('last_reconfigured' in data) {
var last_reconfigured =
new Date(data['last_reconfigured']);
$.each(data.pipelines, function (i, pipeline) {
data.trigger_event_queue ?
data.trigger_event_queue.length : '0'
data.result_event_queue ?
data.result_event_queue.length : '0'
.fail(function (err, jqXHR, errMsg) {
$msg.text(source + ': ' + errMsg).show();
.complete(function () {
xhr = undefined;
return xhr;
format: {
job: function(job) {
if (job.url !== null) {
$job_line = $('<a href="' + job.url + '" />');
$job_line = $('<span />');
if ( === false) {
$(' <small />').text(' (non-voting)')
return $job_line;
job_status: function(job) {
var result = job.result ? job.result.toLowerCase() : null;
if (result === null) {
result = job.url ? 'in progress' : 'queued';
if (result == 'in progress') {
return zuul.format.job_progress_bar(job.elapsed_time,
else {
return zuul.format.status_label(result);
status_label: function(result) {
$status = $('<span />');
$status.addClass('zuul-job-result label');
switch (result) {
case 'success':
case 'failure':
case 'unstable':
case 'in progress':
case 'queued':
case 'lost':
return $status;
job_progress_bar: function(elapsed_time, remaining_time) {
var progress_percent = 100 * (elapsed_time / (elapsed_time +
var $bar_inner = $('<div />')
.attr('role', 'progressbar')
.attr('aria-valuenow', 'progressbar')
.attr('aria-valuemin', progress_percent)
.attr('aria-valuemin', '0')
.attr('aria-valuemax', '100')
.css('width', progress_percent + '%');
var $bar_outter = $('<div />')
.addClass('progress zuul-job-result')
return $bar_outter;
enqueue_time: function(ms) {
// Special format case for enqueue time to add style
var hours = 60 * 60 * 1000;
var now =;
var delta = now - ms;
var status = "text-success";
var text = zuul.format.time(delta, true);
if (delta > (4 * hours)) {
status = "text-danger";
} else if (delta > (2 * hours)) {
status = "text-warning";
return '<span class="' + status + '">' + text + '</span>';
time: function(ms, words) {
if (typeof(words) === 'undefined') words = false;
var seconds = (+ms)/1000;
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds/60);
var hours = Math.floor(minutes/60);
seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
minutes = Math.floor(minutes % 60);
r = '';
if (words) {
if (hours) {
r += hours;
r += ' hr ';
r += minutes + ' min';
} else {
if (hours < 10) r += '0';
r += hours + ':';
if (minutes < 10) r += '0';
r += minutes + ':';
if (seconds < 10) r += '0';
r += seconds;
return r;
change_total_progress_bar: function(change) {
job_percent = Math.floor(100 /;
var $bar_outter = $('<div />')
.addClass('progress zuul-change-total-result');
$.each(, function (i, job) {
var result = job.result ? job.result.toLowerCase() : null;
if (result === null) {
result = job.url ? 'in progress' : 'queued';
if (result != 'queued') {
var $bar_inner = $('<div />')
switch (result) {
case 'success':
case 'lost':
case 'failure':
case 'unstable':
case 'in progress':
case 'queued':
.css('width', job_percent + '%');
return $bar_outter;
change_header: function(change) {
change_id = || 'NA';
if (change_id.length === 40) {
change_id = change_id.substr(0, 7);
$change_link = $('<small />');
if (change.url !== null) {
$("<a />").attr("href", change.url).text(
else {
$change_progress_row_left = $('<div />')
$change_progress_row_right = $('<div />')
$change_progress_row = $('<div />')
$project_span = $('<span />')
$left = $('<div />')
.append($project_span, $('<br />'), $change_progress_row);
remaining_time = zuul.format.time(change.remaining_time, true);
enqueue_time = zuul.format.enqueue_time(change.enqueue_time);
$remaining_time = $('<small />').addClass('time')
.attr('title', 'Remaining Time').html(remaining_time);
$enqueue_time = $('<small />').addClass('time')
.attr('title', 'Elapsed Time').html(enqueue_time);
$right = $('<div />')
.addClass('col-xs-4 text-right')
.append($remaining_time, $('<br />'), $enqueue_time);
$header = $('<div />')
.append($left, $right);
return $header;
change_list: function(jobs) {
var $list = $('<ul />')
$.each(jobs, function (i, job) {
var $item = $('<li />')
return $list;
change_panel: function (change) {
var $header = $('<div />')
.addClass('panel-heading patchset-header')
var panel_id = ?',', '_')
: change.project.replace('/', '_') +
'-' + change.enqueue_time
var $panel = $('<div />')
.attr("id", panel_id)
.addClass('panel panel-default zuul-change')
return $panel;
pipeline: function (pipeline) {
var $html = $('<div />')
.addClass('zuul-pipeline col-md-4')
.append($('<h3 />').text(;
if (typeof pipeline.description === 'string') {
$('<p />').append(
$('<small />').text(pipeline.description)
function (queueNum, changeQueue) {
$.each(changeQueue.heads, function (headNum, changes) {
if (pipeline.change_queues.length > 1 &&
headNum === 0) {
var name =;
var short_name = name;
if (short_name.length > 32) {
short_name = short_name.substr(0, 32) + '...';
$('<p />')
.text('Queue: ')
$('<abbr />')
.attr('title', name)
$.each(changes, function (changeNum, change) {
var $panel = zuul.format.change_panel(change);
return $html;
filter_form_group: function(default_text) {
// Update the filter form with a clear button if required
var $label = $('<label />')
.attr('for', 'filter_string')
.css('padding-right', '0.5em');
var $input = $('<input />')
.attr('type', 'text')
.attr('id', 'filter_string')
'project(s), pipeline(s) or review(s) comma ' +
.attr('value', default_text);
var $clear_icon = $('<span />')
.addClass('glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle')
.attr('id', 'filter_form_clear_box')
.attr('title', 'clear filter')
.css('cursor', 'pointer');
$ {
if (default_text == '') {
var $form_group = $('<div />')
.addClass('form-group has-feedback')
.append($label, $input, $clear_icon);
return $form_group;
filter_form: function() {
// Build the filter form filling anything from cookies
$filter_form = $('<form />')
.attr('role', 'form')
return $filter_form;
emit: function () {
$jq.trigger.apply($jq, arguments);
return this;
on: function () {
$jq.on.apply($jq, arguments);
return this;
one: function () {
$$jq, arguments);
return this;
toggle_patchset: function(e) {
// Toggle showing/hiding the patchset when the header is clicked
// Grab the patchset panel
var $panel = $('.zuul-change');
var $body = $panel.children(':not(.patchset-header)');
var collapsed_index = zuul.collapsed_exceptions.indexOf(
if (collapsed_index == -1 ) {
// Currently not an exception, add it to list
else {
// Currently an except, remove from exceptions
zuul.collapsed_exceptions.splice(collapsed_index, 1);
display_patchset: function($panel, animate) {
// Determine if to show or hide the patchset and/or the results
// when loaded
// See if we should hide the body/results
var $body = $panel.children(':not(.patchset-header)');
var collapsed_index = zuul.collapsed_exceptions.indexOf(
if (collapsed_index == -1 ) {
// Currently not an exception
// we are hiding by default
else {
// Currently an exception
// Do nothing more (will display)
// Check if we should hide the whole panel
var panel_project = $panel.find('.change_project').text()
var panel_pipeline = $panel.parents('.zuul-pipeline')
var panel_change = $panel.attr('id');
if (current_filter != '') {
show_panel = false;
filter = current_filter.trim().split(/[\s,]+/);
$.each(filter, function(index, f_val) {
if (f_val != '') {
f_val = f_val.toLowerCase();
if (panel_project.indexOf(f_val) != '-1' ||
panel_pipeline.indexOf(f_val) != '-1' ||
panel_change.indexOf(f_val) != '-1') {
show_panel = true;
if (show_panel == true) {
else {
else {
handle_filter_change: function(e) {
// Update the filter and save it to a cookie
current_filter = $('#filter_string').val();
set_cookie('zuul_filter_string', current_filter);
if (current_filter == '') {
else {
$('.zuul-change').each(function(index, obj) {
$panel = $(obj);
zuul.display_patchset($panel, 200);
return false;
current_filter = read_cookie('zuul_filter_string', current_filter);
$jq = $(zuul);
$jq.on('update-start', function () {
$jq.on('update-end', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
$'update-end', function () {
// Do this asynchronous so that if the first update adds a message, it
// will not animate while we fade in the content. Instead it simply
// appears with the rest of the content.
setTimeout(function () {
// Fade in the content
$(function ($) {
$msg = $('<div />').addClass('alert').hide();
$indicator = $('<button class="btn pull-right zuul-spinner">updating '
+ '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></span>'
+ '</button>');
$queueInfo = $('<p>Queue lengths: <span>0</span> events, ' +
'<span>0</span> results.</p>');
$queueEventsNum = $queueInfo.find('span').eq(0);
$queueResultsNum = $;
$filter_form = zuul.format.filter_form();
$pipelines = $('<div class="row"></div>');
$zuulVersion = $('<p>Zuul version: <span id="zuul-version-span">' +
$lastReconf = $('<p>Last reconfigured: ' +
'<span id="last-reconfigured-span"></span></p>');
$container = $('#zuul-container').append($msg, $indicator,
$queueInfo, $filter_form,
$pipelines, $zuulVersion,
'show.visibility': function () {
zuul.enabled = true;
'hide.visibility': function () {
zuul.enabled = false;