Add some ansible plugin tests

This is not complete, but it's a start.

While doing this it became clear that the upstream csvfile lookup plugin does
not work in python3. Work around that by putting in a simpler version of
the code into our copy.

Change-Id: Ic84d8265e6fd7e15a0e5d66c781409a087d761d7
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 8555208..7038471 100755
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -757,6 +757,54 @@
             self.assertIn(fail.format("timeout", build_timeout.uuid), msg)
             self.assertIn(fail.format("failpost", build_failpost.uuid), msg)
+    def _add_job(self, job_name):
+        conf = textwrap.dedent(
+            """
+            - job:
+                name: %s
+            - project:
+                name: org/plugin-project
+                check:
+                  jobs:
+                    - %s
+            """ % (job_name, job_name))
+        file_dict = {'.zuul.yaml': conf}
+        A = self.fake_gerrit.addFakeChange('org/plugin-project', 'master', 'A',
+                                           files=file_dict)
+        self.fake_gerrit.addEvent(A.getPatchsetCreatedEvent(1))
+        self.waitUntilSettled()
+    def test_plugins(self):
+        # Keep the jobdir around so we can inspect contents if an
+        # assert fails.
+        self.executor_server.keep_jobdir = True
+        # Output extra ansible info so we might see errors.
+        self.executor_server.verbose = True
+        count = 0
+        plugin_tests = [
+            ('passwd', 'FAILURE'),
+            ('cartesian', 'SUCCESS'),
+            ('consul_kv', 'FAILURE'),
+            ('credstash', 'FAILURE'),
+            ('csvfile_good', 'SUCCESS'),
+            ('csvfile_bad', 'FAILURE'),
+        ]
+        for job_name, result in plugin_tests:
+            count += 1
+            self._add_job(job_name)
+            job = self.getJobFromHistory(job_name)
+            with self.jobLog(job):
+                self.assertEqual(count, len(self.history))
+                build = self.history[-1]
+                self.assertEqual(build.result, result)
+        # TODOv3(jeblair): parse the ansible output and verify we're
+        # getting the exception we expect.
 class TestPrePlaybooks(AnsibleZuulTestCase):
     # A temporary class to hold new tests while others are disabled