Use zuul config sphinx directives for pipeline

This updates the entire pipeline config to use the new directives.
The content is generally not changed.

Change-Id: I213cb9447f2333ef6c186e0ff1ada782bcf27249
diff --git a/doc/source/user/config.rst b/doc/source/user/config.rst
index 5584762..2084c9c 100644
--- a/doc/source/user/config.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user/config.rst
@@ -124,292 +124,333 @@
 .. zuul:configobject:: pipeline
-The attributes available on a pipeline are as follows (all are
-optional unless otherwise specified):
+   The attributes available on a pipeline are as follows (all are
+   optional unless otherwise specified):
-  .. zuul:attr:: name
-     :required:
+   .. zuul:attr:: name
+      :required:
-     This is used later in the project definition to indicate what jobs
-     should be run for events in the pipeline.
+      This is used later in the project definition to indicate what jobs
+      should be run for events in the pipeline.
-  .. zuul:attr:: manager
-     :required:
+   .. zuul:attr:: manager
+      :required:
-     There are currently two schemes for managing pipelines:
+      There are currently two schemes for managing pipelines:
-     .. _independent_pipeline_manager:
+      .. _independent_pipeline_manager:
-     .. zuul:value:: independent
+      .. zuul:value:: independent
-       Every event in this pipeline should be treated as independent of
-       other events in the pipeline.  This is appropriate when the order
-       of events in the pipeline doesn't matter because the results of
-       the actions this pipeline performs can not affect other events in
-       the pipeline.  For example, when a change is first uploaded for
-       review, you may want to run tests on that change to provide early
-       feedback to reviewers.  At the end of the tests, the change is
-       not going to be merged, so it is safe to run these tests in
-       parallel without regard to any other changes in the pipeline.
-       They are independent.
+         Every event in this pipeline should be treated as independent
+         of other events in the pipeline.  This is appropriate when
+         the order of events in the pipeline doesn't matter because
+         the results of the actions this pipeline performs can not
+         affect other events in the pipeline.  For example, when a
+         change is first uploaded for review, you may want to run
+         tests on that change to provide early feedback to reviewers.
+         At the end of the tests, the change is not going to be
+         merged, so it is safe to run these tests in parallel without
+         regard to any other changes in the pipeline.  They are
+         independent.
-       Another type of pipeline that is independent is a post-merge
-       pipeline. In that case, the changes have already merged, so the
-       results can not affect any other events in the pipeline.
+         Another type of pipeline that is independent is a post-merge
+         pipeline. In that case, the changes have already merged, so
+         the results can not affect any other events in the pipeline.
-     .. _dependent_pipeline_manager:
+      .. _dependent_pipeline_manager:
-     .. zuul:value:: dependent
+      .. zuul:value:: dependent
-       The dependent pipeline manager is designed for gating.  It
-       ensures that every change is tested exactly as it is going to be
-       merged into the repository.  An ideal gating system would test
-       one change at a time, applied to the tip of the repository, and
-       only if that change passed tests would it be merged.  Then the
-       next change in line would be tested the same way.  In order to
-       achieve parallel testing of changes, the dependent pipeline
-       manager performs speculative execution on changes.  It orders
-       changes based on their entry into the pipeline.  It begins
-       testing all changes in parallel, assuming that each change ahead
-       in the pipeline will pass its tests.  If they all succeed, all
-       the changes can be tested and merged in parallel.  If a change
-       near the front of the pipeline fails its tests, each change
-       behind it ignores whatever tests have been completed and are
-       tested again without the change in front.  This way gate tests
-       may run in parallel but still be tested correctly, exactly as
-       they will appear in the repository when merged.
+         The dependent pipeline manager is designed for gating.  It
+         ensures that every change is tested exactly as it is going to
+         be merged into the repository.  An ideal gating system would
+         test one change at a time, applied to the tip of the
+         repository, and only if that change passed tests would it be
+         merged.  Then the next change in line would be tested the
+         same way.  In order to achieve parallel testing of changes,
+         the dependent pipeline manager performs speculative execution
+         on changes.  It orders changes based on their entry into the
+         pipeline.  It begins testing all changes in parallel,
+         assuming that each change ahead in the pipeline will pass its
+         tests.  If they all succeed, all the changes can be tested
+         and merged in parallel.  If a change near the front of the
+         pipeline fails its tests, each change behind it ignores
+         whatever tests have been completed and are tested again
+         without the change in front.  This way gate tests may run in
+         parallel but still be tested correctly, exactly as they will
+         appear in the repository when merged.
-       For more detail on the theory and operation of Zuul's dependent
-       pipeline manager, see: :doc:`gating`.
+         For more detail on the theory and operation of Zuul's
+         dependent pipeline manager, see: :doc:`gating`.
-  This is a boolean which can be used to prevent jobs which require
-  secrets from running in this pipeline.  Some pipelines run on
-  proposed changes and therefore execute code which has not yet been
-  reviewed.  In such a case, allowing a job to use a secret could
-  result in that secret being exposed.  The default is False, meaning
-  that in order to run jobs with secrets, this must be explicitly
-  enabled on each Pipeline where that is safe.
+   .. zuul:attr:: allow-secrets
-  For more information, see :ref:`secret`.
+      This is a boolean which can be used to prevent jobs which
+      require secrets from running in this pipeline.  Some pipelines
+      run on proposed changes and therefore execute code which has not
+      yet been reviewed.  In such a case, allowing a job to use a
+      secret could result in that secret being exposed.  The default
+      is False, meaning that in order to run jobs with secrets, this
+      must be explicitly enabled on each Pipeline where that is safe.
-  This field may be used to provide a textual description of the
-  pipeline.  It may appear in the status page or in documentation.
+      For more information, see :ref:`secret`.
-  The introductory text in reports when all the voting jobs are
-  successful.  Defaults to "Build successful."
+   .. zuul:attr:: description
-  The introductory text in reports when at least one voting job fails.
-  Defaults to "Build failed."
+      This field may be used to provide a textual description of the
+      pipeline.  It may appear in the status page or in documentation.
-  The introductory text in the message reported when a change fails to
-  merge with the current state of the repository.  Defaults to "Merge
-  failed."
+   .. zuul:attr:: success-message
-  Supplies additional information after test results.  Useful for
-  adding information about the CI system such as debugging and contact
-  details.
+      The introductory text in reports when all the voting jobs are
+      successful.  Defaults to "Build successful."
-  At least one trigger source must be supplied for each pipeline.
-  Triggers are not exclusive -- matching events may be placed in
-  multiple pipelines, and they will behave independently in each of
-  the pipelines they match.
+   .. zuul:attr:: failure-message
-  Triggers are loaded from their connection name. The driver type of
-  the connection will dictate which options are available.
-  See :ref:`drivers`.
+      The introductory text in reports when at least one voting job
+      fails.  Defaults to "Build failed."
-  If this section is present, it established pre-requisites for any
-  kind of item entering the Pipeline.  Regardless of how the item is
-  to be enqueued (via any trigger or automatic dependency resolution),
-  the conditions specified here must be met or the item will not be
-  enqueued.
+   .. zuul:attr:: merge-failure-message
-.. _pipeline-require-approval:
+      The introductory text in the message reported when a change
+      fails to merge with the current state of the repository.
+      Defaults to "Merge failed."
-  **approval**
-  This requires that a certain kind of approval be present for the
-  current patchset of the change (the approval could be added by the
-  event in question).  It takes several sub-parameters, all of which
-  are optional and are combined together so that there must be an
-  approval matching all specified requirements.
+   .. zuul:attr:: footer-message
-    *username*
-    If present, an approval from this username is required.  It is
-    treated as a regular expression.
+      Supplies additional information after test results.  Useful for
+      adding information about the CI system such as debugging and
+      contact details.
-    *email*
-    If present, an approval with this email address is required.  It
-    is treated as a regular expression.
+   .. zuul:attr:: trigger
-    *email-filter* (deprecated)
-    A deprecated alternate spelling of *email*.  Only one of *email* or
-    *email_filter* should be used.
+      At least one trigger source must be supplied for each pipeline.
+      Triggers are not exclusive -- matching events may be placed in
+      multiple pipelines, and they will behave independently in each
+      of the pipelines they match.
-    *older-than*
-    If present, the approval must be older than this amount of time
-    to match.  Provide a time interval as a number with a suffix of
-    "w" (weeks), "d" (days), "h" (hours), "m" (minutes), "s"
-    (seconds).  Example ``48h`` or ``2d``.
+      Triggers are loaded from their connection name. The driver type
+      of the connection will dictate which options are available.  See
+      :ref:`drivers`.
-    *newer-than*
-    If present, the approval must be newer than this amount of time
-    to match.  Same format as "older-than".
+   .. zuul:attr:: require
-    Any other field is interpreted as a review category and value
-    pair.  For example ``Verified: 1`` would require that the approval
-    be for a +1 vote in the "Verified" column.  The value may either
-    be a single value or a list: ``Verified: [1, 2]`` would match
-    either a +1 or +2 vote.
+      If this section is present, it established pre-requisites for
+      any kind of item entering the Pipeline.  Regardless of how the
+      item is to be enqueued (via any trigger or automatic dependency
+      resolution), the conditions specified here must be met or the
+      item will not be enqueued.
-  **open**
-  A boolean value (``true`` or ``false``) that indicates whether the change
-  must be open or closed in order to be enqueued.
+      .. _pipeline-require-approval:
-  **current-patchset**
-  A boolean value (``true`` or ``false``) that indicates whether the change
-  must be the current patchset in order to be enqueued.
+      .. zuul:attr:: approval
-  **status**
-  A string value that corresponds with the status of the change
-  reported by the trigger.
+         This requires that a certain kind of approval be present for
+         the current patchset of the change (the approval could be
+         added by the event in question).  It takes several
+         sub-parameters, all of which are optional and are combined
+         together so that there must be an approval matching all
+         specified requirements.
-  If this section is present, it establishes pre-requisites that can
-  block an item from being enqueued. It can be considered a negative
-  version of **require**.
+          .. zuul:attr:: username
-  **approval**
-  This takes a list of approvals. If an approval matches the provided
-  criteria the change can not be entered into the pipeline. It follows
-  the same syntax as the :ref:`"require approval" pipeline above
-  <pipeline-require-approval>`.
+             If present, an approval from this username is required.  It is
+             treated as a regular expression.
-  Example to reject a change with any negative vote::
+          .. zuul:attr:: email
-    reject:
-      approval:
-        - Code-Review: [-1, -2]
+             If present, an approval with this email address is required.  It
+             is treated as a regular expression.
-  Normally, if a new patchset is uploaded to a change that is in a
-  pipeline, the existing entry in the pipeline will be removed (with
-  jobs canceled and any dependent changes that can no longer merge as
-  well.  To suppress this behavior (and allow jobs to continue
-  running), set this to ``false``.  Default: ``true``.
+          .. zuul:attr:: email-filter (deprecated)
-  In any kind of pipeline (dependent or independent), Zuul will
-  attempt to enqueue all dependencies ahead of the current change so
-  that they are tested together (independent pipelines report the
-  results of each change regardless of the results of changes ahead).
-  To ignore dependencies completely in an independent pipeline, set
-  this to ``true``.  This option is ignored by dependent pipelines.
-  The default is: ``false``.
+             A deprecated alternate spelling of *email*.  Only one of
+             *email* or *email_filter* should be used.
-  Indicates how the build scheduler should prioritize jobs for
-  different pipelines.  Each pipeline may have one precedence, jobs
-  for pipelines with a higher precedence will be run before ones with
-  lower.  The value should be one of ``high``, ``normal``, or ``low``.
-  Default: ``normal``.
+          .. zuul:attr:: older-than
-The following options configure *reporters*.  Reporters are
-complementary to triggers; where a trigger is an event on a connection
-which causes Zuul to enqueue an item, a reporter is the action
-performed on a connection when an item is dequeued after its jobs
-complete.  The actual syntax for a reporter is defined by the driver
-which implements it.  See :ref:`drivers` for more information.
+             If present, the approval must be older than this amount
+             of time to match.  Provide a time interval as a number
+             with a suffix of "w" (weeks), "d" (days), "h" (hours),
+             "m" (minutes), "s" (seconds).  Example ``48h`` or ``2d``.
-  Describes where Zuul should report to if all the jobs complete
-  successfully.  This section is optional; if it is omitted, Zuul will
-  run jobs and do nothing on success -- it will not report at all.  If
-  the section is present, the listed reporters will be asked to report
-  on the jobs.  The reporters are listed by their connection name. The
-  options available depend on the driver for the supplied connection.
+          .. zuul:attr:: newer-than
-  These reporters describe what Zuul should do if at least one job
-  fails.
+             If present, the approval must be newer than this amount
+             of time to match.  Same format as "older-than".
-  These reporters describe what Zuul should do if it is unable to
-  merge in the patchset. If no merge-failure reporters are listed then
-  the ``failure`` reporters will be used to notify of unsuccessful
-  merges.
+          Any other field is interpreted as a review category and
+          value pair.  For example ``Verified: 1`` would require that
+          the approval be for a +1 vote in the "Verified" column.  The
+          value may either be a single value or a list: ``Verified:
+          [1, 2]`` would match either a +1 or +2 vote.
-  These reporters describe what Zuul should do when a change is added
-  to the pipeline.  This can be used, for example, to reset a
-  previously reported result.
+      .. zuul:attr:: open
-  These reporters describe what Zuul should do when a pipeline is
-  disabled.  See ``disable-after-consecutive-failures``.
+         A boolean value (``true`` or ``false``) that indicates whether
+         the change must be open or closed in order to be enqueued.
-The following options can be used to alter Zuul's behavior to mitigate
-situations in which jobs are failing frequently (perhaps due to a
-problem with an external dependency, or unusually high
-non-deterministic test failures).
+      .. zuul:attr:: current-patchset
-  If set, a pipeline can enter a ''disabled'' state if too many changes
-  in a row fail. When this value is exceeded the pipeline will stop
-  reporting to any of the ``success``, ``failure`` or ``merge-failure``
-  reporters and instead only report to the ``disabled`` reporters.
-  (No ``start`` reports are made when a pipeline is disabled).
+         A boolean value (``true`` or ``false``) that indicates whether
+         the change must be the current patchset in order to be
+         enqueued.
-  Dependent pipeline managers only. Zuul can rate limit dependent
-  pipelines in a manner similar to TCP flow control.  Jobs are only
-  started for items in the queue if they are within the actionable
-  window for the pipeline. The initial length of this window is
-  configurable with this value. The value given should be a positive
-  integer value. A value of ``0`` disables rate limiting on the
-  DependentPipelineManager.  Default: ``20``.
+      .. zuul:attr:: status
-  Dependent pipeline managers only. This is the minimum value for the
-  window described above. Should be a positive non zero integer value.
-  Default: ``3``.
+         A string value that corresponds with the status of the change
+         reported by the trigger.
-  Dependent pipeline managers only. This value describes how the window
-  should grow when changes are successfully merged by zuul. A value of
-  ``linear`` indicates that ``window-increase-factor`` should be added
-  to the previous window value. A value of ``exponential`` indicates
-  that ``window-increase-factor`` should be multiplied against the
-  previous window value and the result will become the window size.
-  Default: ``linear``.
+   .. zuul:attr:: reject
-  Dependent pipeline managers only. The value to be added or multiplied
-  against the previous window value to determine the new window after
-  successful change merges.
-  Default: ``1``.
+      If this section is present, it establishes pre-requisites that
+      can block an item from being enqueued. It can be considered a
+      negative version of **require**.
-  Dependent pipeline managers only. This value describes how the window
-  should shrink when changes are not able to be merged by Zuul. A value
-  of ``linear`` indicates that ``window-decrease-factor`` should be
-  subtracted from the previous window value. A value of ``exponential``
-  indicates that ``window-decrease-factor`` should be divided against
-  the previous window value and the result will become the window size.
-  Default: ``exponential``.
+      .. zuul:attr:: approval
-  Dependent pipline managers only. The value to be subtracted or divided
-  against the previous window value to determine the new window after
-  unsuccessful change merges.
-  Default: ``2``.
+         This takes a list of approvals. If an approval matches the
+         provided criteria the change can not be entered into the
+         pipeline. It follows the same syntax as the :ref:`"require
+         approval" pipeline above <pipeline-require-approval>`.
+         Example to reject a change with any negative vote::
+           reject:
+             approval:
+               - code-review: [-1, -2]
+   .. zuul:attr:: dequeue-on-new-patchset
+      Normally, if a new patchset is uploaded to a change that is in a
+      pipeline, the existing entry in the pipeline will be removed
+      (with jobs canceled and any dependent changes that can no longer
+      merge as well.  To suppress this behavior (and allow jobs to
+      continue running), set this to ``false``.  Default: ``true``.
+   .. zuul:attr:: ignore-dependencies
+      In any kind of pipeline (dependent or independent), Zuul will
+      attempt to enqueue all dependencies ahead of the current change
+      so that they are tested together (independent pipelines report
+      the results of each change regardless of the results of changes
+      ahead).  To ignore dependencies completely in an independent
+      pipeline, set this to ``true``.  This option is ignored by
+      dependent pipelines.  The default is: ``false``.
+   .. zuul:attr:: precedence
+      Indicates how the build scheduler should prioritize jobs for
+      different pipelines.  Each pipeline may have one precedence,
+      jobs for pipelines with a higher precedence will be run before
+      ones with lower.  The value should be one of ``high``,
+      ``normal``, or ``low``.  Default: ``normal``.
+   The following options configure *reporters*.  Reporters are
+   complementary to triggers; where a trigger is an event on a
+   connection which causes Zuul to enqueue an item, a reporter is the
+   action performed on a connection when an item is dequeued after its
+   jobs complete.  The actual syntax for a reporter is defined by the
+   driver which implements it.  See :ref:`drivers` for more
+   information.
+   .. zuul:attr:: success
+      Describes where Zuul should report to if all the jobs complete
+      successfully.  This section is optional; if it is omitted, Zuul
+      will run jobs and do nothing on success -- it will not report at
+      all.  If the section is present, the listed reporters will be
+      asked to report on the jobs.  The reporters are listed by their
+      connection name. The options available depend on the driver for
+      the supplied connection.
+   .. zuul:attr:: failure
+      These reporters describe what Zuul should do if at least one job
+      fails.
+   .. zuul:attr:: merge-failure
+      These reporters describe what Zuul should do if it is unable to
+      merge in the patchset. If no merge-failure reporters are listed
+      then the ``failure`` reporters will be used to notify of
+      unsuccessful merges.
+   .. zuul:attr:: start
+      These reporters describe what Zuul should do when a change is
+      added to the pipeline.  This can be used, for example, to reset
+      a previously reported result.
+   .. zuul:attr:: disabled
+      These reporters describe what Zuul should do when a pipeline is
+      disabled.  See ``disable-after-consecutive-failures``.
+   The following options can be used to alter Zuul's behavior to
+   mitigate situations in which jobs are failing frequently (perhaps
+   due to a problem with an external dependency, or unusually high
+   non-deterministic test failures).
+   .. zuul:attr:: disable-after-consecutive-failures
+      If set, a pipeline can enter a ''disabled'' state if too many
+      changes in a row fail. When this value is exceeded the pipeline
+      will stop reporting to any of the ``success``, ``failure`` or
+      ``merge-failure`` reporters and instead only report to the
+      ``disabled`` reporters.  (No ``start`` reports are made when a
+      pipeline is disabled).
+   .. zuul:attr:: window
+      Dependent pipeline managers only. Zuul can rate limit dependent
+      pipelines in a manner similar to TCP flow control.  Jobs are
+      only started for items in the queue if they are within the
+      actionable window for the pipeline. The initial length of this
+      window is configurable with this value. The value given should
+      be a positive integer value. A value of ``0`` disables rate
+      limiting on the DependentPipelineManager.  Default: ``20``.
+   .. zuul:attr:: window-floor
+      Dependent pipeline managers only. This is the minimum value for
+      the window described above. Should be a positive non zero
+      integer value.  Default: ``3``.
+   .. zuul:attr:: window-increase-type
+      Dependent pipeline managers only. This value describes how the
+      window should grow when changes are successfully merged by
+      zuul. A value of ``linear`` indicates that
+      ``window-increase-factor`` should be added to the previous
+      window value. A value of ``exponential`` indicates that
+      ``window-increase-factor`` should be multiplied against the
+      previous window value and the result will become the window
+      size.  Default: ``linear``.
+   .. zuul:attr:: window-increase-factor
+      Dependent pipeline managers only. The value to be added or
+      multiplied against the previous window value to determine the
+      new window after successful change merges.  Default: ``1``.
+   .. zuul:attr:: window-decrease-type
+      Dependent pipeline managers only. This value describes how the
+      window should shrink when changes are not able to be merged by
+      Zuul. A value of ``linear`` indicates that
+      ``window-decrease-factor`` should be subtracted from the
+      previous window value. A value of ``exponential`` indicates that
+      ``window-decrease-factor`` should be divided against the
+      previous window value and the result will become the window
+      size.  Default: ``exponential``.
+   .. zuul:attr:: window-decrease-factor
+      Dependent pipline managers only. The value to be subtracted or
+      divided against the previous window value to determine the new
+      window after unsuccessful change merges.  Default: ``2``.
 .. _job:
@@ -482,7 +523,7 @@
       parent: base
         - name: test-node
-	  image: fedora
+          image: fedora
 The following attributes are available on a job; all are optional
 unless otherwise specified: