Tests: Improve support in fake builds

This change makes two improvments to FakeBuild:

1) Restore support for examining commits present in a build

Since the merge for a commit is now performed on the launch server,
the previous method of examining the git repo state on the merger
no longer works.  Move the method that performs this function to
the FakeBuild and give the FakeBuild the context of the launch
server's JobDir.  Then it can inspect the repo states as created
in the JobDir on the launch server.  These are the repos that will
be pushed onto the test node.

The ZUUL_COMMIT env variable is no longer revelant, so remove that
from the check.

2) Restore support for releasing a held build.

Change-Id: I654a269d37c0bc323ed73afa68a73ddd558be7e2
diff --git a/tests/base.py b/tests/base.py
index e1e568f..a464ef2 100755
--- a/tests/base.py
+++ b/tests/base.py
@@ -532,10 +532,11 @@
 class FakeBuild(object):
     log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test")
-    def __init__(self, launch_server, job, number, node):
+    def __init__(self, launch_server, job, jobdir, number, node):
         self.daemon = True
         self.launch_server = launch_server
         self.job = job
+        self.jobdir = jobdir
         self.number = number
         self.node = node
         self.parameters = json.loads(job.arguments)
@@ -612,6 +613,23 @@
         return result
+    def hasChanges(self, *commits):
+        project = self.parameters['ZUUL_PROJECT']
+        path = os.path.join(self.jobdir.git_root, project)
+        repo = git.Repo(path)
+        ref = self.parameters['ZUUL_REF']
+        repo_messages = [c.message.strip() for c in repo.iter_commits(ref)]
+        commit_messages = ['%s-1' % commit.subject for commit in commits]
+        self.log.debug("Checking if build %s has changes; commit_messages %s;"
+                       " repo_messages %s" % (self, commit_messages,
+                                              repo_messages))
+        for msg in commit_messages:
+            if msg not in repo_messages:
+                self.log.debug("  messages do not match")
+                return False
+        self.log.debug("  OK")
+        return True
 class RecordingLaunchServer(zuul.launcher.server.LaunchServer):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
@@ -637,12 +655,27 @@
                 return True
         return False
+    def release(self, regex=None):
+        builds = self.running_builds[:]
+        self.log.debug("Releasing build %s (%s)" % (regex,
+                                                    len(self.running_builds)))
+        for build in builds:
+            if not regex or re.match(regex, build.name):
+                self.log.debug("Releasing build %s" %
+                               (build.parameters['ZUUL_UUID']))
+                build.release()
+            else:
+                self.log.debug("Not releasing build %s" %
+                               (build.parameters['ZUUL_UUID']))
+        self.log.debug("Done releasing builds %s (%s)" %
+                       (regex, len(self.running_builds)))
     def runAnsible(self, jobdir, job):
         with self._build_counter_lock:
             self.build_counter += 1
             build_counter = self.build_counter
         node = None
-        build = FakeBuild(self, job, build_counter, node)
+        build = FakeBuild(self, job, jobdir, build_counter, node)
         job.build = build
@@ -735,21 +768,6 @@
                 return True
         return False
-    def release(self, regex=None):
-        builds = self.running_builds[:]
-        self.log.debug("releasing build %s (%s)" % (regex,
-                                                    len(self.running_builds)))
-        for build in builds:
-            if not regex or re.match(regex, build.name):
-                self.log.debug("releasing build %s" %
-                               (build.parameters['ZUUL_UUID']))
-                build.release()
-            else:
-                self.log.debug("not releasing build %s" %
-                               (build.parameters['ZUUL_UUID']))
-        self.log.debug("done releasing builds %s (%s)" %
-                       (regex, len(self.running_builds)))
 class FakeGearmanServer(gear.Server):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -1219,34 +1237,6 @@
         return False
-    def job_has_changes(self, *args):
-        job = args[0]
-        commits = args[1:]
-        if isinstance(job, FakeBuild):
-            parameters = job.parameters
-        else:
-            parameters = json.loads(job.arguments)
-        project = parameters['ZUUL_PROJECT']
-        path = os.path.join(self.git_root, project)
-        repo = git.Repo(path)
-        ref = parameters['ZUUL_REF']
-        sha = parameters['ZUUL_COMMIT']
-        repo_messages = [c.message.strip() for c in repo.iter_commits(ref)]
-        repo_shas = [c.hexsha for c in repo.iter_commits(ref)]
-        commit_messages = ['%s-1' % commit.subject for commit in commits]
-        self.log.debug("Checking if job %s has changes; commit_messages %s;"
-                       " repo_messages %s; sha %s" % (job, commit_messages,
-                                                      repo_messages, sha))
-        for msg in commit_messages:
-            if msg not in repo_messages:
-                self.log.debug("  messages do not match")
-                return False
-        if repo_shas[0] != sha:
-            self.log.debug("  sha does not match")
-            return False
-        self.log.debug("  OK")
-        return True
     def orderedRelease(self):
         # Run one build at a time to ensure non-race order:
         while len(self.builds):
@@ -1332,12 +1322,19 @@
             if build.number is None:
                 self.log.debug("%s has not reported start" % build)
                 return False
-            if False:  # worker_job.build.isWaiting():
-                # TODOv3: when we grow the ability to have fake
-                # ansible jobs wait, check for that here.
-                continue
+            worker_build = None
+            for wb in self.launch_server.running_builds:
+                if wb.job.unique == server_job.unique:
+                    worker_build = wb
+                    break
+            if worker_build:
+                if worker_build.isWaiting():
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    self.log.debug("%s is running" % worker_build)
+                    return False
-                self.log.debug("%s is running" % build)
+                self.log.debug("%s is unassigned" % server_job)
                 return False
         return True