Ansible launcher: add AFS publisher
This is an extension to JJB that works only in zuul-launcher, not
Jenkins. It allows copying the results of a build into afs.
It actually isn't really AFS specific at all, other than it
checks that the destination path is under /afs. Otherwise, it
behaves as a local copy on the launcher itself.
It also contains the logic needed to publish OpenStack's
documentation builds, which can appear as subdirectories of other
Change-Id: Icda75266219d2d7167e80aaad8e290443cfdbadc
diff --git a/zuul/launcher/ b/zuul/launcher/
index 40d0d5a..2321cea 100644
--- a/zuul/launcher/
+++ b/zuul/launcher/
@@ -1088,6 +1088,159 @@
return tasks
+ def _makeAFSTask(self, jobdir, publisher, parameters):
+ tasks = []
+ afs = publisher['afs']
+ # It is possible that this could be done in one rsync step,
+ # however, the current rysnc from the host is complicated (so
+ # that we can match the behavior of ant), and then rsync to
+ # afs is complicated and involves a pre-processing step in
+ # both locations (so that we can exclude directories). Each
+ # is well understood individually so it is easier to compose
+ # them in series than combine them together. A better,
+ # longer-lived solution (with better testing) would do just
+ # that.
+ afsroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=jobdir.staging_root)
+ afscontent = os.path.join(afsroot, 'content')
+ src = parameters['WORKSPACE']
+ if not src.endswith('/'):
+ src = src + '/'
+ rsync_opts = self._getRsyncOptions(afs['source'],
+ parameters)
+ syncargs = dict(src=src,
+ dest=afscontent,
+ copy_links='yes',
+ mode='pull')
+ if rsync_opts:
+ syncargs['rsync_opts'] = rsync_opts
+ task = dict(synchronize=syncargs,
+ when='success')
+ task.update(self.retry_args)
+ tasks.append(task)
+ afstarget = afs['target']
+ afstarget = self._substituteVariables(afstarget, parameters)
+ afstarget = os.path.normpath(afstarget)
+ if not afstarget.startswith('/afs'):
+ raise Exception("Target path %s is not below AFS root" %
+ (afstarget,))
+ src_markers_file = os.path.join(afsroot, 'src-markers')
+ dst_markers_file = os.path.join(afsroot, 'dst-markers')
+ exclude_file = os.path.join(afsroot, 'exclude')
+ filter_file = os.path.join(afsroot, 'filter')
+ find_pipe = [
+ "/usr/bin/find {path} -name .root-marker -printf '%P\n'",
+ "/usr/bin/xargs -I{{}} dirname {{}}",
+ "/usr/bin/sort > {file}"]
+ find_pipe = ' | '.join(find_pipe)
+ # Find the list of root markers in the just-completed build
+ # (usually there will only be one, but some builds produce
+ # content at the root *and* at a tag location).
+ task = dict(shell=find_pipe.format(path=afscontent,
+ file=src_markers_file),
+ when='success',
+ delegate_to='')
+ tasks.append(task)
+ # Find the list of root markers that already exist in the
+ # published site.
+ task = dict(shell=find_pipe.format(path=afstarget,
+ file=dst_markers_file),
+ when='success',
+ delegate_to='')
+ tasks.append(task)
+ # Create a file that contains the set of directories with root
+ # markers in the published site that do not have root markers
+ # in the built site.
+ exclude_command = "/usr/bin/comm -23 {dst} {src} > {exclude}".format(
+ src=src_markers_file,
+ dst=dst_markers_file,
+ exclude=exclude_file)
+ task = dict(shell=exclude_command,
+ when='success',
+ delegate_to='')
+ tasks.append(task)
+ # Create a filter list for rsync so that we copy exactly the
+ # directories we want to without deleting any existing
+ # directories in the published site that were placed there by
+ # previous builds.
+ # The first group of items in the filter list are the
+ # directories in the current build with root markers, except
+ # for the root of the build. This is so that if, later, the
+ # build root ends up as an exclude, we still copy the
+ # directories in this build underneath it (since these
+ # includes will have matched first). We can't include the
+ # build root itself here, even if we do want to synchronize
+ # it, since that would defeat later excludes. In other words,
+ # if the build produces a root marker in "/subdir" but not in
+ # "/", this section is needed so that "/subdir" is copied at
+ # all, since "/" will be excluded later.
+ command = ("/bin/grep -v '^/$' {src} | "
+ "/bin/sed -e 's/^+ /' > {filter}".format(
+ src=src_markers_file,
+ filter=filter_file))
+ task = dict(shell=command,
+ when='success',
+ delegate_to='')
+ tasks.append(task)
+ # The second group is the set of directories that are in the
+ # published site but not in the built site. This is so that
+ # if the built site does contain a marker at root (meaning
+ # that there is content that should be copied into the root)
+ # that we don't delete everything else previously built
+ # underneath the root.
+ command = ("/bin/grep -v '^/$' {exclude} | "
+ "/bin/sed -e 's/^- /' >> {filter}".format(
+ exclude=exclude_file,
+ filter=filter_file))
+ task = dict(shell=command,
+ when='success',
+ delegate_to='')
+ tasks.append(task)
+ # The last entry in the filter file is for the build root. If
+ # there is no marker in the build root, then we need to
+ # exclude it from the rsync, so we add it here. It needs to
+ # be in the form of '/*' so that it matches all of the files
+ # in the build root. If there is no marker at the build root,
+ # then we should omit the '/*' exclusion so that it is
+ # implicitly included.
+ command = "grep '^/$' {exclude} && echo '- /*' >> {filter}".format(
+ exclude=exclude_file,
+ filter=filter_file)
+ task = dict(shell=command,
+ when='success',
+ delegate_to='')
+ tasks.append(task)
+ # Perform the rsync with the filter list.
+ rsync_cmd = [
+ '/usr/bin/rsync', '-rtp', '--safe-links', '--delete-after',
+ "--filter='merge {filter}'", '{src}/', '{dst}/',
+ ]
+ shellargs = ' '.join(rsync_cmd).format(
+ src=afscontent,
+ dst=afstarget,
+ filter=filter_file)
+ task = dict(shell=shellargs,
+ when='success',
+ delegate_to='')
+ tasks.append(task)
+ return tasks
def _makeBuilderTask(self, jobdir, builder, parameters):
tasks = []
script_fn = '' % str(uuid.uuid4().hex)
@@ -1242,6 +1395,9 @@
if 'ftp' in publisher:
block.extend(self._makeFTPTask(jobdir, publisher,
+ if 'afs' in publisher:
+ block.extend(self._makeAFSTask(jobdir, publisher,
+ parameters))
# The 'always' section contains the log publishing tasks,