Support autoholding nodes for specific changes/refs

Add support for "scoped" autohold requests, making it possible
to create requests that match a given ref filter and hold nodes
for build that matches the filter.

Introduce two new arguments to `zuul autohold`: --ref and --change,
with --ref accepting regex that builds are matched against, and
--change being a shortcut that creates a filter for the specific change.

Change-Id: I801ba1af4b1bda46abff07791dd96828f2738621
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 3d76510..5ae8607 100755
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@
         r = client.autohold('tenant-one', 'org/project', 'project-test2',
-                            "reason text", 1)
+                            "", "", "reason text", 1)
         # First check that successful jobs do not autohold
@@ -1554,7 +1554,7 @@
             " ".join(['tenant-one',
-                      'project-test2'])
+                      'project-test2', '.*'])
         self.assertEqual(held_node['comment'], "reason text")
@@ -1574,13 +1574,151 @@
                 held_nodes += 1
         self.assertEqual(held_nodes, 1)
+    def _test_autohold_scoped(self, change_obj, change, ref):
+        client = zuul.rpcclient.RPCClient('',
+                                          self.gearman_server.port)
+        self.addCleanup(client.shutdown)
+        # create two changes on the same project, and autohold request
+        # for one of them.
+        other = self.fake_gerrit.addFakeChange(
+            'org/project', 'master', 'other'
+        )
+        r = client.autohold('tenant-one', 'org/project', 'project-test2',
+                            str(change), ref, "reason text", 1)
+        self.assertTrue(r)
+        # First, check that an unrelated job does not trigger autohold, even
+        # when it failed
+        self.executor_server.failJob('project-test2', other)
+        self.fake_gerrit.addEvent(other.getPatchsetCreatedEvent(1))
+        self.waitUntilSettled()
+        self.assertEqual(['status'], 'NEW')
+        self.assertEqual(other.reported, 1)
+        # project-test2
+        self.assertEqual(self.history[0].result, 'FAILURE')
+        # Check nodepool for a held node
+        held_node = None
+        for node in self.fake_nodepool.getNodes():
+            if node['state'] == zuul.model.STATE_HOLD:
+                held_node = node
+                break
+        self.assertIsNone(held_node)
+        # And then verify that failed job for the defined change
+        # triggers the autohold
+        self.executor_server.failJob('project-test2', change_obj)
+        self.fake_gerrit.addEvent(change_obj.getPatchsetCreatedEvent(1))
+        self.waitUntilSettled()
+        self.assertEqual(['status'], 'NEW')
+        self.assertEqual(change_obj.reported, 1)
+        # project-test2
+        self.assertEqual(self.history[1].result, 'FAILURE')
+        # Check nodepool for a held node
+        held_node = None
+        for node in self.fake_nodepool.getNodes():
+            if node['state'] == zuul.model.STATE_HOLD:
+                held_node = node
+                break
+        self.assertIsNotNone(held_node)
+        # Validate node has recorded the failed job
+        if change != "":
+            ref = "refs/changes/%s/%s/.*" % (
+                str(change_obj.number)[-1:], str(change_obj.number)
+            )
+        self.assertEqual(
+            held_node['hold_job'],
+            " ".join(['tenant-one',
+                      '',
+                      'project-test2', ref])
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(held_node['comment'], "reason text")
+    @simple_layout('layouts/autohold.yaml')
+    def test_autohold_change(self):
+        A = self.fake_gerrit.addFakeChange('org/project', 'master', 'A')
+        self._test_autohold_scoped(A, change=A.number, ref="")
+    @simple_layout('layouts/autohold.yaml')
+    def test_autohold_ref(self):
+        A = self.fake_gerrit.addFakeChange('org/project', 'master', 'A')
+        ref =['currentPatchSet']['ref']
+        self._test_autohold_scoped(A, change="", ref=ref)
+    @simple_layout('layouts/autohold.yaml')
+    def test_autohold_scoping(self):
+        client = zuul.rpcclient.RPCClient('',
+                                          self.gearman_server.port)
+        self.addCleanup(client.shutdown)
+        A = self.fake_gerrit.addFakeChange('org/project', 'master', 'A')
+        # create three autohold requests, scoped to job, change and
+        # a specific ref
+        change = str(A.number)
+        ref =['currentPatchSet']['ref']
+        r1 = client.autohold('tenant-one', 'org/project', 'project-test2',
+                             "", "", "reason text", 1)
+        self.assertTrue(r1)
+        r2 = client.autohold('tenant-one', 'org/project', 'project-test2',
+                             change, "", "reason text", 1)
+        self.assertTrue(r2)
+        r3 = client.autohold('tenant-one', 'org/project', 'project-test2',
+                             "", ref, "reason text", 1)
+        self.assertTrue(r3)
+        # Fail 3 jobs for the same change, and verify that the autohold
+        # requests are fullfilled in the expected order: from the most
+        # specific towards the most generic one.
+        def _fail_job_and_verify_autohold_request(change_obj, ref_filter):
+            self.executor_server.failJob('project-test2', change_obj)
+            self.fake_gerrit.addEvent(change_obj.getPatchsetCreatedEvent(1))
+            self.waitUntilSettled()
+            # Check nodepool for a held node
+            held_node = None
+            for node in self.fake_nodepool.getNodes():
+                if node['state'] == zuul.model.STATE_HOLD:
+                    held_node = node
+                    break
+            self.assertIsNotNone(held_node)
+            self.assertEqual(
+                held_node['hold_job'],
+                " ".join(['tenant-one',
+                          '',
+                          'project-test2', ref_filter])
+            )
+            self.assertFalse(held_node['_lock'], "Node %s is locked" %
+                             (node['_oid'],))
+            self.fake_nodepool.removeNode(held_node)
+        _fail_job_and_verify_autohold_request(A, ref)
+        ref = "refs/changes/%s/%s/.*" % (str(change)[-1:], str(change))
+        _fail_job_and_verify_autohold_request(A, ref)
+        _fail_job_and_verify_autohold_request(A, ".*")
     def test_autohold_ignores_aborted_jobs(self):
         client = zuul.rpcclient.RPCClient('',
         r = client.autohold('tenant-one', 'org/project', 'project-test2',
-                            "reason text", 1)
+                            "", "", "reason text", 1)
         self.executor_server.hold_jobs_in_build = True
@@ -1624,7 +1762,7 @@
         r = client.autohold('tenant-one', 'org/project', 'project-test2',
-                            "reason text", 1)
+                            "", "", "reason text", 1)
         autohold_requests = client.autohold_list()
@@ -1633,11 +1771,12 @@
         # The single dict key should be a CSV string value
         key = list(autohold_requests.keys())[0]
-        tenant, project, job = key.split(',')
+        tenant, project, job, ref_filter = key.split(',')
         self.assertEqual('tenant-one', tenant)
         self.assertIn('org/project', project)
         self.assertEqual('project-test2', job)
+        self.assertEqual(".*", ref_filter)
         # Note: the value is converted from set to list by json.
         self.assertEqual([1, "reason text"], autohold_requests[key])