Add quick-start guide

Change-Id: I718b2dd6fc6c71f67fbb1774ae4b0b625fdf053d
Signed-off-by: Thanh Ha <>
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
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 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
+   quick-start
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+Quick Start Guide
+System Requirements
+For most deployments zuul only needs 1-2GB. OpenStack uses a 30GB setup.
+Install Zuul
+You can get zuul from pypi via::
+    pip install zuul
+Zuul Components
+Zuul provides the following components:
+    - **zuul-server**: scheduler daemon which communicates with Gerrit and
+      Gearman. Handles receiving events, launching jobs, collecting results
+      and postingreports.
+    - **zuul-merger**: speculative-merger which communicates with Gearman.
+      Prepares Git repositories for jobs to test against. This additionally
+      requires a web server hosting the Git repositories which can be cloned
+      by the jobs.
+    - **zuul-cloner**: client side script used to setup job workspace. It is
+      used to clone the repositories prepared by the zuul-merger described
+      previously.
+    - **gearmand**: optional builtin gearman daemon provided by zuul-server
+External components:
+    - Jenkins Gearman plugin: Used by Jenkins to connect to Gearman
+Zuul Communication
+All the Zuul components communicate with each other using Gearman. As well as
+the following communication channels:
+    - Gerrit
+    - Gearman Daemon
+    - Gerrit
+    - Gearman Daemon
+    - http hosted zuul-merger git repos
+    - Gearman Daemon via Jenkins Gearman Plugin
+Zuul Setup
+At minimum we need to provide **zuul.conf** and **layout.yaml** and placed
+in /etc/zuul/ directory. You will also need a zuul user and ssh key for the
+zuul user in Gerrit. The following example uses the builtin gearmand service
+in zuul.
+    [zuul]
+    layout_config=/etc/zuul/layout.yaml
+    [merger]
+    git_dir=/git
+    zuul_url=
+    [gearman_server]
+    start=true
+    [gearman]
+    server=
+    [connection gerrit]
+    driver=gerrit
+    port=29418
+    baseurl=
+    user=zuul
+    sshkey=/home/zuul/.ssh/id_rsa
+See :doc:`zuul` for more details.
+The following sets up a basic timer triggered job using zuul.
+    pipelines:
+      - name: periodic
+        source: gerrit
+        manager: IndependentPipelineManager
+        trigger:
+          timer:
+            - time: '0 * * * *'
+    projects:
+      - name: aproject
+        periodic:
+          - aproject-periodic-build
+Starting Zuul
+You can run zuul-server with the **-d** option to make it not daemonize. It's
+a good idea at first to confirm there's no issues with your configuration.
+Simply run::
+    zuul-server
+Once run you should have 2 zuul-server processes::
+    zuul     12102     1  0 Jan21 ?        00:15:45 /home/zuul/zuulvenv/bin/python /home/zuul/zuulvenv/bin/zuul-server -d
+    zuul     12107 12102  0 Jan21 ?        00:00:01 /home/zuul/zuulvenv/bin/python /home/zuul/zuulvenv/bin/zuul-server -d
+Note: In this example zuul was installed in a virtualenv.
+The 2nd zuul-server process is gearmand running if you are using the builtin
+gearmand server, otherwise there will only be 1 process.
+Zuul won't actually process your Job queue however unless you also have a
+zuul-merger process running.
+Simply run::
+    zuul-merger
+Zuul should now be able to process your periodic job as configured above once
+the Jenkins side of things is configured.
+Jenkins Setup
+Install the Jenkins Gearman Plugin via Jenkins Plugin management interface.
+Then naviage to **Manage > Configuration > Gearman** and setup the Jenkins
+server hostname/ip and port to connect to gearman.
+At this point gearman should be running your Jenkins jobs.
+Checking Gearman function registration (jobs). You can use telnet to connect
+to gearman to check that Jenkins is registering your configured jobs in
+    telnet <gearman_ip> 4730
+Useful commands are **workers** and **status** which you can run by just
+typing those commands once connected to gearman. Every job in your Jenkins
+master must appear when you run **workers** for Zuul to be able to run jobs
+against your Jenkins instance.