Add per-repo public and private keys

Every project should have a public and private key to encrypt secrets.
Zuul expects them to already exist under /var/lib/zuul/keys on the
scheduler host.  If an operator manages these keys externally, they
should simply be placed there.  If they are not found, Zuul will
create them on startup and store them there so they will be found on
the next run.

The test framework uses a pre-generated keypair most of the time to
save time, however, a test is added to ensure that the auto-generate
code path is run.

Co-Authored-By: James E. Blair <>
Change-Id: Iedf7ce6ca97fab2a8b800158ed1561e45899bc51
diff --git a/tests/unit/ b/tests/unit/
index 5c0679d..52b4177 100644
--- a/tests/unit/
+++ b/tests/unit/
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@
 import os
 import textwrap
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
 import testtools
 import zuul.configloader
-from tests.base import AnsibleZuulTestCase, ZuulTestCase
+from tests.base import AnsibleZuulTestCase, ZuulTestCase, FIXTURE_DIR
 class TestMultipleTenants(AnsibleZuulTestCase):
@@ -303,3 +305,36 @@
     def test_broken_config_on_startup(self):
+class TestProjectKeys(ZuulTestCase):
+    # Test that we can generate project keys
+    # Normally the test infrastructure copies a static key in place
+    # for each project before starting tests.  This saves time because
+    # Zuul's automatic key-generation on startup can be slow.  To make
+    # sure we exercise that code, in this test we allow Zuul to create
+    # keys for the project on startup.
+    create_project_keys = True
+    tenant_config_file = 'config/in-repo/main.yaml'
+    def test_key_generation(self):
+        key_root = os.path.join(self.state_root, 'keys')
+        private_key_file = os.path.join(key_root, 'gerrit/org/project.pem')
+        # Make sure that a proper key was created on startup
+        with open(private_key_file, "rb") as f:
+            private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
+      ,
+                password=None,
+                backend=default_backend()
+            )
+        with open(os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'private.pem')) as i:
+            fixture_private_key =
+        # Make sure that we didn't just end up with the static fixture
+        # key
+        self.assertNotEqual(fixture_private_key, private_key)
+        # Make sure it's the right length
+        self.assertEqual(4096, private_key.key_size)