Improve fake github commit status handling

Move the commit status handling from directly in fake pull request
objects to be part of the fake github object, to more closely model how
github itself works.

Change-Id: I195f7bad8ee499a48de57fa0d2bbb7a736f7b343
Story: 2000774
Task: 4609
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 76f7e03..fae23fe 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -776,21 +776,6 @@
         repo = self._getRepo()
         return repo.references[self._getPRReference()].commit.hexsha
-    def setStatus(self, sha, state, url, description, context, user='zuul'):
-        # Since we're bypassing github API, which would require a user, we
-        # hard set the user as 'zuul' here.
-        # insert the status at the top of the list, to simulate that it
-        # is the most recent set status
-        self.statuses[sha].insert(0, ({
-            'state': state,
-            'url': url,
-            'description': description,
-            'context': context,
-            'creator': {
-                'login': user
-            }
-        }))
     def addReview(self, user, state, granted_on=None):
         gh_time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
         # convert the timestamp to a str format that would be returned
@@ -882,6 +867,7 @@
         self.connection_name = connection_name
         self.pr_number = 0
         self.pull_requests = []
+        self.statuses = {}
         self.upstream_root = upstream_root
         self.merge_failure = False
         self.merge_not_allowed_count = 0
@@ -1014,25 +1000,24 @@
         pull_request.merge_message = commit_message
     def getCommitStatuses(self, project, sha):
-        owner, proj = project.split('/')
-        for pr in self.pull_requests:
-            pr_owner, pr_project = pr.project.split('/')
-            # This is somewhat risky, if the same commit exists in multiple
-            # PRs, we might grab the wrong one that doesn't have a status
-            # that is expected to be there. Maybe re-work this so that there
-            # is a global registry of commit statuses like with github.
-            if (pr_owner == owner and pr_project == proj and
-                sha in pr.statuses):
-                return pr.statuses[sha]
+        return self.statuses.get(project, {}).get(sha, [])
-    def setCommitStatus(self, project, sha, state,
-                        url='', description='', context=''):
-        owner, proj = project.split('/')
-        for pr in self.pull_requests:
-            pr_owner, pr_project = pr.project.split('/')
-            if (pr_owner == owner and pr_project == proj and
-                pr.head_sha == sha):
-                pr.setStatus(sha, state, url, description, context)
+    def setCommitStatus(self, project, sha, state, url='', description='',
+                        context='default', user='zuul'):
+        # always insert a status to the front of the list, to represent
+        # the last status provided for a commit.
+        # Since we're bypassing github API, which would require a user, we
+        # default the user as 'zuul' here.
+        self.statuses.setdefault(project, {}).setdefault(sha, [])
+        self.statuses[project][sha].insert(0, {
+            'state': state,
+            'url': url,
+            'description': description,
+            'context': context,
+            'creator': {
+                'login': user
+            }
+        })
     def labelPull(self, project, pr_number, label):
         pull_request = self.pull_requests[pr_number - 1]