Merge pull requests from github reporter

Github reporter can be configured to merge pull reqeusts.

When there are multiple merges called at the same time, it leads to a
situation when github returns 405 MethodNotAllowed error becuase github
is checking the branch mergeability.
When we encounter this situation, we try to wait a bit (2 seconds for
now) and try to merge again.

Pre-release version of has to be used, because the latest
released version 9.4 has a bug in merge method. Furthermore the newest
merge method supports specifying exact sha to be merged, which is
desirable to ensure that the exact commit that went through the pipeline
gets merged.

Both are already fixed in the stable branch, but not yet released on
PyPi. See:

Change-Id: I0c3abbcce476774a5ba8981c171382eaa4fe0abf
7 files changed