Add a space and a capital letter to success banner
It's ugly when we print:
ok: [ubuntu-xenial]Ran in 0:00:05.475300 seconds. Start: 2017-05-26
20:21:40.805825 end: 2017-05-26 20:21:46.281125
It would be better if we print:
ok: [ubuntu-xenial] Runtime: 0:00:05.475300 Start: 2017-05-26
20:21:40.805825 End: 2017-05-26 20:21:46.281125
Note the space before Runtime and the capital E on end to match the capital
S on Start.
Change "Ran in {delta} seconds." to "Runtime: {delta}" - because
0:00:05.475300 isn't in units of seconds - it's a time with hours,
minutes, seconds and microseconds.
Change-Id: I9c61a1d81d8f9f98bb1646674c7e6830b3e85619
1 file changed