squashing git history for the last time
diff --git a/examples/dev_testing/main.cpp b/examples/dev_testing/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b86b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/dev_testing/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@



+#include "doctest.h"


+#include <cstdio>

+#include <exception>


+#define DECOMPOSE(expr) (expression_decomposer() << expr)


+#define EXPECT(expr)                                                                               \

+    do {                                                                                           \

+        if(result failed = DECOMPOSE(expr))                                                        \

+            printf("failed!\n");                                                                   \

+    } while(false)


+struct result


+    const bool passed;

+    const doctest::String decomposition;


+    result(bool passed, const doctest::String& decomposition)

+        : passed(passed), decomposition(decomposition) {}

+    operator bool() { return !passed; }



+//inline std::string to_string(std::string    const & text) { return "\"" + text + "\""; }

+inline doctest::String to_string(const char * text) { return doctest::String("\"") + text + "\""; }

+//inline doctest::String to_string(char text) { return doctest::String("\'") + text + "\'"; }


+inline std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, approx const & appr)


+    return os << appr.magnitude();



+template <typename T>

+std::string to_string(T const & value, int = 0 /* VC6 */)


+    std::ostringstream os; os << std::boolalpha << value; return os.str();



+template<typename T1, typename T2>

+std::string to_string(std::pair<T1, T2> const & pair)


+    std::ostringstream oss;

+    oss << "{ " << to_string(pair.first) << ", " << to_string(pair.second) << " }";

+    return oss.str();



+template <typename L, typename R>

+std::string to_string(L const & lhs, std::string op, R const & rhs)


+    std::ostringstream os; os << to_string(lhs) << " " << op << " " << to_string(rhs); return os.str();




+template <typename L>

+struct expression_lhs


+    const L lhs;


+    expression_lhs(L lhs)

+            : lhs(lhs) {}


+    operator result() { return result(!!lhs, to_string(lhs)); }


+    // clang-format off

+    template <typename R> result operator==(R const & rhs) { return result(lhs == rhs, to_string(lhs, "==", rhs)); }

+    template <typename R> result operator!=(R const & rhs) { return result(lhs != rhs, to_string(lhs, "!=", rhs)); }

+    template <typename R> result operator< (R const & rhs) { return result(lhs <  rhs, to_string(lhs, "<", rhs)); }

+    template <typename R> result operator<=(R const & rhs) { return result(lhs <= rhs, to_string(lhs, "<=", rhs)); }

+    template <typename R> result operator> (R const & rhs) { return result(lhs >  rhs, to_string(lhs, ">", rhs)); }

+    template <typename R> result operator>=(R const & rhs) { return result(lhs >= rhs, to_string(lhs, ">=", rhs)); }

+    // clang-format on



+struct expression_decomposer


+    template <typename L>

+    expression_lhs<L const&> operator<<(L const& operand) {

+        return expression_lhs<L const &>(operand);

+    }





+test(zzz) {

+    printf("main\n");

+    subtest("") {

+        printf("1\n");

+        subtest("") { printf("1-1\n"); }

+        subtest("") { printf("1-2\n"); }

+    }

+    subtest("") { printf("2\n"); }




+struct Empty


+    virtual ~Empty() {}



+doctest_fixture(Empty, trololo) { printf("Help?\n"); }


+// test(thrower)


+//    if(rand() > 4) {

+//        throw std::exception();

+//    } else {

+//        cout << "trololo" << endl;

+//    }



+static int testWrapper(void (*f)(void)) {

+    try {

+        f();

+    } catch(std::exception& e) {

+        printf("caught the bugger! %s\n", e.what());

+        return 1;

+    }

+    return 0;



+int main(int argc, char** argv) {

+    // initialize

+    doctest::Context context(argc, argv);

+    context.setTestExecutionWrapper(testWrapper);


+    // overrides

+    context.setOption("dt-case-sensitive", true);

+    context.addFilter("dt-name", "zzz");


+    // run

+    int res = context.runTests();


+#if defined(WITH_PAUSE)

+    system("pause");

+#endif // _MSC_VER


+    return res;



+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }

+// test("") { printf("TEST %d\n", __LINE__); }