test compile speeds of expression decomposition - with and without specialization for const char*
fix unary/binary assertion macros...
integrate patreon
write tests for the library itself
- macros should evaluate expressions only once
- macros should work with noncopyable types
better docs
- char ptr comparison - not what u'd expect
- not just for c++98
- updated compile time benchmarks (and include linux!)
- list the subcases as a major selling point on the main page - after the expression decomposition macro stuff
- faq - why macros - http://accu.org/index.php/journals/2064
- FAQ - how is it different from Catch (or what is lacking)
- faq - why c++
- FAQ - static libraries - also mention https://github.com/pthom/doctest_registerlibrary
- default options should be mentioned
- mention the new asserts
- document the new config identifiers
- for power users - separate headers
- post the traffic screenshot in the FAQ - "how epic was the initial release"
post in reddit for 1.1!
how to deal with pull requests for the main branch instead of the dev branch